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Posts posted by CDawg

  1. That's odd. I know a server here in Romania that uses trinityCore and they have 4.3.4 working at least 95% for like a couple a' months now... (wow.private server linkin is forbidden.ro). Im not advertising or anything. It's not my server and the owner is a jackass called "Shockeru". It's just that they have a really great server made with Trinity. :)


    I like the "Im not advertising or anything". Good show old chap.. good show...

    They may say that it's 95%, but what does that even mean?

    You do know that you are an idiot and fell prey to those false advertising gimmicks, "Hey we have more  stuff working than the other guys, come join us!"

    If you truly believe that they have a "95%" (still don't know what that means). Then go ask them for their source, why are you here?

    • Upvote 1
  2. Hey Smellbee,

    What version of g++ & gcc & cmake are you running?

    I haven't compiled on my CentOS box for quite some time and will try it out since TC changed the cmake configuration to allow newer compilers.


    Also something that I noticed before you ran anything...

    -- Looking for pthread_create - not found
    -- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
    -- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
  3. Hello guys idk if its the right topic i made this in but i try =D

    I have some Problems im missing a table called Rbac_account_Groups For our 3.3.5a server

    Is there a way i can dl that Table?


    That's not a problem, that table no longer exists (according to the latest TDB full) you just need to update your core and DB.

    This is the current DB structure


  4. Do all steps, like download the latest TDB_full_434.05_2013_07_17.sql and create the world_updates.sql, in the world dababase loads the TDB_full_434.05_2013_07_17.sql and next by the world_updates.sql and runs again the authserver.exe and works, next runs the worldserver, white paper of death!

    You are obviously doing something wrong with the updates.


    And you are comparing apples to oranges. A 335a repack and 434 source is no where near the same thing. So actually.. that's like comparing apples to rocks.


    My advice to you is, just play on a friends 434 server and ask for GM access. But I do agree on your topic title which states "noob".

  5. Hello, i have a very big problem with worldserver.exe from the 4.3.4 version, in another day i made a working 4.3.4 server, but yesterday i tried to make it again but the worldserver.exe chased, whit this message:

    DatabasePool world NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.
    Cannot connect to world database;3306;root;root;world

    Authserver works fine, detects the auth database, its means there is not firewall blocking on the mysql server.


    "You say", Authserver connects and that you connected before to a 4.3.4 worldserver?

    It looks like you didn't run updates which makes me think you haven't ran worldserver, not to mention the wrong password in your DB or your .conf setting, but still..

    Trying to run TC without updates gives you "cannot connect", because your DB is outdated so it's trying to find tables or DBs that don't exist.

    So... my conclusion is

    1.) You have never ran a True TC 4.3.4 worldserver, or

    2.) you really really busted your TDB (again).



    What version of openssl and libssl-dev do you have running?

    I'm not sure if Ubuntu version 13+ needs a downgrade (I doubt it), but need to check the compatibilities.

    If by chance they are installed, they need to be installed globally or path them to your bin directory where you run your binaries.

  7. ^^  To add to what Paradox stated, we all would like to learn, but I agree at some point people should learn or read how these things work first before jumping in. (great example MySQL Databases).

    You don't have to know how a car works like a mechanic, but you should know how to drive one before taking it on the streets.

    There are more than enough shitty private servers out there where it will allow newbs to do low GM stuff, like give yourself gear, solo through an instance, fly around, etc...

    But, most people don't know shit about running servers and the main functionality or maintenance like not knowing how to drive, then suddenly out of pure dumb luck or a miracle they somehow get a server running, then they are a operating a large bus and drive people around town??

  8. There was a problem connecting, because..

    1. MySQL is not setup according to the wiki, or

    2. You didn't run the updates.

    unknown column 'permission' in field list.

    I'm leaning toward number 2.

    MySQL will try to read a DB/Table, when it's presented with too many errors than MySQL will dump the connection.

    thus the...

    Cannot connect to ...

    It's not always a permission or "access" issue.

  9. sorry about that, the error code was "non-aggregates cannot be initialized with initialiser list", also, sorry about making a new thread, was not sure if it was an actual cmake/compile issue or an issue with the latest build since at the time of download it had been modified only 1/2 an hour earlier, the file that had the issue was "boss_icecrown_gunship_battle.cpp, several errors (there are 35 in total) mention MuradinExitPath and go from line 222-231, the next one which is SaurfangExitPath goes from line 237-249, next error features a few syntax errors on line 2337 of the file as well as an Relocate offset not allowing 0 arguements error, next error is an illegal else without matching if error on line 2338 followed by a bunch of syntax errors on line 2339 and finally a "cannot open input file '..scriptsReleasescripts.lib' " error in the worldserver project, all bar the last one are in the scripts project.


    Hey Kira, need some more details...

    What version of the compiler are you using

    What version of cmake you are using

    You can paste a snippet of the error you see and wrap it in 'code' tags


    my error code here
  10. This helped me out awhile back, I had the same problem where my g++ was still the original 4.6.3

    doing a gcc -v and g++ -v should give you the same version, but in your case, it looks to be conflicting.


    I had to fix my alternatives so that they looked at newer versions and do a complete clean reinstall


    Upgrade to 4.8.1 following that link.

    Then add exactly from Guy Rutenburgs blog for cmake.

    Just in case, this is exactly what I did...


    Then blow away your ~/TrinityCore/build directory and do another make.


    That should do it!

  11. * TrinityCore revision : 1a0b3e596bd9+ 2014-03-17 20:30:48 +0100 (master branch)


    Did you modify something? Your revision tells me otherwise..

    Also, try searching, I know there is a guide for MAC, I think the MAC wiki may need to be updated. I actually had issues myself, currently on the latest Mavericks.

    I just threw on a Linux box and played also with VS on Win7 box.

  12. Specs (local):

    Windows 8.1 Pro 64 Bit w/ Intel i5 & 4GB RAM

    Specs (root):

    Windows Server 2008 R2 w/ Intel Xeon &16 GB RA


    You have to compile it on the same machine then. Like Paradox stated, you have conflicting .NET and/or runtimes. I've seen this a dozen times before.

    Compiled on machine and doesn't run properly on the other.

    It was the same problem with 32bit and 64bit, but even if both are the same platform, you may run into issues because of compatibility with the libraries

  13. Look at the image , It does not create a log file. it just does nothing.


    Even with bad mysql credentials a log is generated.


    What OpenSSL do you have running?

    Are you able to connect with worldserver?

    What MySQL are you running?

    Is something broke in your .conf file?

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