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Everything posted by Aokromes

  1. you have download 3.3.5a branch db, you are trying to find master branch only file.
  2. no. and don't post the correct one, it's disabled because a very good reason.
  3. you can enter walking on normal mode and see why it's disabled.
  4. it's disabled because it's broken.
  5. there is no db data for shadowlands. you will need to find map ids and teleport to them with go xyz.
  6. https://github.com/The-Cataclysm-Preservation-Project/TrinityCore/tree/master/sql/base
  7. --- Canned message start --- Trinity does not support repacks. Please learn to compile and configure the source yourself, you will learn more and may even find that the error doesnt exist in vanilla TC. Please refer to the author of the repack for your questions if you continue to use said repack. --- Canned message end ---
  8. shadowlands branch lacks spawns over cataclism.
  9. no idea, why you don't want to run registration webpage on same machine as authserver?
  10. we don't support client modification.
  11. I don't remember the names, something about SPR6 or something like that. read config files.
  12. we increased gcc version to 8, since we recomend debian 10 it's minor issue for most.
  13. idk what you did, but if you have fresh cloned latest trinitycore and used TDB 335.20071 as base it don't must run those ancient updates.
  14. https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/2130095/RBAC+Role+based+Access+Control
  15. i suggest you to update VS to the latest stable version.
  16. if you "tried that solution" and you state you use latest, that solution is already on latest, then you are using some custom core.
  17. https://tcubuntu.northeurope.cloudapp.azure.com/aowow/?item=23793#can-be-placed-in
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