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By Frik24
Hello TrinityCore members,
I wanted to mess around with 6.2.4a build 21742,
I've downloaded/compiled the trinitycore TrinityCore-6.2.4-21742 from github
I've got connection_patcher.exe among other files in my release build
I've got client with same patch TrinityCore-6.2.4-21742
I patched the client(all successful) with patcher i've got from compiling source.
When i run WoW_Patched.exe i get error message https://imgur.com/a/ZZQI3J9
can anyone help me i'd appreciate it a lot!
By Madbryan
I've follow the explanation to make a server with the mmaster branch.
The authserver and worldserver launch without error.
I've created an account with the command bnetaccount create
But when i try to identificate on wow, it says that the login or password is invalid.
How could vérify that password are encrypted in the right way and decrypt in the good way too ?
Thanks in advance and for all your good work.
Example of salt et verifier that appear in my database auth :
Salt : ҕ��E��O���4��`˷����NV�:
Verifier : � ���1ri͐������IDmm-�����v
My table are in utf8_general_ci for auth, world and characters table and utf8mb4_unicode_ci for hotfixes
MySQL Workbench 8
Visual Studio 2019
Git v2.30.0
By Xzter
Hello, before i was using trinity fine, everything working perfect. But now, im always getting the worldserver.exe crash.
Here is log, if someone can help me to fix it, please. Thanks
Screenshoot where error always appear
And, Error Log
By Lenny4
I'm currently developping a web site to allow user to create an account and play in the game. For that I'm using soap connection, this way I can execute gm command from my website. (like bnetaccount create ...)
I was wondering, if one day I have a lot of players and I need to limit the amount of players who can be connect in the game at the same time.
But I want to choose (I will not choose my self I will create a php script for that) wich one can connect or not.
So my questions are:
- is there a way to know when a user try to connect in game, I mean a request is send to my website (or another way)? how?
- if yes can I avoid the connection to the game? how?
- is there a way to disconnect a user in the game using soap command (or another way)? how? Because here https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/2130065/GM+Commands I can't find a command to disconnect a player
Thank you for your help.
Hi all, im trying now to make an php custom market for buying an items in website, and i would ask for help. Which is the proper way to add/send items to player with in-game mail?
I need to add new entry in mail, mail_item, and item_instance ???
Something like that?
$mail->insert( 'mail', array( 'messageType' => 0, 'stationery' => 61, 'mailTemplateId' => 0, 'sender' => 1, 'receiver' => 2, 'subject' => 'Market item', 'body' => 'You have successfully buyed an item from market!', 'has_items' => 1, 'checked' => 0 ), array( '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%d' ) ); $mail->insert( 'mail_items', array( 'mail_id' => 44, 'item_guid' => 61, // ???? 'receiver' => 0 ), array( '%d', '%d', '%d' ) );
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