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Dbc, Maps, mmaps, Vmaps problems


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> Updated the core and recompiled... I got the extractors this time around.. but they don't work with the 64 bit windows.. so cannot extract.. lol.. wtf..


Please define "don't work" (what's wrong?), because tools for Windows in 64 bits is definitely working here. 


Sorry, yea, was running out for dinner and well, sorta needed a break from working on this.


" The version of this file is not compatible with the version of windows your using.. bla bla bla... "  typical 32 bit vs 64 bit error message.


My server platform:


root@wow-server:/etc# uname -a
Linux wow-server 3.2.0-29-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 17:03:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Client where I am getting maps from: (again, 3.3.5 no install version)
Windows 7 Enterprise x64 bit... is where i am running it on.
The extractors are build on Linux platform, do I need to copy over  the client and run those on the linux box ?  ? I thought it was kewl to bring the extractors over to my windows box.. and run em.. hrmm..
PS: don't take anything I write, or the way I write it, as derogatory  I know people have put tons of work into these things and sometimes I write what is on my mind, and that little LOL was literally me chuckling to myself, and figuring I needed a short break ;)
Is this a client issue? Should I be looking for another 3.3.5a client to use? maybe not the no install client... or.. ?
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We've been troubleshooting for quite awhile now, and have fixed several issues on our own, but this one; has us stumped.


We have ran the Map Extractor, and all appropriate files affiliated with such, but while it appears that all the maps are there, the server gives back a fatal error and refuses to run, saying that we're missing "maps/5301243.map"


After further investigation, the maps folder skips from 529****.map, to 531****.map,


We've ran the extractor several times as well as the .bat file, which was returning "err.2" throughout its process.


We're currently unsure of how to continue, any advise?

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I just want to say, this is why I hate repack makers and their idiot users.


Thanks for the complement. Really.


Due note that I mentioned my client early on, it isn't referenced in the server how to wiki, it isn't referenced in the apparently 'out of date' map extractions on the site either.


Yet, I am not bitching or complaining, just looking for a little direction and working to stay away for general forum drama that happens to always fucking come up with someone who has more specific knowledge of a subject than the person asking... then being called an idiot or something even more.. sinisiter.. lol. Hence trying to give you ALL the data vs some real idiots version of  " I have a problem, it don't work work, help " with no provided info at all.


But, apparently, it is a client issue. Sorry to insult you oh great one. 


And yes, thanks for clarifying the problem. 


Also - worth noting, are the first pages results on the oracle's (Google, for you non-idiots) search, using such idiot search terms such as

3.3.5a WOW client download -- one might assume the no-install client as fairly over-fucking-whelming on the results. The ole 80-20 rule apparently doesn't apply here... 


Thanks bub, keep flexing on the forums, it makes you look good.


-- Trev




Actually, since I have a couple bacardi's in me here at this point..



What would make you look good would be something like this, ready, hang tight, it's brilliant.


" Hey Trev, noticed your using a prepackaged no-install client, we don't support that and your bound to have troubles using it. Please note that isn't supported in our Wiki (or other document that I clearly overlooked.. still cant find it in the wiki btw.. /shrug whatever). I'd suggest you use google, or follow this link [url... ] and download the torrent. 

Build your maps, should be good to go.


Welcome aboard.


-- God/Genius/Superman"


That's something I would respect, as would pretty much anyone else out there.


Your welcomed for the lesson.


-- Trev

Edited by Trev71
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So I ran the mmap extractor from b6e56e42e and after it completed I ran it again because I remember seeing somewhere that it doesn't always build all tiles in the first run.


The second run did in fact write a few additional files so I decided to run it a third time. The third and subsequent runs end up doing nothing but listing all the maps and coordinates in the console with the exception of a few tiles indicating there are no polygons:


[Map 566] [26,29]:  Building movemap tiles...
[Map 566] [26,29]:  No polygons to build on tile!

[Map 574] Building tile [31,28]
[Map 574] Building tile [31,34]
[Map 574] [31,34]:  Building movemap tiles...
[Map 574] [31,34]:  No polygons to build on tile!


Obviously running it again won't magically create polygons on those tiles so is it safe to assume that it is finished if you run it and it doesn't actually write any files into the directory?

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I don't know if mmaps for 434 got the new changes, but, the 335 mmaps was fixed to only need to be run once (or, at least, that was the stated goal of the fix) and, the no polygons to build on tile means just what it sounds like, the tile contains no polygons that are accessible for pathfinding, so, there is no need to do anything... as far as I can figure.


In short, yes.

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who said anything about the client? also, you can copy the client to the linux machine (or, share the directory with SMB) and use the compiled tools from the linux machine to extract everything... You cannot compile under linux and use the linux binaries in windows, though... If you really want to do the extraction under windows, you need to compile them there...



I'd also like to mention, unless you are using a repack, I did not call you an idiot.

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In short, yes.

Thanks, that's what I thought.

Incidentally I was running the 3.3.5 extractor when it made a few files on the second run which may be partially my fault since I paused / resumed the process using Process Explorer and I think it skipped whatever threads were queued at the time.

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As said in the title above, when I run makevmaps_simple.bat I get the following error..


Here is a screenshot




  • Build: 3.3.5 (12340)
  • This is placed inside my WoW directory



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I am have no tried, to download 6 Clients, and all say "15050 Build version Detected"

But when i´m ingame, it say´s me 434.



I have tried to Compile the Extractors in x86 and x64 and all of that is Error!



Clients all completed Downloaded @100% and only the DBC`s extracten, with 75MB.


No maps/VMAPS


Please give me a Solution.


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give up.


or, go back to 3.3.5a since you are obviously not good enough to get a 4.3.4 server going. and, 3.3.5a is more playable, while 4.3.4 is meant more for devs and people who can and will help further its development, something I get the distinct impression you will be completely unable to do.

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Bonjour je réagit sur ce sujet ,nous avons une bonne équipe de développeurs et pourtant en essayant d'extraire les maps ,dbc et vmaps  sur plusieurs clients de jeux ,impossible de lancer le core trinity 4.3.4 , si une personne sur ce forum a réussi à corriger ce problème ,je suis preneur de la solution , merci d'avance pour votre aide 

Edited by vladic
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