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Everything posted by Nay

  1. Missing pthread.h is not an error on Windows (not even a warning). The 2nd log fails because cmake didn't configure properly because of Boost issues. If BOOST_ROOT is set to the correct path and the path has the 1.55 Boost files then it has to work. You do not need to (and probably shouldn't) set BOOST_INCLUDEDIR.
  2. Make sure that MYSQL_LIBRARY in CMake points to the right library for your version: 32 or 64 bits.
  3. MySQL sources have been removed from the repository. Like OpenSSL, you need to set MYSQL_LIBRARY and MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR to where you have mysql installed. In my case, it's LIB=D:webservermysqlliblibmysqld.lib and INCLUDE_DIR=D:webservermysqlinclude
  4. You need to install Boost: http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/TrinityCore+Requirements#TrinityCoreRequirements-Debianbasedlinux
  5. The "for Web" version doesn't have a C++ compiler so that can't work. I'm pretty sure that the VS 2013 with Updated 2 would work. Glad you got it fixed. --- Canned message start --- It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
  6. The problem seems related to the issue you had initially (" like cmake not founding Visual 12"). A "quick" solution is to reinstall Visual Studio 2013 (Express edition is enough) and make sure that CMake finds it with "Use default native compilers".
  7. We no longer use ACE. We changed ACE to Boost few days ago. http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/10227-boost-is-now-needed-to-compile-trinitycore/ As you can see on Travis (https://travis-ci.org/TrinityCore/TrinityCore) the project is compiling fine.
  8. --- Canned message start --- It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
  9. Configure enviroment variables. Set BOOST_ROOT to the folder you downloaded for Boost. Like http://puu.sh/ajqE6/90557aa2c0.png
  10. Yes, that looks correct. I think it doesn't matter if it is user or system but I've set it in system.
  11. Changed the example cmake command to use /etc instead of /conf. --- Canned message start --- It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
  12. You haven't installed boost correctly. Download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/1.55.0-build2/boost_1_55_0-msvc-12.0-64.exe/download (64 bits) or http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/1.55.0-build2/boost_1_55_0-msvc-12.0-32.exe/download (32 bits). You should NOT change any CMAkeLists.txt. All you need to do is add an enviroment variable named BOOST_ROOT with the path to Boost. https://kb.wisc.edu/cae/page.php?id=24500
  13. Not really sure why that happens but the wiki could be edited to list both /etc and /conf
  14. That one is kinda clean. Wiki corrected, it should be .bat. I'll try to clarify that. Not trivial, we have to merge 3.3.5 sqls into the 4.3.4 branch (unlike code, where most current changes can be applied to 4.3.4 as well, sql is often different for both branches (because sql is content))
  15. Maybe one day we will have everyone to follow and understand the guides. Installation TDB (4.3.4) + DB Updates
  16. It was fixed in https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/79f446364c7d7a73138547fa215b25df574f7a10
  17. An issue is enough- --- Canned message start --- It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
  18. --- Canned message start --- It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
  19. You didn't import the file/files in https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/tree/master/sql/updates/auth --- Canned message start --- It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
  20. --- Canned message start --- Trinity does not support repacks. Please learn to compile and configure the source yourself, you will learn more and may even find that the error doesnt exist in vanilla TC. Please refer to the author of the repack for your questions if you continue to use said repack. --- Canned message end ---
  21. TDB 4.3.4 + updates Read that page 3 times and then try to install TDB 4.3.4 database. --- Canned message start --- It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
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