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Compile or cmake problems


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Hi folks

My english is not the best but i hope you'll understand it ;)

My Problem is that I compiled TrinityCore.sln in Visual Studio 2008. After finishing i looked into the folder but there wasn't any worldserver.exe just a worldserver.idb

What can I do?

I've installed everything as it's said in the HowTo


Thanks for your help :)

Edited by c00x
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yeah think so but don't know where or what is the problem :(

here is an excerpt from the log:

8>------ Build started: Project: worldserver, Configuration: Release Win32 ------












18>Compiling resources...

18>Microsoft ® Windows ® Resource Compiler Version 6.1.6723.1

18>Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

18>Performing Pre-Link Event...


18>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '..\game\Release\game.lib'

18>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Build\src\server\worldserver\worldserver.dir\Release\BuildLog.htm"

18>worldserver - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

19>------ Skipped Build: Project: INSTALL, Configuration: Release Win32 ------

19>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration

========== Build: 15 succeeded, 3 failed, 1 up-to-date, 1 skipped ==========

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You have tons of warnings on the extractors due to a outdated SDK.

Try uninstalling the outdated SDK and installing the updated one...

Note: I also think that someone here told to not use the professional version, but instead use the distributable version.

Note 2: Next time use pastbin.com to present your errors/logs.

Follow the wiki and download only the packages mentioned there.

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Thanks for the help so far :)

The SDK is Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (as in the Wiki)

I'll try tu use Visual Studio 2010....or is there an easier or even better one?

Edit: got it! New SDK and the right git installation made it :) thanks for the help :)

Edited by c00x
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* TrinityCore commithash : a2eb37b010d3+

* Build binaries in : Release mode

[ 97%] Built target pch_Generate_worldserver

Linking CXX executable worldserver

../game/libgame.a(BattlegroundMgr.cpp.o): In function `BattlegroundMgr::BuildPvpLogDataPacket(WorldPacket*, Battleground*)':

BattlegroundMgr.cpp:(.text+0x2fc5): undefined reference to `ArenaTeamMgr::GetArenaTeamById(unsigned int) const'

BattlegroundMgr.cpp:(.text+0x3031): undefined reference to `ArenaTeamMgr::GetArenaTeamById(unsigned int) const'

BattlegroundMgr.cpp:(.text+0x37e0): undefined reference to `ArenaTeamMgr::GetArenaTeamById(unsigned int) const'


AchievementMgr.cpp:(.text+0x7a9c): undefined reference to `ArenaTeamMgr::GetArenaTeamById(unsigned int) const'

../game/libgame.a(ArenaTeam.cpp.o): In function `ArenaTeam::Create(unsigned int, unsigned char, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned int)':

ArenaTeam.cpp:(.text+0x403f): undefined reference to `ArenaTeamMgr::GetArenaTeamByName(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const'

ArenaTeam.cpp:(.text+0x4079): undefined reference to `ArenaTeamMgr::GenerateArenaTeamId()'

../game/libgame.a(ArenaTeam.cpp.o): In function `ArenaTeam::Disband(WorldSession*)':

ArenaTeam.cpp:(.text+0x4a18): undefined reference to `ArenaTeamMgr::RemoveArenaTeam(unsigned int)'

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make[2]: ** [src/server/worldserver/worldserver] Erro 1

make[1]: ** [src/server/worldserver/CMakeFiles/worldserver.dir/all] Erro 2

make: ** [all] Erro 2

Someone has the problem too?

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I'm having some trouble getting the PCH build to work on an x64 Fedora 14 system (gcc 4.4.5). The non-PCH build works fine, but I'm starting to see several problems with later commits so I want to try to get the PCH system working.

Here's my error:

[ 11%] Generating sharedPCH.h

[ 11%] [ 11%] Built target worldserver_pch_dephelp

Generating sharedPCH.h.gch/shared_Release.gch

Scanning dependencies of target pch_Generate_collision

[ 11%] Generating collisionPCH.h

[ 11%] Generating collisionPCH.h.gch/collision_Release.gch

Linking CXX static library libgame_pch_dephelp.a

[ 11%] Built target game_pch_dephelp

Scanning dependencies of target pch_Generate_authserver

[ 11%] Generating authPCH.h

[ 11%] Generating authPCH.h.gch/authserver_Release.gch

/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.4.5/../../../../lib64/crt1.o: In function `_start':

(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make[2]: *** [src/server/collision/collisionPCH.h.gch/collision_Release.gch] Error 1

make[1]: *** [src/server/collision/CMakeFiles/pch_Generate_collision.dir/all] Error 2

make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.4.5/../../../../lib64/crt1.o: In function `_start':

