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Everything posted by Fyury

  1. But now I got the next Problem TrinityCore rev. 7f2b7dc9c216 2018-02-19 22:48:54 +0000 (HEAD branch) (Win64, Debug, Static) (Map & DBC Extractor) <Ctrl-C> to stop. ______ __ /\__ _\ __ __/\ \__ \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\ ___ /\_\ \, _\ __ __ \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \ \/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \ C O R E /\___/ http://TrinityCore.org \/__/ Opened casc storage 'C:/WoW-7.3.5\Data' Opened casc storage 'C:/WoW-7.3.5\Data' Detected client build 24742 for locale enUS Extracting dbc/db2 files... locale enUS output path C:\WoW-7.3.5\dbc\enUS Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AlliedRace.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AlliedRaceRacialAbility.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\BattlePetDisplayOverride.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CharacterServiceInfo.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ChrCustomization.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ConfigurationWarning.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemLevelSelectorQuality.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemLevelSelectorQualitySet.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\JournalEncounterXMapLoc.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\MapLoadingScreen.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\MissileTargeting.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\RelicSlotTierRequirement.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\RelicTalent.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SDReplacementModel.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SandboxScaling.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SceneScriptGlobalText.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SceneScriptText.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundEnvelope.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundKitName.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellVisualEvent.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellXDescriptionVariables.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\UIExpansionDisplayInfo.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\UIExpansionDisplayInfoIcon.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\UnitTest.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\VirtualAttachment.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\VirtualAttachmentCustomization.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ZoneStory.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Extracted 0 files Opened casc storage 'C:/WoW-7.3.5\Data' Extracting camera files... Read CinematicCamera.db2 file... Invalid CinematicCamera.db2 file format. Camera extract aborted. SUCCESS Opened casc storage 'C:/WoW-7.3.5\Data' Extracting game tables... output path C:\WoW-7.3.5\gt Extracted 0 files Opened casc storage 'C:/WoW-7.3.5\Data' Extracting maps... Read Map.db2 file... Fatal error: Invalid Map.db2 file format! SUCCESS
  2. Fixed my problem with Visual Studio 15.0 2017 and Boost 1_66_0.
  3. Which Version of visual studio is compatible with 7.3.5?
  4. Hello there! I just wanted to make a 7.3.5 Trinitycore Server and folllowed as always the steps at the wiki. Everything worked fine till the build with VS. I used Visual Studio 16 2019 x64 newest version at CMAKE. Trinitycore build: TDB735.00 After the Build I get this: ========== Build: 14 succeeded, 12 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== and a lot of C2039 Errors with the description: "_snprintf" ist not a member of "std" (see this picture | <--- errors descriptions are on german) at the Output I get smth like this: " 25>C:\local\boost_1_72_0\boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver.hpp(54,21): fatal error C1903: Weiterverarbeitung nach vorherigem Fehler nicht möglich; Kompilierung wird abgebrochen. "
  5. This is confusing me. Quest_template contains those items at RewardItem(1-4). Or do you mean something else?
  6. This is a bit late, but if you still need the 1 row of SQL for 1 b oss from a TBC raid, than just tell me the entry and I will give it to you
  7. I'm having this wierd quest issue with following quests: Solid as a Rock and Death to the Witchmoter I can finish both quests just I can't turn it in. When I go to the questender the "continue" button is grey, but the quest is completed. Anyone knows how to fix this?
  8. So the event "On Target Quest Accepted" is implemented. It's the SMART_EVENT_ACCEPTED_QUEST (Value: 19), but this isn't really interesting me. I just want to know how you make a creature in-/visible when you have a quest.
  9. So I want to make a Creature invisible and another creature visible after taking a quest. Can anyone tell me how? btw. am working on master build.
  10. Hey I have the newest 8.0.1 master branch from Trinitycore. I want to make the quest "Journey to Nazmir" ( https://www.wowhead.com/quest=47103/journey-to-nazmir ) ez quest to do. Just got 1 Problem. Flags is set to " 33554696 ". After accepting the quest you can't turn it in. Thats where my problem is. If I change the ID from 47103 to something else like 471030 than the quest works. This is a temporary fix for me, but anyone can tell me why this is so?
