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Everything posted by CDawg

  1. First of all you don't have the required information. What revision you are using? What branch, etc... Just looked at the latest TDB and autobroadcast exists in world not the auth DB. So not sure what you did there.
  2. So you reinstalled on a different OS and it magically configured itself? I'm a hardcore Linux fan, but I found even that hard to believe mate.
  3. Here is a checklist that I created on another post: Your friendly neighbor that lives across the street is connecting to your machine. Your neighbor has the wtf modified with the public IP (DNS)... (check) Your neighbor is using the exact version to connect to your machine... (check) Your machine has the DB, the authserver, and worldserver all running on it... (check) Everything from the .conf has localhost or (check) Your router has 8085 and 3724 forwarded... (check) The firewalls are enabled to communicate through 8085 and 3724... (check) Your neighbor can ping the public IP (DNS) that you obtained from, lets say whatismyip.com ... (check) You verified that public IP matches the DNS that you are hosting... (check) Last but, not least. You put the public IP in the DB.realmist, and relaunched authserver... (check) Your neighbor is able to connect... (fail) 1 of the above steps is either missing, or needs to be reconfigured. I forgot to mention. If you modify your own .wtf file with your public IP (as if you are outside) and able to connect,.. than so can your neighbor
  4. @Stark. No, That Blizzerds "patch" server. This has to be done manually. If you try to connect now to a Blizzerd server, than it will just do more damage, prepping your client for the newest version, further corrupting your ability to play on a true 4.3.4 server
  5. I hate to say this, but it was rough for myself as it for many Cata players today. I never played Cata, because I was left those days before it came out. I borrowed my friends Cata package, installed it over my WoTLK and had to manually load all the patches to get me to that exact version.
  6. Ok, let's break this down. Your friendly neighbor that lives across the street is connecting to your machine. Your neighbor has the wtf modified with the public DNS... (check) Your neighbor is using the exact version to connect to your machine... (check) Your machine has the DB, the authserver, and worldserver all running on it... (check) Everything from the .conf has localhost or (check) Your router has 8085 and 3724 forwarded... (check) The firewalls are enabled to communicate through 8085 and 3724... (check) Your neighbor can ping the public IP (DNS) that you obtained from, lets say whatismyip.com ... (check) You verified that public IP matches the DNS that you are hosting... (check) Last but, not least. You put the public IP in the DB.realmist, and relaunched authserver... (check) Your neighbor is able to connect... (fail) 1 of those above steps is either missing, or needs to be reconfigured.
  7. I'm guessing number 1. (I could be wrong) but, there was an error extracting one of the oldest maps. or possible corrupted. Since it is extracting, then error's out.
  8. If the map doesn't exist, then several things may have happened. 1. The client (possibly) could be incomplete, when you used the mapextractor it skipped it, since it is missing. 2. Wrong version of the mapextractor, did you use an older one? 3. You placed them in the wrong directory. Did you get any error when you using all the tools? Are using the tools used that "you" compiled that was located in the /bin directory?
  9. db -> realmlist = the IP address. 1. IP address = local IP (if you're testing on the same machine) or 2. IP address = Public IP (If you are connecting to it from outside) I noticed that you are using a dns.domain.com, so my guess is that you are trying to connect outside -> in.
  10. You may also be testing that commit, But read this when you get a chance. The server log shows an unknown revision http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/345-howto-properly-install-git-on-windows-fix-trinitycore-rev-1970-01-01-000000-0000/
  11. hmm, 1970 sure was a good year... oh wait I wasn't born yet... wow TC has been out a very long time...
  12. I'm starting to get bitter too... They... just... don't... get it!
  13. Don't forward your mysql port 3306. That's a security risk. You don't even need to forward that. Like I said, just forward those 2 ports. 808* and 3724. You're internal IP can be anything you want. That won't solve other peoples problem And I'm pretty sure I said to reset your router like the 3rd post on.., but Hell, glad to see you got it.
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point-to-Point_Protocol_over_ATM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point-to-point_protocol_over_Ethernet Almost the same thing. Still, this issue should probably be brought up with your ISP. Most ISP's block certain or an amount of incoming. I don't know how your DSL is setup, and I'm not a big fan of it. Also try turning off your 3rd party apps to test it. Temporarily: Turn off the anti-virus, firewall, any other network 3rd party apps. then ping your box. If you get a ping, then turn each app back on 1 by 1 as a process of elimination. If all that still fails... call your ISP.
  15. Well the question is.. What on earth do you have installed on that PC? Seems like it's blocking everything. It's blocking a simple ping?
  16. The External IP is resolved from your ISP. You can also try to reset your router it so that it changes the MAC address. The external IP should not change unless you have an agreement from your ISP and you have a static external IP. But, if you can't ping your own external IP and you are able to get on the internet, you configured something wrong. You may also have a special setting in your router to not allow pings, either way, you may have to call your ISP or the support line for your router.
  17. At home, go to a website like whatismyip.com. Than see if you can ping it from your Dad's house. If you can hit the address, than it's something on your DNS side of configuration, nothing to do with TC. If the address changes, be sure that you have the DNS service where it changes along with your IP or ISP's NS servers.
  18. @Matter94 Ports opened = allow from firewall Ports forwarded = router/proxy settings Iv'e said this , time and time again. Everything is pointing to internal. Like baric mentioned above. The only external is the realmlist.DB. (Tell your friends to use the external in thier realmist.wtf file) Depending on the ports you have forwarded and opened. You only need 3724 for the authserver and 808* for your world. That's it!
  19. Please don't take this offensively, but I don't think you know what you are doing. You need the exact game client of 4.3.4 to extract the vmaps.maps,etc.. You get those tools after you finished compiling from the source you get here., there is a doc to install and update the DB to 434 (Looks like you already accomplished that) There is really nothing else more informative I can give you. The database and the core are alpha, early development, and are only meant to be used for development purposes.
  20. What on earth are you doing? From your original post, you grabbed the source from master (3.3.5a). All you need t do is load TDB_Full_3.3.5a, then apply the updates. TDB_Full_434 is for another version, and from what it looks like, you are extracting from a wrong client version. So the question now is: what version are you trying to load? You started to follow the instructions correctly, until you got to updates, than you loaded 434 on top of that. Than you started to extract on a wrong client version, probably with the wrong. What a fucking mess! First, Figure out what version you want to experiment with. 335a or 443.
  21. DatabasePool world 4.3.4 NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors. What do you need? The error is in plain sight. Did you even configure your DB?
  22. It looks like you imported either an outdated characters table, or you trying to add some kind of table that I don't think TC uses. Some of those columns don't even exist in TDB
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