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Posts posted by Aokromes

  1. 9 hours ago, DaveJ61 said:

    I have followed the guide more or less ok until it came to populating the MySQL Trinity databases in the guide https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/2130092/Databases+Installation as below:-

    From the unpacked 7z folder copy the SQL files that start with "TDB_world_" and "TDB_hotfixes_" (master branch only) to the directory where your worldserver binary (worldserver on linux or mac, worldserver.exe on windows) is (DON'T RENAME THOSE FILES OR AUTOMATIC SETUP WILL FAIL).

    In the guide, the line "Download the latest database compilation from TrinityCore Downloads (you may need to click on Next at page footer to see the proper TDB files).!" does not make sense as it just gives several pages of different versions, each with three assets, namely a TDB sql file and two source files, either in zip or tar.gz formats. If I download the 7z file, TDB_full_world_335.21021_2021_02_15.7z, it just extracts to a single large sql file. I am on the master branch and there are no TDB_world_ or TDB_hotfixes files at all. This does not seem correct according to the guide I am using. The database installation guide I am using is dated May 6th 202. Is there a newer guide available?

    Could someone please help?

    you have download 3.3.5a branch db, you are trying to find master branch only file. 

  2. 39 minutes ago, Crafted said:

    delete from disables where entry in(650); -- Enable Trial of the Champion and Mmaps

    I guess something like this woud be , run this query in world database.

    no. and don't post the correct one, it's disabled because a very good reason.

  3. 11 hours ago, McAdams said:

    Thanks Shauren. I have a 35662 client, but I built off an official 37176 client using the current head (as of 2021-02-20). My in-client realm lists the available realm as "Incompatible". Tried fudging the "gamebuild" field in realm_list, which I know has no guarantees of working, and it didn't. 

    Using the history on auth_database.sql I'm guessing building https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/87448621acd28990ea0fdd600a665012b27d5d98#diff-9548ad5730e018dba61771500dfc778592a20e2bc587d475f7669ed2be7cfc66

    when 35662 was added might get me in. Am I way off base?

    just update your client to retail version.

  4. --- Canned message start --- Trinity does not support repacks. Please learn to compile and configure the source yourself, you will learn more and may even find that the error doesnt exist in vanilla TC. Please refer to the author of the repack for your questions if you continue to use said repack. --- Canned message end ---

  5. 2 hours ago, obsidean said:

    I am getting 344 errors now when i try to compile the solution under Visual Studios 19.  I am trying to debug the issue so was wondering if there have been recent changes to how to compile under Windows 10.  I know this is vague but I have to start somewhere...

    Here is a sample of the errors.  Don't know if it has any value or not"

    17>D:\Visual Studio\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.26.28801\include\ctime(21): message : see declaration of 'std' (compiling source file D:\trinity\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp)
    17>D:\boost_1_72_0\boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp(576,34): error C2039: 'auto_ptr': is not a member of 'std' (compiling source file D:\trinity\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp)
    17>D:\Visual Studio\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.26.28801\include\ctime(21): message : see declaration of 'std' (compiling source file D:\trinity\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp)
    17>D:\boost_1_72_0\boost/get_pointer.hpp(48,40): error C2039: 'auto_ptr': is not a member of 'std' (compiling source file D:\trinity\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp)
    17>D:\boost_1_72_0\boost/dynamic_bitset/dynamic_bitset.hpp(2129): message : see declaration of 'std' (compiling source file D:\trinity\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp)
    17>D:\boost_1_72_0\boost/get_pointer.hpp(48,19): error C2065: 'auto_ptr': undeclared identifier (compiling source file D:\trinity\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp)
    17>D:\boost_1_72_0\boost/get_pointer.hpp(48,19): error C2988: unrecognizable template declaration/definition (compiling source file D:\trinity\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp)
    17>D:\boost_1_72_0\boost/get_pointer.hpp(48,19): error C2059: syntax error: 'const' (compiling source file D:\trinity\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp)
    17>D:\boost_1_72_0\boost/get_pointer.hpp(49,1): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' (compiling source file D:\trinity\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp)
    17>D:\boost_1_72_0\boost/get_pointer.hpp(49,1): error C2447: '{': missing function header (old-style formal list?) (compiling source file D:\trinity\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp)
    17>D:\boost_1_72_0\boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp(484,1): error C2535: 'boost::shared_ptr<const boost::program_options::value_semantic>::shared_ptr(void)': member function already defined or declared (compiling source file D:\trinity\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp)
    17>D:\boost_1_72_0\boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp(471): message : see declaration of 'boost::shared_ptr<const boost::program_options::value_semantic>::shared_ptr' (compiling source file D:\trinity\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp)
    17>D:\boost_1_72_0\boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp(484,1): error C2535: 'boost::shared_ptr<boost::program_options::option_description>::shared_ptr(void)': member function already defined or declared (compiling source file D:\trinity\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp)
    17>D:\boost_1_72_0\boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp(471): message : see declaration of 'boost::shared_ptr<boost::program_options::option_description>::shared_ptr' (compiling source file D:\trinity\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp)
    17>Done building project "worldserver.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
    18>------ Build started: Project: ALL_BUILD, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
    18>Building Custom Rule D:/trinity/CMakeLists.txt
    ========== Build: 12 succeeded, 6 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

    i suggest you to update VS to the latest stable version.

  6. On 7/14/2020 at 7:49 AM, Levcsu said:

    Dear everyone!

    Is there any kind of ways to disable the whole /run script command for players (chat functions)?
    Especially I'm looking for a fix solution for this:

    /run SendChatMessage("WOW", "WHISPER", nil, "\240\146\140\165\240\146\145\163\240\146\145\169\240\147\139\141\240\147\139\136\240\147\137\161\240\146\140\165\240\146\145\163\240\146\145\169\240\147\139\141\240\147\139\136\240\147\137\161")

    This still crash the server, and tested on the latest TrinityCore-master and TrinityCore-3.3.5

    I hope someone able to help me out.

    I tried this as a solution, but no luck sadly:



    PS: No crash log at all on debug mode lol

    if you "tried that solution" and you state you use latest, that solution is already on latest, then you are using some custom core.

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