(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make[2]: *** [src/server/shared/sharedPCH.h.gch/shared_Release.gch] Error 1

make[1]: *** [src/server/shared/CMakeFiles/pch_Generate_shared.dir/all] Error 2

/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.4.5/../../../../lib64/crt1.o: In function `_start':

(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make[2]: *** [src/server/authserver/authPCH.h.gch/authserver_Release.gch] Error 1

make[1]: *** [src/server/authserver/CMakeFiles/pch_Generate_authserver.dir/all] Error 2

Linking CXX static library libscripts_pch_dephelp.a

[ 11%] Built target scripts_pch_dephelp

make: *** [all] Error 2

Any suggestions? Thanks

PS: Just reread this and I don't want the Devs to take exception. I appreciate all work they've done, and don't expect the commits to work on every compile. I'm even getting better at fixing the issues myself :) so the next step for me is figuring out why the PCH stuff doesn't work.

Edited by liszt
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I'm trying to compile trinity, but there is some errors.

Following is the information in detail.


My OS : Ubuntu 10.04 (LTS), 64bit

Trinity Revision : commit 27c419a8fe8c234ccd2a8d078658e86c36d0a8fd

Author: Shauren <[email protected]>

Date: Sat May 7 22:40:02 2011 +0200

(sorry I dont know git well. above is the result of "git log")

Referenced Installation Document : http://www.trinitycore.org/w/How-to:Linux

Newly Installed softwares:

- ace-6.0.2, openssl-1.0.0d at /opt/ace-6.0.2, /opt/openssl by compiling

- other require softwares by ubuntu package manager


Error msg


[ 15%] [ 15%] [ 15%] Building CXX object src/server/authserver/CMakeFiles/authserver.dir/Realms/RealmList.cpp.o

Building CXX object src/server/authserver/CMakeFiles/authserver.dir/Server/RealmSocket.cpp.o

Building CXX object src/server/authserver/CMakeFiles/authserver.dir/Server/AuthSocket.cpp.o

Building CXX object src/server/authserver/CMakeFiles/authserver.dir/Main.cpp.o

Linking CXX executable authserver

CMakeFiles/authserver.dir/Realms/RealmList.cpp.o: In function `RealmList::UpdateRealms(bool)':

RealmList.cpp:(.text+0xb56): undefined reference to `ACE_OS::mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t*)'

RealmList.cpp:(.text+0xb71): undefined reference to `ACE_OS::mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t*)'

CMakeFiles/authserver.dir/Realms/RealmList.cpp.o: In function `ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::ACE_Singleton()':

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexEC1Ev[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::ACE_Singleton()]+0x27): undefined reference to `ACE_Cleanup::~ACE_Cleanup()'

CMakeFiles/authserver.dir/Realms/RealmList.cpp.o: In function `ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::cleanup(void*)':

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexE7cleanupEPv[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::cleanup(void*)]+0x5): undefined reference to `ACE_Object_Manager::instance()'

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexE7cleanupEPv[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::cleanup(void*)]+0x10): undefined reference to `ACE_Object_Manager::remove_at_exit_i(void*)'

CMakeFiles/authserver.dir/Realms/RealmList.cpp.o: In function `ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::~ACE_Singleton()':

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexED0Ev[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::~ACE_Singleton()]+0x1c): undefined reference to `ACE_Cleanup::~ACE_Cleanup()'

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexED0Ev[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::~ACE_Singleton()]+0x36): undefined reference to `ACE_Cleanup::~ACE_Cleanup()'

CMakeFiles/authserver.dir/Realms/RealmList.cpp.o: In function `ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::~ACE_Singleton()':

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexED1Ev[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::~ACE_Singleton()]+0x2e): undefined reference to `ACE_Cleanup::~ACE_Cleanup()'

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexED1Ev[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::~ACE_Singleton()]+0x21): undefined reference to `ACE_Cleanup::~ACE_Cleanup()'

CMakeFiles/authserver.dir/Realms/RealmList.cpp.o: In function `ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::instance()':

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexE8instanceEv[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::instance()]+0x41): undefined reference to `ACE_Object_Manager::starting_up()'

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexE8instanceEv[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::instance()]+0x79): undefined reference to `ACE_Object_Manager::shutting_down()'

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexE8instanceEv[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::instance()]+0x87): undefined reference to `ACE_Object_Manager::get_singleton_lock(ACE_Thread_Mutex*&)'

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexE8instanceEv[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::instance()]+0x9e): undefined reference to `ACE_OS::mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t*)'

