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Everything posted by Paradox

  1. We don't support repacks, and you cannot update just by installing sql updates, you have to compile new binaries too. Assuming you are using windows: http://www.trinitycore.info/How-to:Win
  2. the tools either need to be run from the client directory, or use the -i input directory -o output directory command line switches.
  3. no, the source for the tools compiles with the server, if you enable it in cmake.
  4. You can't just update the DB, you also need to compile a new core... Maybe you forgot to move the new binaries over?
  5. The issue is either with CMake, and the way it finds the compiler components, or, your PATH variable needs to be reorganized, to be sure the newest version is found first.
  6. Yeah, I used to have this problem when I had an IDE based on VS for building WOW Addons (WOW Addon Studio) installed, it kept picking up the cl.exe from that, even though I clearly told it I was using the latest compiler at the time... Sounds like someone needs to open (or add on to, if already existing) an issue on the cmake bug tracker.
  7. the pictures were not infected in any way, the ad system (which doesn't affect me, because, I use AdBlock and noscript addons) was compromised with a bad ad that got through, even the users of that board got so tinfoil hat about it, most of them left the forum for a newly created similar forum... some had been there over 10 years.
  8. 4.3.4 is UNSUPPORTED, and, honestly, if you can't figure this issue out, you will be useless as a tester/bug reporter for 4.3.4, so, just stop trying to run unsupported/Alpha code and stick with the 3.3.5a stable tag...
  9. I also used to have a page setup on my webserver that would respond when the launcher page was requested that would respond to the launcher with whatever revision I was supporting, which would (if the patching system was properly implemented) have allowed me to push out updates to those computers on my LAN that hadn't been updated yet, and keep the ones that were up to date from trying to update further.. Also, MrSmite, you could combine those scripts, and use a commandline switch in the shortcut(s) to apply the proper one... But, since local and official are not the same client revision, it would be better to just have 2 installed clients, and make your batch file change the hosts file instead
  10. As a bit of an aside, I stop mine from updating without renaming the launcher, and I don't edit the realmlist.wtf, either, I simply put this in my hosts file xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx us.version.worldofwarcraft.com eu.version.worldofwarcraft.com launcher.worldofwarcraft.com launcher.wow-europe.com status.wow-europe.com logon.worldofwarcraft.com us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com The xxx part being replaced with the LAN IP of my server. No problems with unwanted updates in the last few years...
  11. Yeah, editing your post screws up existing links, pls fix nao.
  12. Just ignore that stupid warning that should have been removed long ago, except in the case where one of them is 5.0.x or lower, but, the devs can't be bothered with something that makes sense.
  13. Don't forget that when they drop a new TDB, they stupidly move the char and auth updates into the old folder as well... So, there may be a bunch of updates for char and auth you aren't doing...
  14. a costume script? like the Halloween script that makes you a pirate?
  15. if you can't keep up with core changes that affect patches, maybe you shouldn't be using them.
  16. 4.3.4 branch is unsupported, and, AFAIK, it still uses 3.3.5a data.
  17. just have the "friend" add the tools option in cmake when he compiles.... hope you aren't actually using a repack, and lying to us.
  18. rewrite it properly and submit a pull request, maybe it will be added by this time next year.
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