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Everything posted by Nay

  1. feurial: https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/issues/6407#issuecomment-5438093 but this is all described in the wiki. You should read it.
  2. I want to believe you but there is no "UNIT_STAT_FOLLOW" used anywhere on the code (not on 6400c13fcb342fff7e2d8, at least)
  3. In wordserver.conf change SQLDriverLogFile to "SQLDriver.log", SQLDriverQueryLogging to 1 and after executing world server go to logs/SQLDriver.log and find the errors. Did you forget to apply any SQL (full DB + all sqls in /Sql/updates/world)?
  4. OS? Core revision? 32 or 64 bits system? CPU/RAM/... Everything is important.
  5. Fair enough suggestion but I think if one does not know how to write and read English it is very hard to succeed in this field (programming, emulating, ...)
  6. See if this helps you.. http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/5964-worldserverexe-doesnt-start/page__view__findpost__p__37888
  7. I think there isn't a way to do that. You could receive a mail/notification when you get a 'like' in http://www.trinitycore.org/f/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notifications
  8. I should? Since when? There is, by name. Alphabetical order. yyyy_mm_dd_id_db_name.sql (y - year, m - month, d - day, id - incremental id, db - database like world, name - some name like sai) All the process is described on our wiki, not our fault that some people are too lazy to read or do not have average english skills to understand what's said there. Are you one of these people? It's up to the user to decide how it's going to import the sql files (104 atm, not 1000). I linked to that batch script that concatenates the sql files into one because that's what I am using and it makes things simpler. P.S Bitch please.
  9. You are confusing a lot of different things. TDB_full_335.11.46_2012_02_13.sql is the base world database; the 500 kb file are the UPDATE sql files that are in /sql/updates/world packed together that will modify and add more things to the world database. You need both.
  10. Why is it so hard for both of you (pugnatores and windwusel) to apply ALL the sql files that are in this folder? https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/tree/master/sql/updates/world But do NOT import them one by one by hand, use something like http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/43-windowslinux-combine-sql-updates/
  11. --- Canned message start It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
  12. you can use the git checkout <hash> command http://schacon.github.com/git/git-checkout.html
  13. Warnings have been disabled in https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/836459ef0e57f5cd55e6943501f5c95f59ccd6ac
  14. No, it shouldn't cause any issue.
  15. When configuring the build with CMake, disable USE_MYSQL_SOURCES
  16. Use this to apply sqls: http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/43-windowslinux-combine-sql-updates/
  17. I'm getting quite tired about repeating myself over and over... There is not a single problem with the DB (nor on master nor on 4.x) related to SQL imports. Import full 44 and then all the sql updates in /sql/update/world, ORDER MATTERS. If you are trying to import some custom SQL it's up to you to fix it accordingly (the only table that was changed lately was quest_template) No, we don't.
  18. "When inserting the official TDB with SQYog I get an error before it loads" That's simply not possible, deathstate was remove few months ago. You are importing something else..
  19. (I think) You can compile with any compiler that CMake allows. Start CMake and check the compiler list
  20. --- Canned message start --- This thread is not related to the official Trinity codebase and was moved to the Custom Code section. Please read the stickies next time. --- Canned message end ---
  21. tempSpell = GET_SPELL(RAID_MODE(62311, 64596)); if (tempSpell) tempSpell->rangeIndex = 13; ... void Reset() { if (summon) me->setFaction(7); ... void EnterCombat(Unit* who) { me->setFaction(14); [/code] *giggles* [size="1"]Do you really need such scripts in your server?[/size] Anyway... clear/wipe/delete CMake folder; re-run CMake; re-build
  22. --- Canned message start It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
  23. --- Canned message start It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
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