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Everything posted by CDawg

  1. It should be pretty obvious. Just show him how it's configured for "master" https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/master/src/server/bnetserver/bnetserver.conf.dist#L76 Rather than complain, then show both options.
  2. On most Macs you can't. Once you go to a higher resolution on a Mac, then exit out, it will clip the screen and you then have to manually modify wtf/confg.wtf. That has been a bug since TBC (2.x), it was fixed in 4.x
  3. @timp11 To add what Brainy mentioned, figure out what your public IP is.. set your database realmlist with that public IP. You will only need 3724 (authserver) and the worldserver (default: 8085) open to public. worldserver port is configured in your .conf file. There should be no other ports open.
  4. Original poster https://www.lifewire.com/what-does-o-p-stand-for-2483372 http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=op http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+op+on+forums A repack is where you wont get support. It's a pre-comiled server package for people that are incompetent on building their own server. You get no updates, you can't fix core problems, and most of the time they are extremely outdated with so many bugs locked into a pre-compiled core that you have to deal with. @Chrisseria2520 You said it best... You just explained that you had a negative experience with a repack (one of the largest) You had a guy that was able to cheat and hack your "repack" and there wasn't a single thing that you could do, due to someone else that created the server in a package nad not able to add special detection and core functions within a repack. Look... People are lazy, i'm not saying you are. But don't let one small issue you run into block you from giving up. It's very very while worth it to compile your own server. Not only can you make custom modifications and keep your package up to date, but you will learn a lot from it and have the confidence to tell your friends that you may be able to fix a certain issue - since you will get support.
  5. I use Linux, and compile and extract 3.3.5a. (Ubuntu Server 16.04). Like I said before, this really isn't a "version" issue. If you compiled TC (3.3.5a), the issue is with your client asset extraction. Not making any assumptions on the OP, but with my experience, most of the time it's an OP that doesn't like the answer, even if it's the right one.
  6. I gave you credit , I don't normally touch credit thingy, however, extracting from a corrupt or broken client is actually pretty common. Good catch!
  7. If it gets deleted, it's probably because you are not using the official extractors for that version. The "VMap file './vmaps/000.vmtree' does not exist" also means it can't read the file, due to unsupported version. You have to extract them fresh from what you compiled. Do NOT download and use unsupported mmaps, dbcs, or vmaps from another source. https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/2130046/Server+Setup#ServerSetup-Extractors
  8. BindIP to on multiple worldserver configs won't matter. Ports are where there issues are happening. The service is trying to run on a port that is already occupied. The only logical explanation is to find worldserver service running and kill it. Restaring the service seems to be apparent that the service is not properly shutting down and thus, still occupying the port.
  9. Came late to the party and you appear to have found the solution I am actually running several diff servers (one specifically for a build), so that if anything is being built or upgraded it will only blow up one server and not affect the running world. TIP: Remember to update your boost libraries (for Linux) when it calls for a specific version on the build box or core update. The mysql client libraries and boost must match exactly or you get a mismatch error.
  10. What error are you receiving on Linux when you git clone? Are you making modifications to the core after you clone the repo?
  11. @SouthSideDown Just give the community a bit of patience. We are to help. I personally will still help even if you rant on the forums. But as Rochet2 mentioned, ask us in IRC if you need a more immediate response and we can also help with some of the steps (even if the wiki is not detailed with beginners experience on compiling a program)
  12. Did you manually update your world database? Because that is what you get from not reading the wiki.
  13. Are you using a gm account to login, it looks to be running but no validation
  14. Good, now for the next steps. 1. git checkout 4aceb7bf9196b0c83d75effdd132afb84569c963 2. Re-compile (windows: rebuild solution) And let me know if the problem goes away... If it is, then we have a range to work with. Like I mentioned, I'm not having the issue So you will have to do the testing.
  15. Which branch are you using? Did you check your firewall? It's possible that there may be conflicts with that port. FYI: you can share your worldserver.conf settings with that particular section. You just exposed your password to the world.
  16. @ceresia In order to get help. do this ^^^
  17. Ubuntu expert here What error are you receiving? What version are you looking for? MariaDB is just an option and your version of libssl (openssl) is just fine. However, you will need to use a newer version of boost for Ubuntu 16.04+ Are you trying to compile 3.3.5 or master?
  18. These forums are not for your personal website. This is for Help and Support with your TC install.
  19. Are you cancelling out the compile? It should continue. It will say "build failed". Otherwise, just let continue.
  20. I'm not having that issue..., but please file full details here: https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/issues Also, it helps to tell us what last commit you were using, before the random disconnects. It helps the community to investigate the bad commit (if there are any)
  21. That really all depends on population, as well as GM support. I've had players open a ticket on simple quests issues with no details, tickets opened, then closed immediately (maybe they are testing or resolved own issue?!?), tickets opened and never responded by the player, tickets opened and it's not resolved to "their satisfactory", tickets opened and the player never logs back in (unanswered). For 3.3.5a, I don't think Iv'e seen the wait time as you described, mine has always said, "your ticket will be served soon".
  22. Yes, it should. If not, then you will need to dedicate more RAM to your vps. That is extremely low even for testing 3.3.5a.
  23. @darki73 Whoops! I meant to put in the releases folder. Also, I have a compiled version that disabled the auto-update. @Daniel25 Sorry for the confusion, to add what darki73 mentioned. It will try to connect to their server and check for updates. It does take a good minute once you launch the app. I have the Editor with that feature disabled. I just have to find it. Once I'm home from work I can PM you one.
  24. WDBXEditor was created by barncastle to be compatible with every revision . Personally, it is my favorite, especially when you need to dissect from different revisions with the project that I have been working on.
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