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"unknown column" "missing table" "duplicate column" error / sql problems / SQLDriverLogFile < answer on 1st post of 1st page


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But, you missed an update. Look in the "sqlold3.3.5a" folder and import anything newer than the date of your core, then finish with the ones in the "updates" folder.


You scared me, I thought the master branch was converted to 434 and all "old" updates are 335. :P

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Aokromes, I've executed the 156 updates combinated, but when I run worldserver it stills happening:


Loading Quests...
[1054] Unknown column 'StartScript' in 'field list'
Your database structure is not up to date. Please make sure you've executed all  queries in the sql/updates folders.


I also executed the old updates like MrSmite said, but it didn't solved the error. I don't know what to do, I know I'm missing something, but idk what.

Edited by Bethuel_Mares
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So I decided to test 4.3.4., Fresh compiled today's core (Dec 16) ok, imported all sql ok (using TDB_full_434.02_2012_08_30 btw), added all sql updates ok, authserver runs with no problems, but worldserver.exe closes giving me the following error:


In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 56, sql: "SELECT difficulty_entry_1, difficulty_entr
y_2, difficulty_entry_3, KillCredit1, KillCredit2, modelid1, modelid2, modelid3,
 modelid4, name, subname, IconName, gossip_menu_id, minlevel, maxlevel, exp, fac
tion_A, faction_H, npcflag, speed_walk, speed_run, scale, rank, mindmg, maxdmg,
dmgschool, attackpower, dmg_multiplier, baseattacktime, rangeattacktime, unit_cl
ass, unit_flags, unit_flags2, dynamicflags, family, trainer_type, trainer_spell,
 trainer_class, trainer_race, minrangedmg, maxrangedmg, rangedattackpower, type,
 type_flags, lootid, pickpocketloot, skinloot, resistance1, resistance2, resista
nce3, resistance4, resistance5, resistance6, spell1, spell2, spell3, spell4, spe
ll5, spell6, spell7, spell8, PetSpellDataId, VehicleId, mingold, maxgold, AIName
, MovementType, InhabitType, HoverHeight, Health_mod, Mana_mod, Mana_mod_extra,
Armor_mod, RacialLeader, questItem1, questItem2, questItem3, questItem4, questIt
em5, questItem6, movementId, RegenHealth, equipment_id, mechanic_immune_mask, fl
ags_extra, ScriptName FROM creature_template WHERE entry = ?"
DatabasePool world NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.

According to similar issues I've browsed for, most ppl point that the cause is that i'm missing sql updates but im 100% SURE I did not miss a single update file, and unfortunally no SQLDriver.Log file is being generated so I have no other ways to know exactly what the problem is.


So any help is appreciated, thanks.

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OS: Win 7 32 bit

Using latest of everything from links in the wiki How-to:Win

So I am doing a fresh install and I got everything working but for the world server. I used the search and I found a couple problems like mine and I tried to re-install the full TDB again but that did not work. I am not sure if I am making a mistake somewhere along the line or what but I simply cannot get this to work. 


Let me know if you need anymore information. 





Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012)
Using ACE version: 6.1.4
TrinityCore rev. 2012-12-22 06:32:45 +0200 (aabfa3afae12) (Win32, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

 ______                       __
/__  _       __          __/ __
/_/ / _ __ /_    ___ /_ , _  __  __
     /`'__/  /' _ `/   / / / 
        /   / /     _  _ 
      _ _   _ _ _ _ __/`____ 
      /_//_/   /_//_//_//_//__/ `/___/> 
                                 C O R E  /___/
http://TrinityCore.org                    /__/

