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Hello. I recently decided to help Dev a team working on a World of Warcraft MoP expansion. Now, I know C++, I've known it for years, however I just can't seem to understand the Library and how all of that stuff works.

For example, we have one problem where Faerie Fire's Armor Decrease debuff only activates, but not the actual Faerie Fire debuff itself. However, the Faerie Swarm works perfectly. I have compared both scripts and have looked into both of them and can't find a single difference other than the actual "slow" mechanic on Faerie Swarm. Would this be a problem in the Database where I could just fix it quickly? Or what? I just can't figure it out.

I was just hoping someone could clear up any confusion I'm having because I've never really worked on a project with a Database/Separate Library or anything like that. Anyway, thank you for the help!

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