Hi !
I'm using last version of 3.3.5 TC branch (with TDB 335.19061), and we have an issue with the mage lvl 20 class quest (Investigate the Alchemist Shop).
This bug has been reported and partially fixed by different people, as seen on this github page : https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/issues/18997
I tried to re-apply this :
The ghosts are now selectable but the box cannot be placed neither.
Conclusion : at the moment, this quest is supposed to be fixed in #9717, but there are still problems with it. A c++ rewrite has even be proposed in 2014. This seems to be tricky though.
Anyone here could maybe help me about it ?
I'm trying to fix it for 3 days by myself, and quite confused now...
Thanks in advance
I have the first class quest bugged, The quest to choose my artifact weapon, by the way i have the 3 artifacts weapons but i haven't complete the quest ''More weapons of legeneds'', i need to complete this to make the nexts quests behind this one. It makes no sense because i already have obtained the artifact weapons.
Hello all, i am interested in creating some custom content in a away like the lich king area, after certain quests, the npc spawns in the area changes as you progress through quests.
I am wondering how this sort of thing is done, would like to do this sort of thing at storm wind. I just cant find information on changing spawns (like instancing) as you progress through quests.
would be great if someone could give me info on how this would be possible as in, can it be done in the database, if so is it classed as a instance? or do you have to script it.
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