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Few weeks ago has been created a project: www.wowgaming.org
It's a WoW resource pool (Db search, wiki, addons etc) subdivided by expansion that currently support wotlk 3.3.5a
All information inside are stored  with original data from that specific game version.

It's totally Free and Open Source alternative to (dead?) OpenWoW site!

Please read this page to understand why and how we can do it.

This project can be helpful for:

- Wiki and Database search engine for educational Open Source application server projects, such as TrinityCore
- Keeping an historical archive of World of Warcraft original data
- Discussing and Blogging about newest and oldest WoW Facts 

wotlk portal (index of all subsite below): http://www.wowgaming.org/wotlk.html


addon list: http://www.wowgaming.org/addons-335a-collection/



Our repositories: https://github.com/wowgame


If you want to help us or maintaining another version using our free tools

Please, Contact us on Discord

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19 hours ago, CDawg said:

my connection is timing out. You hosting that site on a Raspberry Pi?

Hosting: github pages and Altervista (distributed on  Rapidswitch and Hetzner, European webfarms) backed by varnish and memcache.

However gtmetrix (canada) gives 84% PageSpeed/Yslow score. For me and my collegue it takes ~120ms to load pages.

So,  i can ask you the same: are you using a raspberry/arduino to browse this site?

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I'm connecting with a 1000Mbps fiber link with an i7 on my home computer. So unless someone else can test in the US, it takes 18.3 seconds to finally load for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm not knocking the website, I just didn't know if you were hosting from your house as a beta page.

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