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By PavelFreeman
Hello, I want to compile Trinity, but I get this errors...
Did everything according to the documentation (https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/2130077/Installation+Guide) for Windows 10.
Visual Studio 2019.
By Methatronc
I'm slowly building up a custom quest, however I can't find a way to implement a password.
I remember a few years ago a quest in Stormwind where, if you went to some convention, you could there have won a key and give the passwd to some pnj that let you have a precious pet.
Is this system usable with only sql edit in some world.quest_xxx ?
Thanks for your help :)
By Bernd Lipp
Hi there.
I am using Jeuties Repack WotLK server for a while now.
The log says it is this version:
TrinityCore rev. 879af88d2180 2015-06-29 22:29:28 +0200 (3.3.5 branch) (Win64, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
Using World DB: TDB 335.58
Now to the love is in the air fest we want to change how much of the charms get generated by killing mobs. After long searching trough all tables I found that it is the aura part of the "Lovely Charm Collector's Kit". I tried to find out how I can modify it and failed. I also tried to apply the hidden buff as a stack of 10 but that also didn't work.
How is it supposed to work if I want to set the buff so that every worthy enemy drops a charm? Do I have to modify the code for the spell or is it doable in just mysql?
Thanks for helping out.
By meeek
Hey, I've been trying to compile from github the core from 6.2.3/6.2.4, I'm well aware its stopped developing. I cannot get it to configure properly in CMake, nor can I obviously build it.
I'd be willing to pay for help and get this working and running. I want to develop my own server on my freetime as a learning project and for entertainment. I can't find any core for WoD, sadly.. Very hard, would appreciate any quick help
By Wark
I'd just like to get a little insight to why so much of the current Trinitycore code doesn't match up to a few years ago.
Now I know I'm not a pro at coding on Trinitycore and I understand that the core is open sourced but these just seem so significant and doesn't seem right to remove this stuff.
Let me give an example. Lets say I'm watching this tutorial to get a little information about classes and methods that I can use when making a script. (I've also been using the Trinitycore Code Documentation as reference as well but it also seems to show the same issues)
Although the tutorial is a little out of date, I don't see why OnGossipSelect doesn't exist anywhere in CreatureScript and that when I try to link the script to the core code it spits out this error.
object of abstract class type "GossipTeleporter" is not allowed:
pure virtual function "CreatureScript::GetAI" has no overrider
The DEFINES of "ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM" and many more don't exist either.
Am I missing something? All I want to know is if the core is mean't to be this way and if not should I download an older version of the core before I put to much working into my current core.
(I downloaded my core right from the Trinitycore website tutorial)
I'm currently trying to write a simple gossipteleporter that will let you talk to an npc and teleport to the given location. It's very hard to do this when so many things just don't exist within my core.
EXTRA: I pasted this into a new custom script just to see if I would get errors and I got a lot of different errors: http://pastebin.com/raw/G62e0t49
This was obtained from here: http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?129885-Request-Teleporter-NPC-for-TrinityCore
By no means am I looking to copy the code from the two links above, I was using them as a test to see if my core accepted them.
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