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Everything posted by MrSmite

  1. I wanted to add a couple guides to the wiki but couldn't find a way to create a new page and then link it to the 'Help and support' section on the main page. Any instructions on creating a new page, not editing an existing one? PS: The two guides I wanted to create were my 'edit and continue' guide and a guide on maintaining a remote patch repo for pull requests with TortoiseGIT.
  2. Just curious, when I tried to look at the attached JPG here: http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/5871-404-why/ I got this error: [#10171] You do not have permission to view this attachment. I don't have issues viewing other attachments, is it because the thread is locked? IMO a locked thread shouldn't block attachment viewing.
  3. Nice, you can close this thread then. Thanks.
  4. I've received a few PMs for these so I thought I'd share them: trinity_extractors_v4.zip They were compiled on XP Sp3 (32 bit) using Visual Studio 2008 Pro.
  5. Well, the error is generated with this code so I would guess you've got the extractors in the wrong place: bool TileAssembler::readMapSpawns() { std::string fname = iSrcDir + "/dir_bin"; FILE* dirf = fopen(fname.c_str(), "rb"); if (!dirf) { printf("Could not read dir_bin file!\n"); return false; } This is the CMD script I use on XP without any problems, give it a shot: @echo off cls REM Place the following in your WoW root (the folder that has wow.exe) REM REM * This CMD file REM * mapextractor.exe REM * vmap4extractor.exe REM * vmap4assembler.exe REM REM Then run this CMD file ECHO. ECHO Extracting DBCs and Maps... mapextractor.exe ECHO. ECHO Extracting VMAPs vmap4extractor.exe ECHO. ECHO Building VMAPs md vmaps vmap4assembler.exe Buildings vmaps ECHO. ECHO Press any key to exit PAUSE > NUL
  6. You mentioned in your OP that you have both wow 3.3.5a and 4.x, did you run "wow.exe" from the 3.3.5a before using the extractors? When you run wow.exe from any version it overwrites registry entries that the extractors use so if you've played the 4.x client recently, run the 3.3.5a client and close it (you don't need to actually log in), then immediately run the extractors.
  7. Open a command prompt and point it to the path where the BAT file is. Run the BAT file from the command prompt (instead of double-clicking it). This will allow you to see the errors that are generated because the window won't close when the extractor craps out. If the errors don't make sense to you, post them here.
  8. Other people, myself included, have also got that error for that WMO. I looked through the MPQs and it in fact doesn't exist. It can be ignored.
  9. How to Setup Debugging & Enable 'edit And Continue' in Visual Studio aka: How to Setup Debugging & Enable 'edit And Continue' in Visual Studio 2008 Update 2014-9-27: Updated the guide to remove ace.dll requirement due to BOOST support added in rev 3ba49277d NOTICE: For now you need to disable linker option /SAFESEH or it will ignore the /EDITANDCONTINUE option that gets set when you change the PDB type. To do this: Make sure you are on DEBUG configuration Right click on a project (eg: authserver) and select Properties Expand the Linker category Click on Advanced Scroll down to Image Has Safe Exception Handlers Set it to NO Click Apply Repeat for all other projects in the solution. If a project doesn't have a Linker category, skip it Update History: Some people have reported that this does not work for 64 bit applications. I struggled with this for a bit and now that I figured it out, I thought I'd pass it along The Guide: Before you start, compile the solution in Debug mode at least once to get 'ace.dll' and then copy all the following (required) DLLs to any folder, you will point Visual Studio to this later: ace.dll - Not required for sources after rev 3ba49277d due to BOOST support libeay32.dll libmysql.dll ssleay32.dll * Note: 32-bit names listed, 64-bit names will most likely be different (you should know what to look for) Step 1: Seting up the projects Step 2: Setting up the debug executable info Step 3: Enable 'edit and continue' (and other 'Debugging' menu settings) That's it. Now when you choose 'Debug -> Start Debugging (F5)', Visual Studio will launch both the authserver and worldserver and when you break execution and make changes, the 'apply code changes' will be available allowing you to 'edit and continue' instead of having to stop and recompile. Note: There are some cases you can't use 'edit and continue' Supported Code Changes Precompiled Header Limitations For more information, see here Edit and Continue (Visual C++) Some people have reported that this does not work for 64 bit applications.
  10. Indeed you can ignre it. There is a Final_Stage.m2 that gets extracted but there is no corresponding .wmo. I even manually searched the MPQ files for it but it doesn't exist. The extractor did not miss anything.
  11. Why? What is causing the errors? They didn't exist with the older extractors. How can the model bounds be calculated for the maps if the models errored during extraction?
  12. Must be VS 2010 pro then. I use VS 2009 Pro with SP1 and have no problems.
  13. Where did you get a '44' adapted for cata? The current full db is 335.11.44 which, as the name shows, is for 3.3.5a. Since the 4.x branch is not officially released then you use the DB "at your own risk" and it most likely will not work.
  14. I assume since your errors occurred on 0211-06-17 that you're using a relatively "new" version of the core. In that case, you should be using the "full" that was posted in May: TDB_335.11.40_2011_05_09.rar The one you listed was from April and there have been at least a hundred core revisions between then and now.
  15. Those errors don't indicate that OpenSSL or MySQL are missing. The OP just needs to clean the build before buildng it. If the libraries were missing, the error messages would in fact say so.
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