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Everything posted by Nay

  1. There are 4 files in TDB_full_335.49_2012_09_16.rar and it says that you only need TDB_full_335.49_2012_09_16.sql from those 4 for new installs. How is it wrong? Characters is in /sql/base/characters_database.sql and auth is in /sql/base/auth_database.sql And you need to apply /sql/updates/world on top of the base world db (you can use a batch command like "copy /a world*.sql world_updates.sql" to merge all the little .sql files in the world folder)
  2. http://www.trinitycore.info/How-to:Linux "TrinityCore requires gcc 4.3 or higher to build. Check your distribution to ensure you have the correct version of gcc available."
  3. I'm with Smite, a different category for it would be better.
  4. That's not related to sql updates, see this http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/345-howto-properly-install-git-on-windows-fix-trinitycore-rev-0000-00-00/
  5. Re-pull again (and next time paste the error / crash log), we are no witches to guess it.
  6. They can if they figure out how to (and tell us how they did it, so we can update the wiki). I simply can't help with that, never used a mac...
  7. It wasn't a decision. It's dying slowly for lack of maintenance.
  8. Mac OS was kinda "deprecated". I don't know about any dev that uses it.
  9. A crash a day keeps the mem leak away. ™
  10. Import TDB_full_335.11.48_2012_07_12.sql (https://github.com/downloads/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/TDB_full_335.11.48_2012_07_12.rar) and the sqls in the folder https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/tree/master/sql/updates/world Drop your current world DB first
  11. You can try reverting https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/6afaed4a02ff5e29510a9e1afffea803e02f3d69 Your CPU is quite old and it doesn't support SSE2 and that's required by the SFMT random number generator. That commit removed MTRand that doesn't require SSE2; if you revert and use it you might be able to run the server
  12. In Visual Studio, project Property Pages -> C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Enable Enhanced Instruction Set I wonder if changing from SSE2 to Not set would help....
  13. When you need to paste text files and alikes use something like http://www.trinitycore.org/f/pastebin/
  14. Get a bigger screen =D (I think it depends on the resolution, 1366x768 here and that button is in the main toolbar) Edit: Yes it is, moved the browser window to a larger screen and all the links are in the main toolbar, no "More".
  15. --- Canned message start --- It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
  16. There's no such table, stop using repacks. And did I tell you to import "characters_2012_02_13_2012_05_19"? NO. Seriously, I get (s|m)ad when people have problems because simply they can not read.
  17. You missed the last action: "Import ALL the sqls in /sql/updates/world to world database (see http://www.trinityco...ne-sql-updates/)"
  18. Go to worldserver.conf; enable everything related to SQLDriver (Ctrl+F it); start worldserver(.exe) go to the logs folder, find SQLDriverLogFile.log and read what it says
  19. In worldserver.conf enable everything SQLDriver related and read what the .log says (after running worldserver again).
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