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4.3.4 bnetserver not starting realm


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I recently found the Trinity Cataclsym Preservation Project and thought I will try it out.

I am already running 3.3.5a and Master - both server run great

Pulled 4.3.4 down using Git and built it same way as others:

  • boost_1_73_0
  • cmake 3.17.2
  • Mysql 5.7.30
  • VS Community 2019

Built fine - no issue. Used 'Extractor.bat' to run all the map extractors - worked great!

Noticed there was extra file 'connection_patcher.exe`, ran that - worked great! Now have "wow_patched" and use this to launch client

MySQL runs in standalone mode, -initialize, added base sql files, imported, auth and character sql files

Configured both the .conf files and passwords, IPs etc are all in place.

Note: When loading the exe and built conf file, bnetserver complain about these items missing, so I add them:

  • Updates.AutoSetup = 1
  • Updates.EnableDatabases = 0
  • LoginDatabase.SynchThreads = 1

Load up Mysql - loads fine

Load up bnetserver and appears to load ok - last few lines look like this:

Connected to MySQL database at
DatabasePool 'auth' opened successfully. 2 total connections running.
Started auth database connection pool.
Listening on connections from worldservers on port 1118...

Load up worldserver and it adds the FULL world and hotfixes, then applied all updates (confirmed archived in SQL) - last few lines look like this:

Calculate next monthly quest reset time...
Calculate random battleground reset time...
Calculate guild limitation(s) reset time...
Calculate next currency reset time...
World initialized in 0 minutes 13 seconds
TrinityCore rev. d0c7bbab40bc 2020-05-06 00:01:21 +0200 (master branch) (Win64, RelWithDebInfo, Static) (worldserver-daemon) ready...


There are no db errors in logs.

Config.wtf contain portal, realmlist as remote server and patchlist as localhost.

When I try to connecting using "user@local" and password I get immediately disconnected.

What I did noticed different is that the bnetserver doesnt add "Added realm "Battle for Azeroth" at" (From my Master log) 

3.3.5a also have this line as last line in authserver - but 4.3.4 is not giving me this one.

Realmlist table is accurate with right information.

Anyone know why bnetserver is not starting me realm?


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I can see in client logs:

5/7 16:36:16.436  GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_CONNECTING result: LOGIN_OK 
5/7 16:36:16.661  Failed to resolve
5/7 16:36:16.678  GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_FAILED result: DISCONNECTED 

But I have already patched! I use Wow_Patched and I can also see Battle.net_Patched.dll

What else is different about 4.3.4 that I need to know that might cause client to not connect?

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My source IS the Cataclysm Preservation Project (TrinityCore rev. d0c7bbab40bc 2020-05-06 00:01:21 +0200) latest commit

Realmlist is good:

"1"    "Trinity"    ""    ""    ""    "8085"    "0"    "0"    "1"    "0"    "0"    "15595"    "2"    "1"

All firewall ports created using the exe so ALL ports open

Config.wtf AND realmlist.wtf in the data locale directory are set to IP of server

And yes, the conf files for both the bnet and world servers are spot on.

After my testing I think the issue is the client locale - even after patching the wow.exe successfully, the client still has:

5/7 16:36:16.436  GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_CONNECTING result: LOGIN_OK 
5/7 16:36:16.661  Failed to resolve
5/7 16:36:16.678  GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_FAILED result: DISCONNECTED 

I am testing a enUS client at the moment - no working yet - patching it gives different problem

The connection_patcher with current 4.3.4 says it patched successfully, but its behavior is not


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  • 2 months later...
On 5/7/2020 at 11:44 AM, Lucian_by said:

Also try The Cataclysm Preservation Project or (C)mangos

The only supported & developed version is TCPP. But I can't patch the original wow & wow64 exe & dll files by TCPP patcher.  It's too bad that this fork uses the bnetserver authentication system and not the old way (authserver).

so sad,

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On 8/4/2020 at 8:41 PM, Lucian_by said:

But I can't patch the original wow & wow64 exe & dll files by TCPP patcher.

Personally, I missed the part in the wiki on the TCPP github page where they state about the TCPP patcher. However, after going through some old version of the Atlassian wiki for TC I found this:

  • Get latest connection_patcher (from your build/RelWithDebInfo folder when compiling with tools) and apply wow.exe and/or wow64.exe on it by using the command console or drag&drop the exe files over the connection_patcher. 
    WoW_Patched.exe or Wow-64_Patched.exe have been created, use this from now on.
  • Change Config.wtf: SET portal "<IP address used in realmlist table>"
    The IP in the Config.wtf file should be exactly the same as the IP address you entered in the realmlist table above. (Example: SET portal "")


Besides that I renamed the patched files back to their original names (wow.exe)

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On 8/8/2020 at 11:14 AM, Lucian_by said:

Can уou upload wow or wow-64 and Battle.net.dll or Battle.net-64.dll to any filehosting?

I get a patch error and the client does not connect to the server 


Ehm, I prefer not to share it in public. However, what I notice with the old cata (not giving any names to prevent down takes too soon for you) mini file, they had an extra zip file to upgrade the cinematics part and add a bunch of .dll files to the mini client. This extra part is still available for download here https://mega.nz/file/BYpwyKpJ#1H4ZZ0BQc7VEb8IXUbc611ZZk7Km7c7WIMgW3eekhmQ (after some webcrawling I found this one) They removed the download for the mini client.

The succesfull return I get then is the following picture:


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One thing I do notice between the screen shots provided above is that Lucian_by is running the patch from Unix, while Not-A-Potato is running this from Windows. Personally I'm now running into the same issue as Lucian - I get the same error message when I run the connection_patcher from Ubuntu 20.04 command line for the client I am using in the build - Map extraction, etc. The connection_patcher won't run in the windows environment, and neither will it complete the patch work on the client I've copied across. 

I'm trying to setup a server VM using Ubuntu 20.04 while using Windows 10 for the client-side things. Is there anything I can do to patch out the executable short of downloading and compiling the code - and therefore the connection_patcher in windows as well?

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So I bit the bullet and setup my Windows PC to compile the connection_patcher software, and it worked! At least the 32 bit did. When I got to the 64 bit stuff I had some problems. I'm getting a message of "EX: unable to find pattern" when I try to run connection patcher with Wow-64.exe. I do have Battle.net-64.dll present by the way. Any thoughts?

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  • 2 years later...
On 8/19/2020 at 6:39 AM, PQuicksilver said:

So I bit the bullet and setup my Windows PC to compile the connection_patcher software, and it worked! At least the 32 bit did. When I got to the 64 bit stuff I had some problems. I'm getting a message of "EX: unable to find pattern" when I try to run connection patcher with Wow-64.exe. I do have Battle.net-64.dll present by the way. Any thoughts?

Hello, did you manage to solve it? because i have the same problem and i can't solve it

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      If you get "unknown column" "missing table" "Duplicate column" errors:
      use mysql --default-character-set=utf8 to avoid import failures because timeout/mysql gone away/etc
      1) Clone desired branch.
      2) Import sql/create/create_mysql.sql
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