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Everything posted by jackpoz

  1. https://medium.com/@richardeng/well-it-certainly-takes-a-lot-of-hutzpah-to-make-such-sweeping-declarations-about-software-acc6b519703f#.jw5vc0x6z >Coding is NOT the same thing as programming. Programming is problem-solving. >People often mistake coding for programming. They think that if they learn a programming language (such as JavaScript, Python or Ruby), they’ve learned how to program. That’s nonsense, of course. Learning a programming language without understanding how to solve a programming problem is pretty much worthless. It’s like learning Mandarin and not knowing how to express your thoughts effectively or eloquently. >Make no mistake: problem-solving is difficult. Coding is relatively easy. Really nice (comment about an) article that warns new developers about the long path they need to walk to be Programmers and not just Coders
  2. could we please get https://community.trinitycore.org/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png fixed ? it's probably flooding logs with 404
  3. can you post your C:\Trinity\src\server\game\Server\Protocol\Opcodes.cpp ? Also try to rerun cmake outside of Visual Studio.
  4. are your sources available somewhere ?
  5. QAston: ty for volunteering to check those sources, please keep us updated
  6. https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/d8a77e6b98c280c393795c3cef9f014b6cc93cef#commitcomment-16373404 shows what it is about too
  7. Looks like you set RA to listen to but worldserver failed to bind to that port.
  8. TC doesn't have a LuaFunctions.cpp file so you are not " trying to compile a fresh copy of 3.3.5 TC" "Fresh" TC is available at https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/tree/3.3.5
  9. https://rework.withgoogle.com/blog/five-keys-to-a-successful-google-team/
  10. Thanks for the workaround, now it opens the forum at least. Another homepage bug I noticed: the top left icons ZIP and TAR point to master branch which has been deleted, i.e.: http://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/zipball/master
  11. can't valgrind memory leaks in the client
  12. "Got an Error Saying "AreaBoundary Multiple Default Contstructs"" is not really a way to report build errors, you should post the full log of that error with filename and line and specify if there is any custom modification.
  13. Still broken and annoying with Auto Login password managers
  14. ah, so it's more of an ignored issue than a new one. I hope 2016 is the emoticon year
  15. Emoticons in the forum throw 404 errors
  16. Homepage login https://www.trinitycore.org/ redirects to https://www.trinitycore.org/f/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=login&do=process showing a "File not found" text on a blank page
  17. The last change on mmaps tools was done on https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/519d76c194b418d7440bc3c517aaa2d2a454024e on Jul 3, 2014. If you extracted your mmaps after that date then it's not needed to re-extract them.
  18. http://blog.ploeh.dk/2015/01/15/10-tips-for-better-pull-requests/
  19. we noticed it quite some time ago but didn't find it worth the effort
  20. This is how SmartAI looks to me: http://www.masswerk.at/keypunch/?b=dGhpcyBpcyBhIHNtYXJ0YWkgZXhhbXBsZQ== I have no clue how someone can even make a sense out of it and script creatures/quests, kudos to them.
  21. I find https://github.com/memononen/recastnavigation/pull/18 to be a perfect example to prove the point above: a TrinityCore developer finds a bug in the OpenSource project recastnavigation used for Path Finding, submits a pull request, it gets merged and a MaNGOS developer thanks the TrinityCore developer for the work done https://github.com/memononen/recastnavigation/pull/18#issuecomment-45236471 . That's the OpenSource spirit :D
  22. lul, like current and past contributors worked on a simpler source code. It looks like the usual excuse. You might want to check http://blog.smartbear.com/programming/14-ways-to-contribute-to-open-source-without-being-a-programming-genius-or-a-rock-star/ Improving the wiki is a good start for contributors and it doesn't require any programming knowledge. It only requires the will to work on it. If you have a problem with Aokromes take it to PM I don't think Aokromes can get butt-hurt. I see only 1 person who's lost control of his emotions here. A little bit more on topic about 335 being updated for no good reason, I can assure you I'm going to update 335 many times for reasons that users won't see as good reasons but that a C++ developer would see as the most important and relevant things to do.
  23. https://community.trinitycore.org/topic/10564-bountysource-get-paid-for-fixes/?do=findComment&comment=69524
  24. I've been using VS2015 since Boost 1.59 has been released and it has been working fine since then
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