worldserver.exe not starting
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By xgamerninjax
Hello all, first time posting here and it's really got me scratching my head.
I've compiled everything on my own computer, and then transferred everything to a host computer so the server can stay live. The server was running fine for a month or so and then suddenly it just crashes when it hits "Loading C++ scripts", exiting saying "caught signal 22"
I tried setting up the host computer from scratch and transferred everything over fresh and it's still happening for some reason. (Note, I can run the server perfectly on my personal pc where I compiled it.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
3d7e3a40e2b3+_worldserver.exe_[1-4_15-19-45].dmp 3d7e3a40e2b3+_worldserver.exe_[1-4_15-19-45].txt
By Deer_Hunter
Hello all,
I just updated from the latest Git
Trinity Core REV. ac6baa547376 + 2020-02-21 3.3.5 Branch.
I'm getting this error after crash.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: worldserver.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 5e50a462
Fault Module Name: StackHash_f12f
Fault Module Version: 6.3.9600.19629
Fault Module Timestamp: 5e2fdc0d
Exception Code: c0000374
Exception Offset: PCH_9E_FROM_ntdll+0x0000000000090D0A
OS Version: 6.3.9600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: f12f
Additional Information 2: f12f0934d3e965f73c68e60f20f2cd40
Additional Information 3: 7595
Additional Information 4: 7595e4d8d703db9dcd3d2f6ea540e357
the exception code says its a Heap error, I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this.
By 939h
The chat channel Lookup for group is not available when a player isn't in a city. I tried to modify the worldserver.conf file with:
# Channel.RestrictedLfg
# Description: Restrict LookupForGroup channel to characters registered in the LFG tool.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled, Allow join to channel only if registered in LFG)
# 0 - (Disabled, Allow join to channel in any time)
Channel.RestrictedLfg = 0
I restarted the server but it didn't help.
By Wark
I'm almost finished my TrinityCore setup but I've run into some issues with Databases and the installation.
When I ran the worldserver it was able to create the Auth database and Character database without any issues but it gets stuck and displays the following error:
[1146] Table 'world.updates_include' doesn't exist
Your database structure is not up to date. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/updates folders.
I've followed all the steps on the installation guide but I can't seem to get it to work.
Things I've tried:
I've reinstalled TrinityCore 3.3.5 Source and replace the *other Source folder with the new one. I installed the DB from here (TDB 335.64) - Is this not the correct DB? Deleting the DB that the worldserver created and letting it recreate the files
(authserver works completely fine if that matters at all)
I uploaded the most recent crash log (unknown_worldserver.exe[#].txt)
and my server log to show what displays when I launch worldserver. (this doesn't display the error from above for some reason but just imagine that the error comes right after all the good stuff)
I'm available to give more information if needed but I hope this is enough.
Thanks to anyone who might find a solution to this mess, much appreciation.
I've managed to solve the issue and here is how:
When you create a new SQL database (as I did) SQL server adds a world database preset inside. This makes the world server think that it already has a world database but looks inside to find some random junk. If you manage to make a clean/empty database then this issue shouldn't occur.
By Fyury
When I run "worldserver.exe" it just crashes and I get this:
TrinityCore rev. 084da48ba15a 2018-05-26 18:48:09 +0200 (master branch) (Win64, RelWithDebInfo, Static) (worldserver-daemon)
<Ctrl-C> to stop.
______ __
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\ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
\/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
C O R E /\___/ \/__/
Using configuration file C:/WoW-Server/bin/RelWithDebInfo/worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013)
Using Boost version: 1.65.1
Updating Auth database...
>> Auth database is up-to-date! Containing 6 new and 115 archived updates.
Updating Character database...
>> Character database is up-to-date! Containing 3 new and 77 archived updates.
Updating World database...
>> World database is up-to-date! Containing 193 new and 2262 archived updates.
Updating Hotfixes database...
>> Hotfixes database is up-to-date! Containing 18 new and 130 archived updates.
Realm running as realm ID 1
Using World DB: TDB 735.00
Using enUS DBC Locale
Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
Using DataDir ./
WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
VMap support included. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Missing name Guild.SaveInterval in config file C:/WoW-Server/bin/RelWithDebInfo/worldserver.conf, add "Guild.SaveInterval = 15" to this file
Initialize PlayerDump...
>> Initialized 370 PlayerDump ColumnDefinitions in 551 ms.
Loading Trinity strings...
>> Loaded 965 trinity strings in 32 ms
Initialize data stores...
Some required *.db2 files (2 from 230) not found or not compatible:
ItemSearName.db2 & WorldSafeLocs.db2 dont exist but how can I get them
When I start "mapextractor.exe" this happens:
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemSearchName.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Unittest.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WorldSafeLocs.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
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