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexE8instanceEv[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::instance()]+0xb5): undefined reference to `ACE_OS::mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t*)'

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexE8instanceEv[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::instance()]+0x109): undefined reference to `ACE_Object_Manager::instance()'

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexE8instanceEv[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::instance()]+0x117): undefined reference to `ace_cleanup_destroyer'

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexE8instanceEv[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::instance()]+0x122): undefined reference to `ACE_Object_Manager::at_exit_i(void*, void (*)(void*, void*), void*, char const*)'

RealmList.cpp:(.text._ZN13ACE_SingletonI3Log16ACE_Thread_MutexE8instanceEv[ACE_Singleton<Log, ACE_Thread_Mutex>::instance()]+0x142): undefined reference to `ACE_OS::mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t*)'





My configure


garam@fermi:build$ cmake ../ -DTOOLS=1 -DACE_LIBRARY=/opt/ace-6.0.2/lib -DACE_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/ace-6.0.2/include -DPREFIX=/opt/trinity -DOPENSSL_LIBRARIES=/opt/openssl/lib -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/openssl/include

-- Detected 64-bit platform

-- UNIX: Using default configuration directory

-- UNIX: Using default library directory

-- UNIX: Configuring uninstall target

-- UNIX: Created uninstall target

-- GCC: All warnings disabled

-- Found ACE library: /opt/ace-6.0.2/lib

-- Found ACE headers: /opt/ace-6.0.2/include

-- Using mysql-config: /usr/bin/mysql_config

-- Found MySQL library: /usr/lib/libmysqlclient_r.so

-- Found MySQL headers: /usr/include/mysql

-- Found Readline library: /usr/lib/libreadline.so

-- Include dir is: /usr/include

* TrinityCore commithash : Archive

* Build binaries in : Release mode

* Install core to : /opt/trinity

* Install libraries to : /opt/trinity/lib

* Install configs to : /opt/trinity/etc

* Build world/auth : Yes (default)

* Build with scripts : Yes (default)

* Build map/vmap tools : Yes

* Build core w/PCH : Yes (default)

* Build scripts w/PCH : Yes (default)

* Use SFMT for RNG : No (default)

* Show compile-warnings : No (default)

* Use coreside debug : No (default)

* Install SQL-files : No (default)


-> Prepared: Spells

-> Prepared: Commands

-> Prepared: Examples

-> Prepared: Custom

-> Prepared: World

-> Prepared: Outdoor PVP Zones

-> Prepared: Eastern Kingdoms

-> Prepared: Kalimdor

-> Prepared: Outland

-> Prepared: Northrend


-- Configuring done

WARNING: Target "shared" requests linking to directory "/opt/ace-6.0.2/lib". Targets may link only to libraries. CMake is dropping the item.

WARNING: Target "authserver" requests linking to directory "/opt/ace-6.0.2/lib". Targets may link only to libraries. CMake is dropping the item.

WARNING: Target "worldserver" requests linking to directory "/opt/ace-6.0.2/lib". Targets may link only to libraries. CMake is dropping the item.

-- Generating done

-- Build files have been written to: /home/garam/tmp/Wow/TrinityCore/build


I attached the whole screen log as a text file. please look at that file.

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-- Configuring done

WARNING: Target "shared" requests linking to directory "/opt/ace-6.0.2/lib". Targets may link only to libraries. CMake is dropping the item.

WARNING: Target "authserver" requests linking to directory "/opt/ace-6.0.2/lib". Targets may link only to libraries. CMake is dropping the item.

WARNING: Target "worldserver" requests linking to directory "/opt/ace-6.0.2/lib". Targets may link only to libraries. CMake is dropping the item.

Its problem with ACE 6.0.2 I think. I use ACE 6.0.1 and I havent any warning or problems with compile. Try to install ACE 6.0.1.

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-- Configuring done

WARNING: Target "shared" requests linking to directory "/opt/ace-6.0.2/lib". Targets may link only to libraries. CMake is dropping the item.

WARNING: Target "authserver" requests linking to directory "/opt/ace-6.0.2/lib". Targets may link only to libraries. CMake is dropping the item.

WARNING: Target "worldserver" requests linking to directory "/opt/ace-6.0.2/lib". Targets may link only to libraries. CMake is dropping the item.

I'm working fine with 6.0.1 too! Try that.

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Thanks for the comments.

But after down-grade it to ACE-6.0.1, the same WARNINGs and ERRORs had been occurred.

Is it possible that the CMake version is related to above Warnings and Errors?? Mine is 2.8.0

garam@fermi:build$ cmake --version

cmake version 2.8.0

Edited by garam
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