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[CPP] Custom Boss in custom instance sometimes crashes the Server on pull


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Hey everyone!

I've starting with scripting on a Trinitycore Server and now i'm facing a little bit of a Problem. I've created a custom boss and sometimes when you attack the boss, the whole server crashes and sometimes it doesn't - other than that he works completely fine. So it's just the Problem, that sometimes the Server crashes on pulling him. So i think it has something to do with the Initialize i believe?
The Boss is on a custom instance map.

This is my first Boss script so i'm sorry when it's a bit messy.

Open the Spoiler for more Informations and the Script of the Boss:

Pastebin - Lord Krazu Script *CLICK*

Other Informations to the Boss:

Lord Krazu: Entry = 80000 [SQL]

Azaloth (Add): Entry = 80002 [SQL]

Galvanoth (Add): Entry = 80003 [SQL]

I did the debug thingy where you get a backtrace log and now i don't know about the next Steps. I'll upload the backtrace log here.
It seems to have something to do with the Map i guess because of the bool IsInWorld() const { return m_inWorld; } error in the Object.h File?

Also all of the Files are owned by the Lenzork User on the Server and i'm logged in as the Lenzork user when running the Server.
I've heared that you should never run the Server as root.

I hope to find some help here.


Edited by Lenzork
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There are a lot of things that could have been written better or different, but without trying to compile this myself, there is something that really bothers me and i would say this could potentially result in your crash:


You spamforce the boss an attackorder here on every update diff.

The more i think about this, the more i wonder where he even gets "target" from in this case? That should not even compile.


In general, there is a pretty basic and simple pattern you can follow in UpdateAI:



    void UpdateAI(uint32 diffoverride
        if (!UpdateVictim())
        if (me->HasUnitState(UNIT_STATE_CASTING))
        while (uint32 eventId = events.ExecuteEvent())
            switch (eventId)
                case EVENT_NAME:
                         stuff that should happen;
            if (me->HasUnitState(UNIT_STATE_CASTING))



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