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Everything posted by CDawg

  1. That is a very very old characters database. That column was replaced a year ago. Read the instructions closely on adding a new characters database.
  2. You shouldn't have to retrieve the dll from another source.
  3. Maybe a developer can weigh in here, but it shouldn't take 2 days. What other process' are you running on the box?
  4. Jesus, 2 days...? I'm running a very bare Ubuntu 16.04 LTS server. Using an HP z800 sitting on a shelf in my office. Takes 2 minutes and 14 seconds to compile the core(w tools), then about 2hours and 52minutes to extract everything. And yes, the z800 is overclocked with all hyperthreading enabled., but that should NOT take 2 days. Are you extracting on a rasberry Pi ? And No, I'm not Andy
  5. I can try tonight on my Ubuntu box. I just extracted on linux last week, since i had some dbc errors that mysteriously went away. Anyhow, last week it was close to about 3 hours total for all vmap, mmaps, etc..
  6. This has been this way for quite some time. Then when people compile, follow the wiki and dont produce any debug logs, we yell back at them that they didnt compile correctly and cant help them. I honestly thought it was intentional to compile in release, so that in the OPs case here he is just complaining about how slow it is. Better to be slow compile, then to have issues you cant identify.
  7. The whole idea it's larger and slower (in debug) is for that very reason. Where if it crashes, hopefully there is a catch to the exact symbol where it crashed and it logs just about everything in memory when you execute the binary (why worldserver.exe is so slow). As for the DBC editing, well, you are on your own with that one. That would cause client issues if something goes wrong. EDIT: This will help you understand the differences. http://haacked.com/archive/2004/02/14/difference-between-debug-vs-release-build.aspx/
  8. I actually hate it. No offense, but it's sometimes unreliable. I have friends post links and message me, where they asked later why I didn't reply, in which I would respond with "I never got that message". Anyhow, IRC is the most reliable source you can get. I will still use it in the year 2040 (if i live that long)
  9. Are you trying to create 2 realms? I see 2 realms in your realmlist where they need separate ports. The 2 realms can be on the same server or on separate servers. You can not occupy one realm with 2 addresses or 2 ports.
  10. Only one address for one realm. Your ports need to be different, also not sure why your localadress is in the 5.x.x range. it should be Your lan address' are correct. You need to configure and whitelist the 8085 and set your realmid 2 to 8086 in your .conf for your second realm
  11. Are your ports whitelisted? you should by default have 3724 for your authserver, and 8085 for your worldserver. try telnet 3724 telnet 8085
  12. Sounds like your auth.realmlist has the wrong address. Did you try setting it to or your current dynamic external address?
  13. I didn't see any documentation to compile with clang. so... To everyone that wants to use it i added options to my cmake, so every compile by default will be clang -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ Also, for debian users 'sudo apt-get install clang' installed all the compilers and libraries for me. If you choose to back to gcc, just blow away the options and rebuild with gcc. I don't have access to edit the documentation and add this piece.
  14. @Daniel25 Need a lot more context on your issue. - What OS are you using? - What branch are you using? - Is your world server crashing - Did you restart Authserver? - Did you revert your changes and try again? I'm assuming you are talking about the realmlist that pops up once you login to access your character screen.
  15. Iv'e used AJAX (javascript). I do use a apache/http secure session with a password. Just so nosey people that try to DL the javascript (that has the credentials) are unable to use it. Example: https://github.com/gtathub/js-soap-client/blob/master/soapclient.js#L165
  16. Yes, unfortunately, blizz has scrubbed through all of their static or s3 buckets and removed all traces to that streaming service. (Im assuming that blizz caught on that private server idiots were direct linking to it) Iv'e search for close to a year with no success.
  17. Again... Start off by seeing what works as percentage scale... then list everything. Everything! (then assume from there that, that is what needs work or improvements) It's alot of work and the devs would have to continually maintain it. As you search other posts you will see other members that have created these exact lists, but never go back to update it when there is so much activity. BTW, thanks for the downvote... Learn some constructive criticism and do it yourself. It takes alot of time and if you want to invest in doing it, then you can get pats on the back. The main problem is maintaining it. I recommend a percentage level, since most scripts/instances/bgs, etc... will not be 100%
  18. ^ this. I had played around with versions but to no success yet I'm just going to stick around with gcc at the moment.
  19. Thanks Nay, I will try the 2017 beta
  20. That is horrible.... What is your compile time Release (that is debug) ?
  21. If you are using HeidiSQL (which im assuming, because of Windows screenshot), you can use the command macro window to redo your database. Take this opportunity to learn mysql commands Aokromes is basically saying that you need to redo your world database.
  22. 3.3.5a (enUS) hash should match or never change (This was for Windows OS 8/XP). I can't speak for other locale copies, nor operating systems outside of Windows. After Wrath (Cata) It was almost impossible to do a hash check. It was a nightmare for BlizzCS to assist customers at the time (they enabled the live streaming) which varied across everyone, even for clients in certain regions within or outside the US. (using enUS version)
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