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Everything posted by Billy

  1. Yes, but you still need to add your second realm to the authserver.conf so it'll know it's available. Fill it in just like you did for the first one, only this time use the info for your second realm.
  2. What I've done in the past was use only WotLK's authserver, set both realms in the conf file, then in the database auth, realmlist table add one for CATA using the port and IP number of your CATA server. Be sure to change the gamebuild table to reflect CATA's gamebuild. When your finished you should have a listing for both WotLK and CATA. That realmlist table has all the info to connect to the second server already in it, and the gamebuild will put you into the correct server. This eliminated the need to try and run 2 authservers for me, pehaps it'll help you as well.
  3. Thanks CDawg, Since pulling today, TrinityCore rev. 60ac53ff0733 2016-11-25 11:54:38 -0200 (3.3.5 branch) (Win64, Release, Static) (worldserver-daemon) Problem seems to be fixed now. Can close this thread.
  4. When a defias pillager starts to flee from the battle, it starts casting fireball while running away. Anybody else having that happen? Forgot to add this: TrinityCore rev. b333c92d0cfb 2016-11-20 23:28:35 +0100 (3.3.5 branch) (Win64, Release, Static) (worldserver-daemon)
  5. Figured it out, but the description within the worldserver.conf file for this section is a bit misleading " Prevent seller from listing ". In this case it should mention that you need to set the Max to the max level of the server. I changed up the: # # AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ReqLevel.* # Description: Prevent seller from listing glyphs below/above this required level # Default: 0 AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ReqLevel.Min = 0 AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ReqLevel.Max = 80 # # AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ItemLevel.* # Description: Prevent seller from listing glyphs below/above this item level # Default: 0 AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ItemLevel.Min = 0 AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ItemLevel.Max = 80
  6. Yes, below are the settings that I have been adjusting to see if the glyphs will show in AH, but no luck yet. That's why I was wondering if there might be a new write up on how to get it running. # AUCTION HOUSE BOT SETTINGS AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph = 10 # AUCTION HOUSE BOT ITEM FINE TUNING # AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ReqLevel.* # Description: Prevent seller from listing glyphs below/above this required level # Default: 0 AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ReqLevel.Min = 0 AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ReqLevel.Max = 0 # # AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ItemLevel.* # Description: Prevent seller from listing glyphs below/above this item level # Default: 0 AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ItemLevel.Min = 0 AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ItemLevel.Max = 0 # AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio. AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.Glyph = 50
  7. I've searched through the Wiki concerning this and the only thing I found was a post that states it is outdated. Is there another guide for setting up the built-in ahbot to offer glyphs? TrinityCore rev. 50146b22296a 2016-06-23 22:25:55 +0200 (3.3.5 branch) (Win64, Release, Static) (worldserver-daemon)
  8. So did they reduce the amount of spawns of the other professions as well?
  9. TrinityCore rev. 813e33b92784 2016-06-13 11:29:12 +0200 (3.3.5 branch) (Win64, Debug) (worldserver-daemon) I have a low level character that is learning the profession of mining. Leave Ironforge and went to the rock quarry just south of Ironforge, but there was only 2 copper veins in the whole quarry. There used to be way more than just two veins there. Kept going towards Thelsamar, and only saw a couple of copper veins while on the way there. Not very much copper ore anywhere. Is this a data issue or is there something on the worldserver.conf I need to look into?
  10. I don't know what you folks did to get the mmaps_generator.exe to read SO much more, but I have been running that for almost 6 hours now, and normally it only takes this system about 2 hours to read and write the tiles. I have an i7-2700K cpu with 8 cores on it, and this new "tools" compile...WOW! It's reading and actually writing ALL the tiles, not leaving a crap load of tiles not read this go around. Thanks Devs!
  11. Will it matter? If your using the WoD server and restrict it to 1 - (Expansion 1) your still going to get all the changes that WoD has made to the TBC expansion. It won't be a true TBC server. Like when I installed the Cata server and ran it, the beginning area for humans was on fire, it wasn't like that in the original or TBC or WotLK, but it's like that on the CATA server. A lot of the earlier quests were changed as well. So if your wanting a TBC server your going to have to dig into the archives and see if you can find it.
  12. TrinityCore rev. ea9c112b3085 2015-11-03 22:52:35 +0100 (3.3.5 branch) (Win32, Release) (worldserver-daemon) <Ctrl-C> to stop. When did the Hoard get a bat handler at Light's Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands 3.3.5a?
  13. Seeing how as TrinityCore is not developing 4.3.4., who's repack would TrinityCore (as a collective), recommend? I've tried a few of them but they all seem to fall short in one way or another.
  14. Is TC not going to update the MySQL part of the core anymore? I noticed on the info page for requirements that there is now a download for the MySQL development files, and those are version 5.5 instead of 5.7.9?
  15. Has anybody tried setting this up to update clients with? http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/Autoupdater%2C+Launcher%2C+and+Alerts+HOWTO#
  16. Could we have an area in Announcements and Releases that will let us know when to update things like cmake, ssl, and so on instead of finding out when we try compile that there is something wrong? For those of us that have been here for awhile and know the "rinse and repeat" routine, it would be a great advantage to us. Would also cut down on some of the BS posts like CMAKE kicking out error messages and people posting there's something wrong with the code.
  17. At what point do you stop deprecating quests on 3.5.5?
  18. I had the same problem with Auth and Worldserver not wanting to startup with all the same error messages. After installing OpenSSL1.0.2d it seems to have cleared it up and now both start with no appcrash errors.
  19. I was wondering about it because it seems like the 3.3.5 is going to be getting to a point where it will be primarily questing problems. So if anybody out there wanted to dedicate time to a particular server version, it would make it a lot easier for that person to find those problems. Instead of searching through a list of titles that most of the time do not even have the server version listed, I thought it might be easier to let the users go to the version they are reporting on and post their problem under the appropriate version, but that's what bug-tracker is for. Even though there are probably lots of people that don't want to have to setup an account just to report a bug. Either which way, it was just a curiosity thought.
  20. Would it not be easier if the support category had different sub categories for the server versions?
  21. Does the 3.3.5 branch now need the version 5 mmaps generator? I have 4 entries on my worldserver.exe console that show me this: "MMAP:loadmap: 5712626.mmtile was built with generator v4, expected v5" I'm running TrinityCore rev. 3c77f588ba6c 2015-02-16 17:52:41 +0100 (3.3.5 branch) (Win64, Release)
  22. Have you tried MrSmite's tutorial for upgrading client from 335a to 434? http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/7370-howto-patch-from-33512340-to-43415595-updated-2014-01-24/
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