Realm running as realm ID 1
Using World DB: TDB 335.49
Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
Using DataDir ./
VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1 PetLOS:1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Loading Trinity strings...
>> Loaded 947 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 0 ms
Initialize data stores...
>> Initialized 96 data stores in 468 ms
Using enUS DBC Locale as default. All available DBC locales: enUS 
Loading spell dbc data corrections...
>> Loaded spell dbc data corrections in 16 ms
Loading SpellInfo store...
>> Loaded spell custom attributes in 93 ms
Loading SkillLineAbilityMultiMap Data...
>> Loaded 10219 SkillLineAbility MultiMap Data in 0 ms
Loading spell custom attributes...
>> Loaded spell custom attributes in 47 ms
Loading GameObject models...
>> Loaded 2321 GameObject models in 0 ms
Loading Script Names...
>> Loaded 2010 Script Names in 296 ms
Loading Instance Template...
>> Loaded 83 instance templates in 0 ms
Loading instances...
>> Loaded instances in 16 ms
Loading Localization strings...
>> Localization strings loaded in 0 ms
Loading Page Texts...
>> Loaded 1834 page texts in 15 ms
Loading Game Object Templates...
>> Loaded 19065 game object templates in 343 ms
Loading Spell Rank Data...
>> Loaded 5593 spell rank records in 16 ms
Loading Spell Required Data...
>> Loaded 41 spell required records in 0 ms
Loading Spell Group types...
>> Loaded 455 spell group definitions in 0 ms
Loading Spell Learn Skills...
>> Loaded 99 Spell Learn Skills from DBC in 0 ms
Loading Spell Learn Spells...
>> Loaded 8 spell learn spells + 572 found in DBC in 15 ms
Loading Spell Proc Event conditions...
>> Loaded 1087 extra and 62 custom spell proc event conditions in 0 ms
Loading Spell Proc conditions and data...
>> Loaded 0 spell proc conditions and data. DB table `spell_proc` is empty.
Loading Spell Bonus Data...
>> Loaded 329 extra spell bonus data in 0 ms
Loading Aggro Spells Definitions...
>> Loaded 106 SpellThreatEntries in 0 ms
Loading Spell Group Stack Rules...
>> Loaded 49 spell group stack rules in 0 ms
Loading NPC Texts...
>> Loaded 6045 npc texts in 203 ms
Loading Enchant Spells Proc datas...
>> Loaded 42 enchant proc data definitions in 0 ms
Loading Item Random Enchantments Table...
>> Loaded 28607 Item Enchantment definitions in 62 ms
Loading Disables
>> Loaded 823 disables in 0 ms
Loading Items...
>> Loaded 37293 item templates in 1700 ms
Loading Item set names...
>> Loaded 2481 item set names in 0 ms
Loading Creature Model Based Info Data...
>> Loaded 24142 creature model based info in 62 ms
Loading Equipment templates...
>> Loaded 2485 equipment templates in 0 ms
Loading Creature templates...
>> Loaded 29923 creature definitions in 1076 ms
Loading Creature template addons...
>> Loaded 5682 creature template addons in 16 ms
Loading Reputation Reward Rates...
[1054] Unknown column 'quest_daily_rate' in 'field list'
Your database structure is not up to date. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/updates folders.


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Every time that I start worldserver.exe i get the error [1054] Unknown column 'ErrorType' in 'field list.


Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012)
Using ACE version: 6.1.4
TrinityCore rev. 2012-12-24 01:58:44 -0330 (cbae8433264c) (Win32, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

______                       __
/__  _       __          __/ __
/_/ / _ __ /_    ___ /_ , _  __  __
   /`'__/ /' _ `/ / / /
    / / / _ _
     _ _  _ _ _ _ __/`____
      /_//_/   /_//_//_//_//__/ `/___/>
                                 C O R E  /___/
http://TrinityCore.org                    /__/

