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Expery last won the day on October 19 2016

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About Expery

  • Birthday 05/26/1991

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  1. So, okay. (I did it that way) I got offsets form "Clasic wow 1.12 5875" So I start to see how the addresses are stored, where are stored. From "5875" to "5.1.0 16357" It was easy to find out and match them. (It take me 2 days LoL ) But after that I found that (I'm big noob at that ): The offsets for 'lang' is placed only at audioLocale (I named the addres "GetLocaleClient" is the offset who i need) http://imgur.com/a/XH0Yd You have to play some time with IDA to understand it. It's easy just do it. PS. See in old client where is those and than Try in actual version. Have fun : http://pastebin.com/NJYgw8h4
  2. and the new one offsets for x86 7.1.0 22731 [22731] send=0x00330589 recv=0x00330493 lang=0x010DDB44
  3. This Offsets are easy like he do it For now I'm trying to find the functions for an example for x86: I have Offsets for 7.0.3 22522 I start with: lang=0x00F3A8BC which is + 0x400000 = 133A8BC I use IDA to see where is in 22522. But in 22722 is a lot different, I'm few step from the address that i want but if someone tell us how will be awesome so, please guys give us some guidelines. PS. Damn that search button ... Duplicate ... (I search it but don't display me anything sorry) ______________________Edit_______________________________________ Just find out all offsets which i need Have fun guys! [22722] send=0x00330202 recv=0x0033010C lang=0x010D7DC4 and voila 1689 packet received it was not so hard
  4. Edit I find out all Offsets: [22722] send=0x00330202 recv=0x0033010C lang=0x010D7DC4
  5. Yeah, what about "Hotfixes" ? how I can dump them ?
  6. Thanks you man What about the "UNKNOWN" case ? It's same for 'creature_model_info', 'creature_text' and 'gossip_menu'.
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