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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/17 in all areas

  1. Hello all, I'm currently attempting to install 3.3.5a server. Everything is peachy so far, however I have ran into a snag, my authserver.exe seem to refuse to run and I'm not sure what issue is because I've ran it though debug several times and I don't really see any crashing issues. Just bunch of stuff missing custom NPCs and whatnot missing, I don't think those would be causing the issue. So do any of you have any idea why this might be happening (oh and all of my ports are open) also.. My worldserver seem to be running perfectly fine. Just authserver is having a bitch fit. I'm new to these forums sorry if I posted it in wrong place. Edit: Did more tinkering, like reuploading trinityauth table and running it though debug again (for umpteenth time) still no luck. I would provide screenshots but there is literally no errors.
    1 point
  2. without start, simply authserver.
    1 point
  3. Is worldserver running properly, just not authserver? You say "auto-closes" so I'm assuming you are running Windows? Try opening a console (cmd.exe), then running it while not laucnhing the binary from Windows Explorer. It won't auto close, and should display an error, like, "can't connect to the db, etc..."
    1 point
  4. See if there is any .log file, any crash .txt and try to execute authserver from the console.
    1 point
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