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Everything posted by Aokromes

  1. Reporting a Bug How i report a bug Use our bug tracker at github, read The TrinityCore issuetracker and you if it's your 1st time reporting a bug. Search on bug tracker before reporting a new bug, also don't put multiple bugs on a single ticket. Duplicate tickets will be closed without warning or reason. If one bug was fixed before and it bugs again open a new ticket. Don't use screenshots to post crashlogs, learn how to copy and paste text from your system. You also can copy text from ingame with the wow addon called Prat 3.0 Read the trinitycore issuetracker and you/ to post proper bug reports. I made 3 topics about my bug and they are deleted/closed. Making multiple topics about one thing don't helps you to get faster answers, instead the oposite, they also can be merged to a existing topic of same question, search before posting. I have send a PM to a dev asking to fix my bug but i don't get answer! Devs aren't your private devs, if you have a bug, post it on bug trackers, if you send a pm to a dev is very likely to be ignored. I have reported a bug months ago and it's unfixed yet Devs fixes what they know how to fix/they can fix, and they do on their sparse time. Asking to fix a bug multiple times don't fixes them faster.
  2. To start, you need Mysql 5.1 or >, found with a simple search 0x000007b.
  3. Custom things What's a hack On Trinitycore a hack is a bad way to fix something (ie hand spawn one mob somewhere because spawn spell doesn't work) Also, changing WDB fields is a hack, never ever change one WDB field without a proper source (Sniff, retail cache) http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/58-wdb-fields/ How i apply a patch? The best way is to use git apply /path/to/file.patch command if you get warnings you can simply ignore them, if you get error it will need to be updated. If you know a bit of coding you can use git apply /path/to/file.patch --reject and apply .rej code to the target files. Don't bump patch threads asking to update a patch, duplicate update patch posts/topics will be deleted/closed.
  4. I don't care of ppl trying to create servers on 4.3.4 branch, if you can't fix yourself the startup, stay on master. Tip: lack of resync.
  5. 4.3.4 is for ppl with knowledge of what they are doing, for developers, not to create servers. If they can'f fix basic errors, for sure they can't fix real errors.
  6. Think a bit, if you have TDB_full_335.51_2013_02_14, what makes you think you need world_2013_01_14_2013_02_14 and auth_2013_01_14_2013_02_14?
  7. Time to kill good uptime TrinityCore rev. b78885622078+ 2013-03-26 21:52:00 +0100 (master branch) (Unix, None) Online players: 21 (max: 73) Active connections: 26 (max: 82) Queued connections: 0 (max: 0) Server uptime: 6 Day(s) 16 Hour(s) 41 Minute(s) 11 Second(s).
  8. I don't have the high pop of maestro but.... TrinityCore rev. 4e1a4b3ce4d5+ 2013-03-17 18:19:15 +0000 (master branch) (Unix, None) Online players: 23 (max: 77) Active connections: 25 (max: 83) Queued connections: 0 (max: 0) Server uptime: 5 Day(s) 24 Minute(s) 9 Second(s).
  9. http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/345-howto-properly-install-git-on-windows-fix-trinitycore-rev-1970-01-01-000000-0000/
  10. To the 1st downgrade to cmake 2.8.9.
  11. You can already log to db. Already added:
  12. I go to post here one list of features that i think can be interesting to implement on TrinityCore. Work in progress. Already codded, waiting to be merged:
  13. No, one talks about MMAPS and another about VMAPS
  14. i3/i5/i7 tools where deprecated and removed from download because something.
  15. You don't must use those sqls. Read http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/Installing+TDB+4.3.4
  16. Permission issues I get when using account set gmlevel SQL(p): INSERT INTO rbac_account_groups (accountId, groupId, realmId) VALUES (5, 1, -1) [ERROR]: [1452] Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`auth`.`rbac_account_groups`, CONSTRAINT `fk__rbac_account_groups__account` FOREIGN KEY (`accountId`) REFERENCES `account` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) Unhandled MySQL errno 1452. Unexpected behaviour possible. Run this sql on auth db: ALTER TABLE account ENGINE=InnoDB; So I cannot use commands or anything in game with the newest trinitycore source. My players can't join bgs. My players can't join arenas. My players can't join lfd. This "bug" is because you insert accounts directy on db instead using soap to create accounts. To "fix" this "bug" you need to add player group into rbac_account_groups table or rewrite your php script to soap. Can i delete RBAC system? Well, you "can" but future commits will add more RBAC things, and your work will be even more hard to revert it, since the plans are make the core fully RBAC based. My players can run gm commands You missed to import some commands at old/3.3.5a/TDB50_to_TDB51_updates/auth/ or you got error running them, maybe you need to run ALTER TABLE account ENGINE=InnoDB; My gms can't run gm commands You imported incorrectly auth updates over a new base_auth.sql and you deleted your gm permissions. Or you have hand created gm account into database, use account set gmlevel to give gm permissions. NOTE: for 6.x branch the account name must come from accounts table not from b.net if you have fresh installed wow 6 and created the account with bnet create, the account can be named something like 1#1.
  17. --- Canned message start --- Please Look in upper right hand corner of the forum, there is a button labeled search field, feel free to search for your issues first before posting, most questions like this one have already been answered. If you still cannot find the answers you seek feel free to make a post and tell us the steps you took to resolve this issue and we will do our best to help you. --- Canned message end ---
  18. [17:33:12] <KPsN02> TrinityCore: Shauren master * r6e80357 / (9 files in 6 dirs): Core/Authserver: Added possibility to allow realm connections both from "world" and local networks. - http://git.io/CRmpDg
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