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Posts posted by Aokromes

  1. 6 hours ago, aicam said:

    Hello everyone,


    I searched through all threads that may help but I could not find any related answer. So I hope this question is not duplicate.

    I have developed simple options like custom commands for GM. These developments are straightforward so I could add my preferred command with less than four times compilation.

    On the other hand, I want to develop a custom arena join system which work with different structures including: GroupQueueInfo, PlayerQueueInfo (BattlegroundQueue.h). In addition, I need to use other functions like ObjectAccessor::FindPlayerByName. In this regard, I am working with many parts of the source so it is very natural to face many and many bugs and errors. If I want to develop in the way that each time I need to compile the source from scratch, it may takes decades for me to finish the development.

    Therefore, I was looking for a solution to minimize compilation as much as is possible. I created custom CMakeLists to include required files separately, however, it seems the source is compiled with custom options so it failed.

    I appreciate it if someone could guide me to develop a custom code with minimum compilation or at least options that help to recompile only changed file not all of the source. 

    the amount of recompilation depends of the files you change.

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  2. 10 hours ago, renderCASC3 said:

    Right now, TC supports WotLK (3.3.5) and SL (9.x) clients. My question is, did TC support MoP (5.4.8) or Legion (7.3.5) clients at some point? Because I could not find anything about this and I would like to fork and continue development of these versions.

    the 1st never existed on trinitycore, the second yes, you can search for 7.3.5 tag on github.

  3. On 12/27/2021 at 11:01 PM, jkeeton said:

    This probly has been asked before. I am looking into building a server. I have compiled before but never figured out a few things and have forgotten stuff after a head injury.

    1 how does one get the compiled server to work with client x.x.x lets just say 5.0.x, where does this get set in the core before compile ?

    2 how does one get the spells fix along with quest is this done in the core before compiling or is this done in the data base?

    3 once knew how to pull the maps ect but have now forgotten can this also be explained and told what tools are needed?

    any help would be great.


    trinitycore only supports 3.3.5a and 9.1.5, other clients versions support needs mayor modifications to server source and aren't supported.

  4. On 10/18/2021 at 4:47 PM, Crafted said:

    so you requested .additem [Champion Herod's Shoulder] at sec 46 but you received at 54 ? (you were exposed :D)

    Actually he's right , the command doesn't work for such item names.

    TrinityCore rev. 222164a5cc11+


    i pasted the item to use the add item after.

  5. Since April 2020 we updated checks to drop support of MySQL 5.6, but i failed to change 2 checks, now those 2 checks are fixed, and MySQL 5.7 or higher is mandatory.

    Also, MySQL 5.6 is EOL, so if you still want to use it i don't recommend to use it.

    Remind also, MySQL 5.7 is already near 6 years old and 8.0 over 3 years, so they are mature enough to use them on production.

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