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Hello community. 


Since I can only understand coding and not write them yet, have I decided to make a YouTube-channel where I'm making videos of TrinityCore. The reason I do this is to point out some of the mistakes that TrinityCore contains so you may correct them.
Since I had problems before with making my own compiled TrinityCore server I was required to post here on the website. I was very quickly surprised by the help I received, even knowing that I was a beginner. 
So I wanted to give something in return.

Since I have a good circle of friends who loves to play on my new server, I feel that's the way I contribute. By posting videos like this: 

!Please give feedback if there's anything you would like to see. Soon we're raiding Naxxramas, and the videoes will be posted. 

!This video is not made to judge whether TrinityCore is good or not. It is made to correct mistakes! 
- Thanks for reading. Chris :)

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