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Everything posted by CDawg

  1. You are having 335? There are torrents all over, just google for the language translation you want. Some sites have the actual full client. Just don't bother with the English US edition. It's a nightmare
  2. When I was graciously given a walkthrough by a close friend at the Blizzard complex, everyone had mac laptop or a linux box under thier desk. From programmers, beta testers, graphic designers, artists, music/sound, you name it... I don't remember seeing one person with a Windows box.
  3. Do you have the tfil and mfil in the root directory? The game 'thinks' it's done streaming. The game client also mimics exactly what the backgrounddownloader does, but a bit quicker.
  4. +MrSmite That is normal, if you launch the game in windowed mode, and take a peek at the /Data directory you will see .lock files and mpqs, that are sized down. If you have a 15gb client after running, than it still isn't finished streaming. I went from 26gb with old world data, all the way down to roughly 16gbs and a finally 19.2. If you see the lock files temporarily generated, you will also see some of the mpqs shrink down. Which makes me think that during the streaming content back in the days there were so many bug reports about the client crashing, running the repair tool to get back to normal, than having to reapply the launcher patches (according to a couple of blue posts)
  5. Do you have the latest mfil and/or tfil in the root directory? you should have the 15595 tfil/mfil file in order to launch the app, than there is more data to stream once the client has been launched and you are in the game.
  6. What do you mean by "you people"? Haha, im j/k Aokromes
  7. I know that they are both English, hehe. But there still might be some disclosure differences betweeen the two client. I didnt load enGB and read through that you cant use the enGB client in the US. Who knows it might be like what MrSmite says about the US bullying its way to only use a enUS edition, but Oh well... As for the tool updater, no, you shouldnt download the latest tools from Blizzard, either from the launcher. Just install the patches on the fresh 4.0.1 copy and use the backgrounddownlader that reads the TFIL & MFIL files for streaming the content. That's really all that you need to do. As for the backgrounddownloader, use the updated ones from the patches, dont download any updated tools.
  8. yeah, I guess it depends where he left off, or how far he patched up to, or maybe even the streaming part. Anyways.. I renamed my current base-win and renamed it base-win.old, then placed the base-win.mpq from the patch zip package. Interestingly... I get the cannot stream content error.. I renamed my base-win.old back to its original name and I can now get into the client. When Blizzard decides to turn off the akamai/lielight storage servers, enUS is all doomed. I'm curious to know why the enGB is all over the place. Some websites are even allowing a full download of the client. I'm shocked... Does the enGB not have some disclaimer or have some rules that bend vs enUS edition?
  9. the win-base.mpq gets data written into it during the patch process. So reverting back to an older win-base will definitely cause some issues.
  10. The launcher can run at any phase and start to download/stream tools and run them. Even if the launcher isn't complete or at 10% or whatever it may be, files will start to get updated to Blizzards latest patches, tools, scripting system, etc.. In fact, (this part doesn't relate to you) but... Some players have had a perfectly running and healthy 434(15595) client running for a very long time, and became curious by running the Launcher (God knows why they did that), but at any rate, before it got to 5% it had already corrupted the client and the player is now doomed to start all over again.
  11. +alysher Also adding to what MrSmite, the moment you let the Launcher run, it rewrites data within the MPQs you worked so hard to patch up. Sorry my friend.
  12. How far did you get applying the patches? If you are at the latest, there is still hope, but a tedious process... Use the tfil_collection and start with the first patch. Just copy the tfil/mfil in the root directory of wow, run backgrounddownloader, than move on to the next if it gives you an error/warning or doesn't download/stream. I guarantee you, it still has data to stream.
  13. If you aren't sure, then move them to another directory named "old", It's basically just a waiting game now. After applying each patch, you should check that the backgrounddownloader didn't need to update anything before the next patch you apply. Also in MrSmites doc shows the tfil_collection, might as well grab that just in case something gets borked. Anything in the root directory of wow can be removed after it's installed to the full version 15595. But, during the patch process might as well just leave the mpq files alone.
  14. +alysher take your time Rule number 1. Don't EVER run the Launcher (You probably have seen that infested all over the forums that talk about client patching) If it opens and starts to run, just close it.. and continue with patching, backgroundownloader, etc... EDIT: Almost forgot to mention, If you ever install the TFIL/MFIL and the launcher runs by accident (dont know how), you HAVE to remove the tfiland mfil files. Then start over with the version you left off.
  15. You didnt google hard enough. I came up with 37 results using search. All of them sufficent to the searches with the exact problem you are having. http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/8830-realm-loop-problem/?hl=loop http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/8412-realm-loop/?hl=loop http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/8253-cant-make-server-online-realm-loop-for-others/?hl=loop http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/7643-problem-connection-inside-lan-problem/?hl=loop http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/7867-outside-connection-stuck-in-realm-loop/?hl=loop
  16. Are you reading the wiki? http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/How-to_Win#How-to_Win-KeepingtheDBuptodate We can't spoon feed everything to you.
  17. What is the exact error? Most likely you skipped a step during the Database installation or you sre still using the shitty repacks DB
  18. Whoa whoa cowboy.... You got your lasso wrapped on your own horse and not the bull.... You are confused... The wow335a client does not matter. Clean copy, dirty copy, copy of copy of a copy, etc... I dont care... Lets talk about the worldserver and authserver that your are attempting to execute. First. What revision are you running? (worldserver.exe) Right click on the worldserver.exe, select Properties, then click Details..
  19. Hence, the question I asked before... But, apparently you are using a repack. wotlk client 3.3.5a is the game client on your machine. The definition of a repack is a package that someone else compiled (worldserver and authserver) package for you. We don't support repacks... But, there is hope! You can start here and will be glad to give all the Help and Support you need. What this includes... You will learn some basic programming skills, learn to compile it yourself, Some Database managment, and the best of all... self confidence that you did it yourself. (somewhat)
  20. @eskild1 Also check the windows service if your Mysql is even running, other than that, you are missing updates/tables.
  21. 1. Did you compile it on a different machine? 2. MySQL needs to be installed using the same password or installed on a different location (directory), this is an age old MySQL problem on Windows OS's in general. Might have to do some research on MySQL forums or website troubleshooting that exact scenario.
  22. Calif, USA 5.45Mb/s on the 100Mb.rar download 5.16Mb/s on the 500Mb.rar download Edit: Comcast, not sure if you need the ISP (Cable modem)
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