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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/16 in all areas

  1. It's been almost 10 years that I'm into WoW Emulation, I can still remember the first times when I was 15 playing with the old MaNGOS. At that time I knew almost nothing about the world of programming. Now I'm 24, I work as software engineer and I'm proud of the many things that I learned thanks to the WoW emulation, that helped me a lot. A while ago I decided to make my Computer Science Master's Degree thesis about "Open Source Server Applications for MMORPG" which is about MaNGOS and TrinityCore, and the PvP statistics system that I've created for those applications. The degree was a big success and I scored the maximum grade! That is me (on the left) the day of the degree, during the speech about the thesis: I'm glad to be part of this community built by passionate people willing to share their skills with others, I always appreciated the spirit of the open source behind the WoW emulation projects and I'm writing this just to thank you all guys, for having created this awesome atmosphere during all these years!
    1 point
  2. I'm reading through the core scripts of TrinityCore to futher understand both C++ and TrinityCore itself. I have to post good job. To me being a novice in C++ the code is impressive and looks professional. I'm looking to further understand when I get to what I can self teach and hopefully give back. Now that I have time to put into the project. (Start with custom and go from there.)
    1 point
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