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Everything posted by Zaranthos

  1. The problem is with your server config. I'm not sure what you mean by gm access having anything to do with it since he can't connect properly either way. realmid -1? Huh?
  2. It looks like somehow I missed this update on my last core version and it ran fine without it. Either that or the date naming isn't matching my core date and I skipped over it because of that. I always backup my sqlupdates folder from source before pulling a new source so I can see what updates are in the old one so I know what updates in the new one I still need to load. 2012-07-03 16:51:25 -0700 (c3cb82b92633+) (Win64, Release) There is a 6/7/2012 characters update in my backup folder and I skipped the 6/13 update because looking at my old core date I figured I had loaded that last time. The dates aren't matching up since my backup folder should have had the 6/13 update when my core date was 7/3 but it's not in my backup folder. Someone is dating something wrong since my compiled source and version date doesn't even come close to that sql update date. That's why I missed that update. I'm still not getting an SQLDriver.log file so that logging is either broken or there is nothing to log so it's not creating the file.
  3. What the...? I did move from an older base DB to a newer one so that's possible. Nope, no updates I could have missed are in the old folder since there were none to auth or characters there except updates going back over a month older than my previous core.
  4. I've updated a 100 times. I do it the same way every time except this time I wanted to do a debug build. Sometimes I wonder if SQLyog is stupid because I've had it fail when emptying the DB before trying to load clean before. I'll dump world and load it clean with updates again and see if that helps.
  5. Before I go hacking up my character DB I need some answers. 1) Why doesn't SQLDriver.log work? No log is ever created. Maybe the server crashes before it does any logging, I don't know, but with the old logging system I'd get that log and it was helpful. 2) In my Cmake options should I be enabling core debug option if I want to build with full debugging for better crash reporting or is that not needed and I just need to build in debug mode from Visual Studio 2010?
  6. If I knew what that meant or how to fix it I wouldn't have bothered posting for help. 2012_06_13_00_characters_character_equipmentsets.sql added "ALTER TABLE `character_equipmentsets` ADD COLUMN `ignore_mask` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `iconname`; " 2012_08_07_00_characters_characters.sql is the only update after that and it doesn't remove it. No idea why the server won't start and the other problem is logging doesn't seem to spit out all the logs it's configured to either.
  7. It's been about a month since I've updated my server. Updated as I normally do, dump world, load full clean world, update with combined updates, update auth and characters manually if updates exist since my last build. Worldserver starts and quits. I am building differently this time so I had core debug enabled in CMake and compiled in debug mode instead of release. Should I maybe not have had core debug enabled in CMake? Log: Using configuration file worldserver.conf. Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.0g 18 Jan 2012 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.0g 18 Jan 2012) Using ACE version: 5.8.3 TrinityCore rev. 2012-08-19 11:07:21 -0500 (48e50b8254a2+) (Win64, Debug) (worldserver-daemon) ... In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 65, sql: "SELECT setguid, setindex, name, iconname, ignore_mask, item0, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10, item11, item12, item13, item14, item15, item16, item17, item18 FROM character_equipmentsets WHERE guid = ? ORDER BY setindex" Unknown column 'ignore_mask' in 'field list' In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 182, sql: "UPDATE character_equipmentsets SET name=?, iconname=?, ignore_mask=?, item0=?, item1=?, item2=?, item3=?, item4=?, item5=?, item6=?, item7=?, item8=?, item9=?, item10=?, item11=?, item12=?, item13=?, item14=?, item15=?, item16=?, item17=?, item18=? WHERE guid=? AND setguid=? AND setindex=?" Unknown column 'ignore_mask' in 'field list' In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 183, sql: "INSERT INTO character_equipmentsets (guid, setguid, setindex, name, iconname, ignore_mask, item0, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10, item11, item12, item13, item14, item15, item16, item17, item18) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" Unknown column 'ignore_mask' in 'field list' DatabasePool characters NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors. worldserver.conf specific to logging sqldriver.log: Appender.SQLDriver=2,2,0,SQLDriver.log I'm not getting an SQLDriver.log file at all so I can't see what errors are the problem.
  8. If you click the little light bulb type icon next to view new content you can open quick navigation which stays visible while you scroll. Is that it? You can simply close that though and it's not really a toolbar.
  9. Is the forum search completely broken? Everything I search for returns no results. "mmaps" nothing, "movement maps" nothing. I've tried other searches and I get no results at all.
  10. I often click blank spots on pages just to give the window focus so my scroll button will work on the page.
  11. I'd have to say by looking at the log that you didn't follow the wiki very well. I see too many errors that indicate skipped steps that are clearly listed in the wiki setup instructions. Don't feel bad, I probably had to set it up a few times before I got it right the first time I did it. The wiki is your best friend right now.
  12. You can reduce MySQL memory usage if needed especially running a small server. For that matter you could disable it completely until after you compile the core. As cheap as RAM has become it's usually far easier to just add more memory. Glad you got it working.
  13. Depends entirely on how you configure your server. That hardware should work for what you want to do but if you're running out of memory you'll need to increase your swap or reduce the system memory usage by running less processes/applications or tweaking your configuration so stuff like MySQL uses less memory. Not sure if Ubuntu is too much of a hog for that little RAM though. Maybe.
  14. How are such cranky people allowed out in public? Mr. Grumpy Pants is probably correct though. You most likely missed an update. http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/6085-connection-to-world-database-not-established/
  15. The wiki instructions work as long as you don't mess something up somewhere. It can be easy to make a mistake that bites you in the butt though. If you completely fail building it yourself a repack might still be fun for a while. But repacks don't get much love here mostly for good reasons and when you outgrow a repack you'll still be back here following the wiki again anyway. Personally I enjoyed playing around with repacks. But eventually the training wheels just get in the way.
  16. I honestly don't know if I have those errors since I have logging for that disabled. But mine works so.. I'm guessing you didn't follow the wiki correctly though. Either you didn't configure Cmake correctly like the wiki describes or you didn't copy the right DLL's from MySQL folder to Trinity server folder. Make sure you aren't copying 32bit DLL's (Program Files (x86)) if you're running all 64bit (Program Files). Are you sure you pulled the latest source? If you open Git extensions, open repository, select your source folder and open it, what version does it say you have and how long ago was the displayed update posted?
  17. Follow the wiki closely. Don't rush through it or you're likely to repeat the same mistakes thinking you're doing it right each time. Pay attention to any errors along the way. Doesn't hurt to keep notes.
  18. A few things I noticed. Your logs don't display your Trinity revision and list it as all 0's. Mine looks like this. 2012-05-03 22:57:12 TrinityCore rev. 2012-04-28 15:10:52 +0200 (b53485e05326+) (Win64, Release) (worldserver-daemon) There seem to be errors in your SQL logs. Did you copy your SQL dll's from Trinity's bin folder or your MySQL folder? Should probably use the MySQL ones. I didn't check your MySQL version but are you using the latest or close?
  19. I think there are 6 main tables with data inside those. Not sure how you would get more than that unless you weren't emptying your data before importing clean data. You have the firewall disabled on your computer (should be)? All the correct ports forwarded (open) on your router?
  20. You'll probably need your WAN IP in realmlist and your lan IP or localhost in your WoW config files. If that doesn't work I've seen people use a DNS name in realmlist and WoW configs with that remapped in the local computers HOSTS file to point to the server (internet computers shouldn't need to change HOSTS file). Honestly it's been so long since I've had to tinker with this. One thing that will cause problems is if you try to connect using your WAN IP when other people from the internet connect. You shouldn't be doing this but I've seen people try it.
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