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Any Active Trinity Website [Php] Templates Out There?


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I've been out for awhile (2 1/2 years) and don't have any clue as to what has changed in the Trinity registration and cms scene. I've noticed a bunch of really cool web sites and templates with some great functionality. However, I noticed almost (or all) of these projects on this forum have ceased updating and are littered with dead links. (Thanks to the fall of Megaupload and now Filesonic).

Can anyone please guid me to an open source website template or CMS system for Trinity? I'd really like to get back in as I have a brand new server I'm not using.



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Well... we (trinity) don't have a CMS or website to interact with the database. What we have is a registration page only with example code to create accounts.

Some of us (also me) developed some interactions for trinity. Just take a look @ custom section.

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  • 1 month later...

illegal public servers are also still not supported...

Did I say sign-up page? or public server? I said "web site." Damn G. Ease up Bro.

Besides Blizz@rd isn't stupid; they've known about this emu and its intended purposes for awhile now. So relax. No cease and desist yet? Probably not gonna get one. Now emulate the new Bnet 2 and see how fast they respond! Your head would spin! Day late; dollar short for trying to diguise an open source emu with the dbc extractor, map extractor, and game specific fixes incorporated into each and every build. Hiding it is laughable at best! You're fooling no one. So if you feel "educational purposes" is protecting you somehow from legal action, your sorely mistaken.

So let me clear it up for the sensitive audience: "I need a web site that interacts with the emulator for educational purposes on my LAN. (Local Area Connection)."

I'm not out to save your world..but I'm not here to wreck it either.

I got this handled anyway..thanks for the link Moderator!

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Discover, I can't see your image. for some reason.

Flexserve (even your nick is flaunting your illegal public server, against the rules) just because you don't like the rules, doesn't mean you don't have to follow them...

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On 3/6/2012, 12:18:07, Paradox said:

Discover, I can't see your image. for some reason.


Flexserve (even your nick is flaunting your illegal public server, against the rules) just because you don't like the rules, doesn't mean you don't have to follow them...





Don't look now: (Rules Quote)

My nick has nothing to do with a private server or otherwise. I didn't break ANY rules. Now, please stop trolling. I am done with this thread because I can see where you're trying to lead it. I feel no need to further school a 38 year old on whether or not an emulated game server is known or unknown to Blizzard and the legalities of running a server privately OR publicly. So edit this post away or try to reverse the fact that you jumped to a conclusion; just as you did the post before this one. Please, cry to someone else about the rules when they actually break them instead of hounding people asking normal questions. I think you get off on being rude to others here (most of them younger than you) as some sort of ego trip? Power issues? Wanna be a moderator or something? I dunno, but you need to get more attention at home or something (seriously)... I read a lot of your rudeness to others on this forum, and for no reason! Just people a little confused or asking for help is usually followed up by complete rudeness in most of your responses.


Please, don't bother responding, banning, suspending, or whatever else your going to do to my account. People (members) don't want this type of interaction when trying to learn something new; and for an "educational" piece of software I find that contradictory to its main goal or purpose. So let's get this straight, you wont miss me and I wont miss you any; pretty much a clean wash.


I just maybe wanted someone to go review your performance (Paranoia or Para-whatever). And hey, if your grandfathered in here and "buddies" with the rest of the crew they should weigh that one out too. I understand the "good Ol' Boy" system. Protect your friends, no matter how wrong they are. So, I know telling you all this is a losing battle forum wise. ;)


Your nick certainly fits you: A paradox is a logical statement or group of statements that lead to a contradiction or a situation which (if true) defies logic or reason, similar to circular reasoning. Typically, however, quoted paradoxical statements do not imply a real contradiction and the puzzling results can be rectified by demonstrating that one or more of the premises themselves are not really true, a play on words, faulty and/or cannot all be true together.


To the Trinity Programmers and Moderators, Thanks, it's been a fun ride and I'll still be downloading source. Thank you for your time and experience.

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Sure, just read the part of the rules that you can use against other people, personally, i dont think your nick breaks the rules.

About this emulator being an open source project for educational purposes, it IS, believe it or not, we have nothing to disguise, why would we want to boatloads of private servers out there that only leech the things we code? think a bit about it

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I'll say it has been pretty educational to me just to dig into and hack away at such a large complex piece of software. I've done hobbyist programming for years, but never something so large, and mostly all C rather than C++. Learning a lot about some better methods to compartmentalize the other software I work on for fun.

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  • 4 months later...

I am currently reviving a project I worked on many years ago called TrinityManager. You can find it under the Trinity Utilities forum section. Currently you can login/create an account, view the list of realms and their status, view a list of characters on each realm, and view the individual characters. More features coming later, after a code revamp and interface change.

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  • 3 years later...
On 3/6/2012, 5:50:53, Kline said:

I'll say it has been pretty educational to me just to dig into and hack away at such a large complex piece of software. I've done hobbyist programming for years, but never something so large, and mostly all C rather than C++. Learning a lot about some better methods to compartmentalize the other software I work on for fun.

I 100% agree with that. I won't lie, my children and I play on it from time to time, but we also both LOVE creating new things in the code. I don't think I would ever have the patience (or desire) to run a public server. Learning how to write changes and learn how different changes affect the client and overall game play. Because of what my kids are learning with (First Mangos and now) Trinity core... One of them now wants to be a video game designer when he grows up. Couldn't ask for a better educational purpose than that. He will be able to walk into a college level class and explain EXACTLY how a database / client / server game works.

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