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Everything posted by CDawg

  1. So far I like it. I have never ever been a M$ fan. I've been using Windows 10 on my wife's laptop and I actually like it. The only issue I have with setting up VS Studio 2015 is an utmost nightmare. I have been using Linux for close to 22 years now (I know I know, I'm an old guy)... and wanted to test something different. But trying to use MS on windows 10 with all the redistribute packages, etc... takes close to 7gb??? I'm trying to use SFTP on top of a remote Linux drive to open the project with the existing code. Ok.. it worked... then it crashed. Didn't have an issue compiling TC straight from pure Windows, creating the binaries that way. I just wanted to see if I could use VS Studio on a net drive (sftp) and use the code completion feature that everyone in the M$ community raves about on my Linux boxes. So, anyhow... I trashed VS 2015. I give a clap to those of you using it. I think it's absolute garbage, of course that's my opinion. Iv'e used Eclipse (too slow) and hate Java dependency (too many security issues) Iv'e use Code:Blocks - just lacks all the features that I'm looking for. (and yes iv'e tried a mountain of plugins) Now.... I'm back to CodeLite as my trusted IDE friend. - No crashes, very fast, runs on any platform, and.... it's open source Hit me up either way if you got the VS Studio envo working with Linux. (I refuse to use a VM) Just wanted to vent about M$ environment. BTW... I asked my wife about changing her Windows OS on her laptop, I think If I mess with it she will stab me.
  2. I just modified my conf on my test server to max level 30, created a new character, maxed him to level 30, added reputation status where the xp bar would go and I dont see the gap. Same goes for characters less than level 30 where they don't have the reputation status bar. That gap never shows. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. I'm not sure, I don't see that gap. This seems more of a client issue really.
  4. Works fine for me... Did you set MaxPlayerLevel = 30 in your worldserver.conf ?
  5. To add to what Exodius mentioned, there isn't much code manipulation that needs to be done. And your "twist" is called a "progression" server. They are all over the place. It will prevent players from accessing the additional talents, and content. But at some time they will want to run into areas of new content and creatures of higher level.
  6. Sorry, we don't support repacks. You can get started with your own server here https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/tc/Installation+Guide Yes. but like I said, we don't support repacks and have no clue how repacks behave with multiple expansions. You can 3.3.5a and the latest 7.1x (master) branch running simultaneously on the same machine, but you wont get support until you run TC's versions
  7. Which revision? Have you compiled an earlier revision successfully, or this your first time?
  8. Is there a data/enUS directory in your wow directory? You might have a bad wow client. Edit: Ah I see your second screenshot.. you have a modified client that reads additional mpq files. That patch-w.mpq is known to give issues. I used to modify wow clients. You should run a pure wow.exe file
  9. I don't think your client has to be specifically anywhere. As long as the client was ran last. It registers it's location in your registry. Anyhow, yeah that should work with the extractors in the root directory of your wow client. You still getting the error message?
  10. Launch the client, then get out. The extractors don't know where your wow client is located. You can also try place the extractor binaries in the root dir of your wow (335a) client.
  11. @TeegeeUK I'm assuming you are running Windows? Run the cmd.exe and manually run the extractor binaries. That will give you an error message without the window prematurely closing, then post back here with your results if you need more assistance.
  12. Rather than requesting by adding another table. Just create a new column in the table. "rewardText_ruRU" then make the conversion from en->ru. I'm sure the developers will take a look at the PR
  13. Which version of authserver? Sounds like it's crashing. Iv'e ran authserver for weeks with connections in/out all day from friends testing.
  14. @timh52280 Try asking in Custom Codes. This is more specific Help getting the server running, not custom codes.
  15. Some oldies but goodies. These will get you started on your outside connections coming in. https://community.trinitycore.org/topic/3382-stuck-at-connected-infinite-loop-login-issues-battlenet/?do=findComment&comment=38515 https://community.trinitycore.org/topic/3382-stuck-at-connected-infinite-loop-login-issues-battlenet/?do=findComment&comment=38531 https://community.trinitycore.org/topic/3382-stuck-at-connected-infinite-loop-login-issues-battlenet/?do=findComment&comment=46734 https://community.trinitycore.org/topic/3382-stuck-at-connected-infinite-loop-login-issues-battlenet/?do=findComment&comment=48766 https://community.trinitycore.org/topic/3382-stuck-at-connected-infinite-loop-login-issues-battlenet/?do=findComment&comment=48831 Good luck!
  16. How 335a client was structured - realmlist.wtf should be in your /enUS (or w/e locale you are using) directory. The problem with doing away with realmlist.wtf, would be to always manually changing the values in config.wtf. But I understand that some folks may not want to always change their video card settings, etc... so it's safe to blow away realmlist.wtf, but remember realmlist.wtf is ignored if the config.wtf already has domain values in it. EDIT: When friends want to connect to my server for testing purposes. The safe method that I have them do is modify their realmlist.wtf, then blow away their config. The client rebuilds the config and ignores the ../enUS/realmlist.wtf unless they hate my server
  17. Ok. So let's start from scratch. config.wtf reads from what's in realmlist.wtf (unless it doesn't exist). If realmlist.wtf exists with your server info, then config.wtf needs to be updated. If I want to switch servers (domains), I blow away the config.wtf, then I update realmlist.wtf to point to my friend's server for debugging purposes, etc... The client builds a new client.wtf from what realmlist.wtf has in it. That make sense?
  18. The client, no. It reads from whatever 3724 is thrown at it. Are you using a modified 335a client?
  19. Yes and no. If you don't plan to have friends connect externally than it should work using, you can also use your local 10.x address.
  20. Are those ports whitelisted on the 335a node? In your case that you are describing... Localhost connections still have to use your external IP. That should be configured in your auth.realmlist DB under address.
  21. Are you referring to changing the RealmServerPort = 3724 in the authserver config?
  22. I only have a clean source of 335a. No other version atm.
  23. I'm assuming most of the sites you run into will have a pre-modified realmlist.wtf file, for ease of their players. You won't believe most of the idiots that barely know how to download the client and what to do next. Not to condone what most private server peeps are now editing the client beyond the realmlist.wtf, thus with heavily modified mpq files, to get them locked into their own server. I'll PM you a clean source.
  24. Like I said before over and over... The error you get should say "wrong file version!", but you are receiving the error message that file is not there... You need to do a fresh extract of the dbc, and all *maps.
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