  11. Still have this problem. Running on the latest TrinityCore release.
  12. Nevermind. Did not saw the "quest_objective" table. my bad.
  13. QuestID: 40077 wowheadlink: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=40077/the-invasion-begins Problem: In my quest_template table there is no "RequiredNpcOrGo" and no "RequiredNpcOrGoCount". Also there´s no "RequiredItemCount" or "RequiredItemID". So where should I put in how many NPC you have to kill and which NPCs.
  14. I am trying to learn how to make quests with Trinity Core. I began with a easy quest: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=25152/your-place-in-the-world At creature_queststarter I made a new line and Wrote: ID: 10176 | quest: 25.152 At creature_template the NPC has the npcflag set to 2. So he is a Questgiver. The Problem is that when I stand befor Kaltunk (the questgiver) he does not give me the quest.
  15. I looked at some threads/posts... nothing helped me. https://imgur.com/a/iqbkifo
  16. nevermind just delete in "WoW_Folder/Data/enUS/" the "patch-enUS-w.mpq" and "patch-enUS-x.mpq" and it worked. Close
  17. I followed every step from the wiki site and created an own 3.3.5a WoW Server. After that I downloadet the 3.3.5a version of World of Warcraft from Warmane. Now when I want to create a character it look like this: Character: https://www.pic-upload.de/view-35767483/help1.png.html Npc: https://www.pic-upload.de/view-35767486/help2.png.html Is this a fail from my server or world of warcraft files?
  18. I deletet the WoW_Patched.exe and repatched it and now its working. (I think I patched the worng wow.exe before) Now the Realm is not anymore incompatible, but I cant join it. I am stuck in a "Logging in to game server " loop. Help again pls P.S: Thanks for all the help! EDIT: worldserver.exe is giving this error, when I try to connect. WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Authentication failed for account: 2 ('1#1') address:
  19. Thanks that fixed it. Now I have another problem. My Realm "Trintiy" (default realm) is incompatible ?! help pls
  20. When I run "worldserver.exe" it just crashes and I get this: TrinityCore rev. 084da48ba15a 2018-05-26 18:48:09 +0200 (master branch) (Win64, RelWithDebInfo, Static) (worldserver-daemon) <Ctrl-C> to stop. ______ __ /\__ _\ __ __/\ \__ \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\ ___ /\_\ \, _\ __ __ \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \ \/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \ C O R E /\___/ http://TrinityCore.org \/__/ Using configuration file C:/WoW-Server/bin/RelWithDebInfo/worldserver.conf. Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013) Using Boost version: 1.65.1 Updating Auth database... >> Auth database is up-to-date! Containing 6 new and 115 archived updates. Updating Character database... >> Character database is up-to-date! Containing 3 new and 77 archived updates. Updating World database... >> World database is up-to-date! Containing 193 new and 2262 archived updates. Updating Hotfixes database... >> Hotfixes database is up-to-date! Containing 18 new and 130 archived updates. Realm running as realm ID 1 Using World DB: TDB 735.00 Using enUS DBC Locale Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes. Using DataDir ./ WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps VMap support included. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1 VMap data directory is: ./vmaps Missing name Guild.SaveInterval in config file C:/WoW-Server/bin/RelWithDebInfo/worldserver.conf, add "Guild.SaveInterval = 15" to this file Initialize PlayerDump... >> Initialized 370 PlayerDump ColumnDefinitions in 551 ms. Loading Trinity strings... >> Loaded 965 trinity strings in 32 ms Initialize data stores... Some required *.db2 files (2 from 230) not found or not compatible: ItemSearchName.db2 WorldSafeLocs.db2 ItemSearName.db2 & WorldSafeLocs.db2 dont exist but how can I get them When I start "mapextractor.exe" this happens: Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemSearchName.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Unittest.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WorldSafeLocs.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
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