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Dbc, Maps, mmaps, Vmaps problems


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The WoW Client is:


The TrinityCore is up to date (cd TrinityCore && git pull)




did you checkout the 3.3.5 branch? if not, you are trying to use 6.x tools to extract 3.x data... and have compiled the 6.x server, which is not compatible with the 3.x client...

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did you checkout the 3.3.5 branch? if not, you are trying to use 6.x tools to extract 3.x data... and have compiled the 6.x server, which is not compatible with the 3.x client...


The output of... right now:

$ git status
On branch 3.3.5
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/3.3.5'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
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Does the 3.3.5 branch now need the version 5 mmaps generator? I have 4 entries on my worldserver.exe console that show me this:


"MMAP:loadmap: 5712626.mmtile was built with generator v4, expected v5"


I'm running TrinityCore rev. 3c77f588ba6c 2015-02-16 17:52:41 +0100 (3.3.5 branch) (Win64, Release)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

I have been using Trinity Core before but after year I see there are many changes. I went through the installation with many problems which I was able to fix but now I encountered problem that I can't. I checked for solution but couldn't find one. 


I want to install 3.3.5a server for me and my friends but I'm not sure where to select that option. First I cloned the Source from https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore  and compiled the files. After I put the extractors into WoW game directory and run mapextractor I get:

Map & DBC Extractor


error opening casc storage 'F:/GamesWorld of WarcraftData' : FILE_NOT_FOUND


This is the error that I was able to catch with Print Screen because the cmd is disappearing really fast.

I thought that this could be because I never ran the game for first time and I did it but I still got that. Searching in forums I was able to see:


Then I found a topic about Trinity moved into three branches. I went to git branch for 3.3.5 and got the link which was this "https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore.git" (don't think there is a difference from the first one ?). I cloned it again, compiled it, copied the extractors and same error. I want to know where is my mistake? I want 3.3.5 server and if there is a different link for 3.3.5 branch please let me know.. Sorry if this is a duplicate I really searched a lot but did not found a solution..


Edit: http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/10950-problem-with-mapextractor/ I think this is related.

So I cloned branch 6.x not 3.3.5 ? While waiting for someone to give me advice I will search for such link.

Edited by geca7a
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Hi ,


If the link you have provided for the repo that you have cloned is correct you have cloned the wrong branch as it is for 6.x and not 3.3.5 .


please re read the wiki and clone the correct branch .


correct branch for 3.3.5 = https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/tree/3.3.5


6.x extractor's will not work with 3.3.5.





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Hi Thugly,


Thank you for you fast reply but I forgot to mention that I tried that and I got:


"C:Program Files (x86)Gitbingit.exe" clone -v --recurse-submodules --progress "https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/tree/3.3.5" "F:/oursrv/build"
Cloning into 'F:/oursrv/build'...
Then I searched in that link and found "HTTPS clone URL" which I used:

Then I found a topic about Trinity moved into three branches. I went to git branch for 3.3.5 and got the link which was this "https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore.git" (don't think there is a difference from the first one ?). I cloned it again, compiled it, copied the extractors and same error.


Edit: I think I found a solution here


I used this:

git clone -b 3.3.5 --single-branch https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore.git

In "Git Bash" console and now it is downloading the branch I think. I will update this with the result.

Edited by geca7a
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Hi ,


I disagree with "UI is safer and easier to use" due to the amount of mistake you have made .


It is best practice not to deviate from the wiki as it was written for a reason and is written in a manor that even a novice can follow .


Glad to see you have fixed your issue.





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€dit: Solved, forgot to run mapextractor before..


Compiled fresh sources from git, 6.x-Branch. When trying to extract maps I get this error:



C:Program Files (x86)World of Warcraft>vmap4extractor.exe
Extract V4.00 2012_02. Beginning work ....
Extracting GameObject models...Can't open WorldGenericQuilboarPassive Doodads
LeantosRazorfen_Leanto03.m2, err=2!
Can't open WorldExpansion01DoodadsCoilfangActivedoodadsEnergytowerCoilfang
_Towers_E_Particle.m2, err=2!
Can't open WorldExpansion02DoodadsGenericVrykulWeaponsVr_Bm__Shield_02.m2,
Can't open WorldExpansion02DoodadsGenericVrykulWeaponsVr_Bm__Sword_01.m2,
Read LiquidType.dbc file...Done! (74 LiqTypes loaded)
Unable to open wmo_list.txt! Nothing extracted.
ERROR: Extract V4.00 2012_02. Work NOT complete.
   Precise vector data=0.
Press any key.
Running english client on Windows 8.1. But when I changed to english I couldn't choose between enGB and enUS, it just says "English". So I don't know if I have installed enGB oder enUS..
The client was updated recently to 6.1.2. Maybe this causes errors?
Edited by Ceriana
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  • 3 months later...

I can't get Worldserver.exe running, it stops at an DBC error.

Initialize data stores...
Some required *.dbc files (2 from 128) not found or not compatible:
./dbc/Difficulty.dbc exists, and has 14 field(s) (expected 13). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/LfgDungeons.dbc exists, and has 30 field(s) (expected 29). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.

I don't get it.

I've recompiled and added database just as it states on the Trinity Wiki ( how-to)

Done everything but this keeps appearing. It's the second time now, i have re-extracted the DBC files from the new 6.2.0 - 20201 wow version aswell.

Could anyone please help me on this one. it's starting to annoy me ( a lot )

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You won't find anybody on the forum to upload DBCs/maps/mmaps/vmaps for it.  It is in the forum rules posted here.

You may not post: .dbc, .map and or relevant materials that are under copyright. Please keep posts restricted to database entry and database related software, accordingly.

I am in the exact same boat as you guys.  I blew away my 6.x server to move it to a different host and am now patiently waiting on the core to get updated to support the new DBC files from 6.2.  The devs will get there in time - I see multiple commits daily fixing up 6.2 things!

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I need help... got all the way to opening the worldserver, then I get an error about a "GameTables.dbc" file. I read that there may be an issue with the mapextractor???

I also found something about the new CASC data structure but wasn't clear if the XXX.blp files should be placed in the dbc folder or if they will even fix this....

This is the text from the worldserver.exe:


Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2c 12 Jun 2015 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2c 12 Jun 20
Using Boost version: 1.56.0
Using processors (bitmask, hex): 3
Process priority class set to HIGH
Automatic database updates are disabled for all databases!
Realm running as realm ID 1 region 2 battlegroup 1
Using World DB: TDB 6.01
Using enUS DBC Locale
Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
Using DataDir ./
WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
VMap support included. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Loading Trinity strings...
>> Loaded 1039 trinity strings in 3 ms
Initialize data stores...
E:\Trinity\src\server\game\DataStores\DBCStores.cpp:332 in LoadGameTable ASSERTI
  found Game table BarberShopCostBase definition not found in GameTables.dbc

Edited by thomas_king
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