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[SOLVED]Compile error


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If this is your 1st time with TrinityCore read http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/TrinityCore+Home

Also read http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/1518-trouble-with-your-trinity-install-readme-1st-faqs/

         and http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/10656-updating-or-starting-with-trinitycore-issues/

Since those threads are big, use control+f to find your keyword on them, also try different keywords.

Also please Look in upper right hand corner of the forum, there is a button labeled search field, feel free to search for your issues first before posting, most questions like this one have already been answered.

If you still cannot find the answers you seek feel free to make a post and tell us the steps you took to resolve this issue and we will do our best to help you.

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Ive tried to Compile with VS2013 on Windows 10 x64

* TrinityCore revision : ce0ce25a666f 2016-04-20 12:59:57 +0200 (6.x branch)



char const* GitRevision::GetFullVersion()
# ifdef _WIN64
# else
# endif


Fehler    27    error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ';' vor Bezeichner '_BUILD_DIRECTIVE'    E:\src\common\GitRevision.cpp    57    1    common
Fehler    28    error C2065: '_BUILD_DIRECTIVE': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner    E:\src\common\GitRevision.cpp    57    1    common
Fehler    29    error C2143: Syntaxfehler: Es fehlt ';' vor 'Zeichenfolge'    E:\src\common\GitRevision.cpp    57    1    common


how to fix it :-)

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Having issues with latest ( b82ffb8  at the time of writing).

My compile script can be found here, starting on line 57 and ending on line 68 for the purposes of relevance.

I looked at #14657, which seemed to be someone with the same issue, but no love there. I'm not running Arch.

CentOS 7.2 x64, cmake3 version 3.5.1 (I also have cmake 2.8.11 installed, but I'm explicitly referencing cmake3 in my build script), gcc 4.8.5. I successfully built the server on March 15th and this is the first time I've tried since (my last successful build was 632e667). SELinux is set to permissive.

When running make, I get the following error:

[  5%] Building C object dep/jemalloc/CMakeFiles/jemalloc.dir/src/arena.c.o

In file included from /home/XXXXX/TrinityCore/dep/jemalloc/include/jemalloc/internal/jemalloc_internal.h:568:0, 

     from /home/XXXXX/TrinityCore/dep/jemalloc/src/arena.c:2:/home/XXXXX/TrinityCore/dep/jemalloc/include/jemalloc/internal/util.h:88:49: error: expected ';', ',', or ')' before 'nptr'

 uintmax_t malloc_strtoumax(const char *restrict nptr,


make[2]: *** [dep/jemalloc/CMakeFiles/jemalloc.dir/src/arena.c.o] Error 1

make[1]: *** [dep/jemalloc/CMakeFiles/jemalloc.dir/all] Error 2

make: *** [all] Error 2

Edited by velinath
7.2, not 7.1 - tried after updating.
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Nothing changed the way Jemalloc is used recently.

I don't really have a fix for your issue but you can try one of these:

  • Make sure that the build directory has been cleaned up before compiling again
  • Disable Jemaloc by using -DNOJEM=1
  • Change from GCC to Clang (it's also generally faster compiliing)
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Clearing out the build directory seems to have done it. There was stuff in there from as far back as June of 2015, so immediate assumption is that it had something to do with old stuff that needed to get rebuilt, or something that cmake 2 left behind. I'll add a full clear of the build directory, not just clearing the one file, to the build script.

Thanks very much for the help on this one. I was banging my head against it for hours and didn't think to try the basic "clear out the old stuff" step.  Really appreciated.

I don't have a wiki account, but the RHEL docs could be updated - in the interest of ease of use - to:

yum install epel-release -y && yum install cmake3

rather than what's there. Plus, that way, no need to build cmake 3 from source.

As a side note - and now is when I'm starting to stray from original scope - but as someone who has zero experience with clang as a compiler, is it worth making the switch?

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Clang is supposed to be a drop in replacement for GCC. Simply install it, change CC and CXX (or equivalent of update-alternatives on CentOS) and you are good to go. Clang is most of times faster than GCC and it shows some better warnings. However GCC 6.1 was released recently and it looks good.

Give it a try, you can always go back with a command.


Ref the wiki, anyone can make edits, thanks!

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Cool. I'll hop in and mess around with the CentOS/RHEL install instructions in the wiki then. I've got a dev Fedora box that I'll stick Clang on and give it a shot. Appreciate the advice and help!

edit: After testing on my Fedora box, all that needs to happen is:

yum remove gcc gcc-c++ && yum install clang

and clang will just start working, with no further changes. It's also way faster. Thanks again for the advice.

Edited by velinath
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  • 1 month later...

Greetings community, as I'm trying to generate the code for the 6.xx core on cmake I find that If I use Boost 1.55 the code generation is completed with no issues, however, when I try to compile the core, I get several errors, then I found out that I have to use a newer version of Boost to get rid of them. Problem is, when I switch to a newer version of boost (tried versions 1.59 and newest 1.61), cmake does not recognize them leading to the errors shown in this picture.

What I do to switch between versions is go into Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Advanced System Configuration -> Environment Variables and set the path there.

So how can I solve this? thanks!


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12 hours ago, Nay said:

Do you have Boost 1.61 compiled for VS 2013 64 bits? https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/1.61.0/ boost_1_61_0-msvc-12.0-64.exe

Do you have a BOOST_ROOT env var set to Boost dir? e.g C:/boost_1_61_0 (no slash at the end)

Thanks Nay, you helped realize that I had installed  boost_1_61_0-msvc-14.0-64.exe instead of  boost_1_61_0-msvc-12.0-64.exe and that worked.

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  • 9 months later...
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      25> Compilation of the "worldserver.vcxproj" project completed - ERROR.
      26> ------ Compile operation started: project: ALL_BUILD, configuration: RelWithDebInfo x64 ------
      26> Building Custom Rule E: /Server-Wow/TrinityCore_434-4.3.4/CMakeLists.txt
      26> CMake does not need to re-run because E: /Server-Wow/TrinityCore_434-4.3.4/Build/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
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