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Posts posted by CDawg

  1. NEVER EVER forward 3306!
    I'm not sure why you have 3443 and 8050 unless.

    Whatever you have your authserver and worldserver ports configured in your confs is all that you need to portforward (open to public).
    I'm assuming you have http and soap turned on. if not, then you just need to close 80 and 7878.

    Close the ports you dont need. I don't see 3724 open (auth server port).

    If you want, you can private message me your address, if you want me to test it. Again, for security purposes, dont open ports you dont need, especially 3306 mysql is extremely easy to hack into.

  2. 26 minutes ago, ProcyonOne said:

    Nope - it didn't work.  Used both commands.  I can see my son in the game but he can't see me.

    When he clicks Add Friend and enters my character name it says "Player not found".


    What else could be wrong?


    you have to enable it in the RBAC system.

    auth.rbac_permissions:   id=40 "Allows to add a gm to friend list."

    It's disabled by default, due to security for GMs. So that once a GM logs onto the server you dont want to be bombarded by requests/tickets/help/etc... by players that now know you are online.

    • Like 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Ibeatdungeon said:

    WTF indeed, that's a pretty narrow reading of "bad for business" and pretty explosive reaction to a common idiom.

    Meh.. Not really explosive. Just defending the fact that people consistently "demand" things from the community and devs. Sometimes they offer money and when they don't get an answer they are the ones that explode.

    If you knew me, I'm a very very laid back guy ^_^

    • Upvote 2
  4. WTF?!!

    Did you read what I just posted? This is NOT a business!!
    @Ibeatdungeon, Ask the dev or OP why it was closed, they don't have to give an answer. This is a contributed project. It's not even in the guidelines for devs to say why they closed an issue.

    Now... with that said.. yes I agree: some explanation would be nice, however, it's entirely up to the devs to adapt a "polite" mannerism to issues while closing and/or commenting.

    • Upvote 1
  5. You are comparing ITIL process to an open public project? Also, I am a bit confused when you say "tickets". Are you referring to forum posts and/or open requests on git?

    I read your wall of rant and I'm at a complete lost on what your requesting within Help and Support. This isn't a company, and some the of the practices (regardless of ITIL) don't need to be adapted, hence contribution factor and NOT a "business".

    • Upvote 1

    23 hours ago, codeman8214 said:

    Actually 4.3.4 is a great version to use I run my server also using 4.3.4, 3.3.5a and 7.3.2 but the funnest one for me is Cataclysm 4.3.4 and you can compile one yourself if that is what version you are wanting to run here is the link for that version.

    How stable is the 4.3.4?

    Iv'e been in the 335a private world for years. Now that I think of it, it's quite depressing how much I have invested in it 

  7. 2 hours ago, nubqt said:

    I'm confused. Does that mean I have to install a MySQL client to work on Trinity? The instructions don't mention that.

    Mac and Linux requirements and installation are honestly a bit for the more experienced. Knowing how to handle the mysql/aria databases, modifying configuration files...
    However, Most of the "details" of what tools you need are in Windows (the majority of TC Users)

    Please don't take this personal... (I'm not trying to sound like a dick!) In your case you are "learning" on a Mac with very low experience on the "details" of what you need to continue forward.

    So... I'm here to help. :)

    Read what you would need for Windows. (I know you are using a Mac) but take into consideration your lack of experience.
    Read through and get an understanding of the tools you will need for your Mac environment.
    Then, I recommend you read through Linux to get understanding of more of the "Mac" environment. Since, Mac is a gui Linux.

    You don't need to be an expert, but people are expected to know how to perform certain abilities like inserting sql files into a database. Starting and Stoping the binaries when they are built.. etc..

    Also, like I mentioned you could just use the command cli (client) to talk to the mysql server on your mac. But, even I occasionally find an easier approach to use a quick gui to perform quick mysql commands.

  8. 6 hours ago, codeman8214 said:

    Actually they still do play and the reason I know this is because my uncle is one of them that still plays 4.3.4 with other employees, but not saying that is all they do I know work comes first lol

    Cool, who is your uncle? I used to work at the Irvine HQ here in California, when I lived Orange County.

  9. 2 hours ago, nubqt said:

    But it doesn't say how to do that.

    The answer is...

    with your favorite mysql client

    That depends on the client you are using. If you use the command interface you can import into mysql with:

    "source ../destination/path/to_create_mysql.sql"

    If you are using Windows and use a client like Workbench or Heidisql, then you can do a file extension association match by .sql

  10. On 11/7/2017 at 7:47 AM, LewisPotato said:

    It still works obviously because I said it shows the images and text but not the background.

    I'm starting to think it's an issue with the firewall blocking it.

    It's not a firewall. Like I said, there will be 404s and at some point it will stop working all together. They are discussing on using json fomat and actually removing xml or "2.0". The launcher client calls for that specific news feed url. Remnants of text/html, images, etc may still work as long as the link is still up. But, some day they will eventually decommission it.


    13 hours ago, codeman8214 said:

    Blizzard employee's still play version 3.3.5a, 4.3.4, and 5

    They have old servers that have archived expansions. They still do testing, but they don't actually "play". I'm sure they wish that they had time. lol.
    Anyhow, their QA department actually demands that they keep archives of each game product. (not sure if there is a legal disclaimer behind that). The gives hope that maybe someday... nah! (it costs too much money)

    The blizz employees don't care about the old launcher. Before they transitioned to battle.net after (v4) the old launcher never checked for client updates/patches.
    Like I mentioned to LewisPotato they are discussing on moving the product over to json format from xml and changing the url, so we may notice some things start to break over time and receive 404s. I just don't know when.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 7 hours ago, LewisPotato said:

    For some reason the background of the news page for the launcher is black, but the images and text are shown?

    Is the webserver that hosts the news page offline? If so where can I download the webserver content to stick on my webserver?



    battle.net is used for their news/store feeds. Blizz will never support the 335a or old expansions any longer. What did you expect?

  12. Honestly, I think it will be a positive outcome.
     @Ibeatdungeon, you have to take into consideration, that most players expect the hard grind, including the lack of new features such as, LFD, LFR, old quests you have to look up on "Thottbot", like back in the days. Blizz is (hopefully) giving the players that same feel.

    The population may slowly fade. But,... you will still have loyalists that just pay. Remember, it isn't about the content.. It's about the community that develops around it. Not to mention, people that have never experienced classic will bitch about missing features that they are accustomed to today's wow. But they will be slammed down by the loyalists to keep it the way it is.

    Blizz will have to launch a new client with new graphics, etc. It all depends on the outcome and I'm excited to see that very outcome play out.

    • Upvote 2
  13. 2 hours ago, basketballkid said:

    I compiled the core succefully and when i configured in cmake i get these errors


    How were you able to compile the core successfully if you are having issues with cmake?

    Anyhow, read the error. It's says it can't find Mysql libs.. which means you dont have mysql installed or need to re-install mysql server/client on windows.
    Read the steps, line by line https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/10977329/Windows+Core+Installation

  14. On 10/18/2017 at 6:47 PM, Shalker96 said:

    Hi, I've been reading almost everything here done stuff that already you guys explained and I'm still stuck at Connected, cant log into the character list, I'm all doing it on localhost for me only, disabled firewall... and nothing still stuck at connected. Can anyone help me? I will provide everything screenshots etc.

    PD: I'm using the 3.3.5 branch.

    What OS?
    What is your auth.realmlist set at?

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