The worldserver crashes whenever I create a character. Seems like there is an issue with mysql, but I have no idea what the issue is. Anybody knows what`s happening here?
Hi, I'm making a web site for Mist of Pandaria, I need for the profile of the character, know which is the specialization that is active, and also the name of the two specializations that have the character on character database.
Greetings and thanks.
Settings such as CharacterCreating.Disabled and CharacterCreating.Disabled.RaceMask are not applying. I'm not sure if it is because I am misunderstanding but when I set these values it does not inhibit character creation.
For example my worldserver.conf
# CharacterCreating.Disabled.RaceMask
# Description: Mask of races which cannot be created by players.
# Example: 1536 - (1024 + 512, Blood Elf and Draenei races are disabled)
# Default: 0 - (Enabled, All races are allowed)
# 1 - (Disabled, Human)
# 2 - (Disabled, Orc)
# 4 - (Disabled, Dwarf)
# 8 - (Disabled, Night Elf)
# 16 - (Disabled, Undead)
# 32 - (Disabled, Tauren)
# 64 - (Disabled, Gnome)
# 128 - (Disabled, Troll)
# 512 - (Disabled, Blood Elf)
# 1024 - (Disabled, Draenei)
CharacterCreating.Disabled.RaceMask = 1536
I set it the same as in the example but I can still create both Blood Elf and Draenei characters.
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