Realm running as realm ID 1
Using World DB: TDB 335.11.48
Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
Using DataDir ./
VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1 PetLOS:1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Loading Trinity strings...
>> Loaded 947 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 0 ms
Initialize data stores...
>> Initialized 96 data stores in 10125 ms
Using enUS DBC Locale as default. All available DBC locales: esES deDE frFR enUS
Loading spell dbc data corrections...
>> Loaded spell dbc data corrections in 16 ms
Loading SpellInfo store...
>> Loaded spell custom attributes in 109 ms
Loading SkillLineAbilityMultiMap Data...
>> Loaded 10219 SkillLineAbility MultiMap Data in 47 ms
Loading spell custom attributes...
>> Loaded spell custom attributes in 31 ms
Loading GameObject models...
>> Loaded 2321 GameObject models in 47 ms
Loading Script Names...
>> Loaded 2013 Script Names in 4407 ms
Loading Instance Template...
>> Loaded 83 instance templates in 46 ms
Loading instances...
>> Loaded instances in 32 ms
Loading Localization strings...
>> Localization strings loaded in 15 ms
Loading Page Texts...
>> Loaded 1834 page texts in 31 ms
Loading Game Object Templates...
>> Loaded 19065 game object templates in 516 ms
Loading Spell Rank Data...
>> Loaded 5593 spell rank records in 15 ms
Loading Spell Required Data...
>> Loaded 41 spell required records in 0 ms
Loading Spell Group types...
>> Loaded 455 spell group definitions in 0 ms
Loading Spell Learn Skills...
>> Loaded 99 Spell Learn Skills from DBC in 16 ms
Loading Spell Learn Spells...
>> Loaded 8 spell learn spells + 572 found in DBC in 0 ms
Loading Spell Proc Event conditions...
>> Loaded 1087 extra and 62 custom spell proc event conditions in 16 ms
Loading Spell Proc conditions and data...
>> Loaded 0 spell proc conditions and data. DB table `spell_proc` is empty.
Loading Spell Bonus Data...
>> Loaded 329 extra spell bonus data in 0 ms
Loading Aggro Spells Definitions...
>> Loaded 106 SpellThreatEntries in 0 ms
Loading Spell Group Stack Rules...
>> Loaded 49 spell group stack rules in 0 ms
Loading NPC Texts...
>> Loaded 6045 npc texts in 328 ms
Loading Enchant Spells Proc datas...
>> Loaded 42 enchant proc data definitions in 0 ms
Loading Item Random Enchantments Table...
>> Loaded 28607 Item Enchantment definitions in 94 ms
Loading Disables
>> Loaded 823 disables in 0 ms
Loading Items...
>> Loaded 37293 item templates in 2812 ms
Loading Item set names...
>> Loaded 2481 item set names in 16 ms
Loading Creature Model Based Info Data...
>> Loaded 24142 creature model based info in 125 ms
Loading Equipment templates...
>> Loaded 2485 equipment templates in 0 ms
Loading Creature templates...
>> Loaded 29923 creature definitions in 1922 ms
Loading Creature template addons...
Creature (Entry: 28951) has wrong spell 0 defined in `auras` field in `creature_template_addon`.
Creature (Entry: 28951) has wrong spell 0 defined in `auras` field in `creature_template_addon`.
Creature (Entry: 31689) has wrong spell 0 defined in `auras` field in `creature_template_addon`.
>> Loaded 5682 creature template addons in 47 ms
Loading Reputation Reward Rates...
>> Loaded 14 reputation_reward_rate in 0 ms
Loading Creature Reputation OnKill Data...
>> Loaded 2002 creature award reputation definitions in 15 ms
Loading Reputation Spillover Data...
>> Loaded 26 reputation_spillover_template in 0 ms
Loading Points Of Interest Data...
>> Loaded 453 Points of Interest definitions in 16 ms
Loading Creature Base Stats...
>> Loaded 400 creature base stats in 0 ms
Loading Creature Data...
>> Loaded 138999 creatures in 3828 ms
Loading pet levelup spells...
>> Loaded 993 pet levelup and default spells for 39 families in 16 ms
Loading pet default spells additional to levelup spells...
>> Loaded addition spells for 111 pet spell data entries in 15 ms
Loading summonable creature templates...
>> Loaded 365 summonable creature templates in 16 ms
Loading Creature Addon Data...
>> Loaded 83901 creature addons in 750 ms
Loading Gameobject Data...
>> Loaded 81842 gameobjects in 2172 ms
Loading Creature Linked Respawn...
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151761
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151762
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151763
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151764
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151767
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151783
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151784
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151785
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151786
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151787
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151788
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151789
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151790
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151791
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151792
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151793
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151794
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151795
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151796
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151797
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151798
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151799
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151800
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151801
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151802
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151803
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151804
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151805
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151806
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151807
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151808
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151809
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151810
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151811
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151812
>> Loaded 5510 linked respawns in 31 ms
Loading Weather Data...
>> Loaded 35 weather definitions in 16 ms
Loading Quests...
>> Loaded 9464 quests definitions in 2109 ms
Checking Quest Disables
>> Checked 669 quest disables in 0 ms
Loading Quest POI
>> Loaded 18749 quest POI definitions in 500 ms
Loading Quests Relations...
Loading GO Start Quest Data...
>> Loaded 520 quest relations from gameobject_questrelation in 0 ms
Loading GO End Quest Data...
>> Loaded 450 quest relations from gameobject_involvedrelation in 0 ms
Loading Creature Start Quest Data...
>> Loaded 7491 quest relations from creature_questrelation in 31 ms
Loading Creature End Quest Data...
>> Loaded 7846 quest relations from creature_involvedrelation in 47 ms
Loading Objects Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 3023 objects pools in 0 ms
Loading Creatures Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 901 creatures in pools in 16 ms
Loading Gameobject Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 24071 gameobject in pools in 187 ms
Loading Mother Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 2290 pools in mother pools in 110 ms
Loading Quest Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 133 quests in pools in 15 ms
Starting objects pooling system...
Loading Game Event Data...
>> Loaded 64 game events in 16 ms
Loading Game Event Saves Data...
>> Loaded 0 game event saves in game events. DB table `game_event_save` is empty.
Loading Game Event Prerequisite Data...
>> Loaded 15 game event prerequisites in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Creature Data...
>> Loaded 4075 creatures in game events in 78 ms
Loading Game Event GO Data...
>> Loaded 18882 gameobjects in game events in 422 ms
Loading Game Event Model/Equipment Change Data...
>> Loaded 10 model/equipment changes in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Quest Data...
>> Loaded 210 quests additions in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event GO Quest Data...
>> Loaded 78 quests additions in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Quest Condition Data...
>> Loaded 11 quest event conditions in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Condition Data...
>> Loaded 15 conditions in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Condition Save Data...
>> Loaded 0 condition saves in game events. DB table `game_event_condition_save` is empty.
Loading Game Event NPCflag Data...
>> Loaded 6 npcflags in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Seasonal Quest Relations...
>> Loaded 614 quests additions in game events in 31 ms
Loading Game Event Vendor Additions Data...
>> Loaded 69 vendor additions in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Battleground Data...
>> Loaded 6 battleground holidays in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Pool Data...
>> Loaded 8 pools for game events in 0 ms
npc_spellclick_spells: Creature template 29598 has UNIT_NPC_FLAG_SPELLCLICK but no data in spellclick table! Removing flag
>> Loaded 254 spellclick definitions in 0 ms
Loading Vehicle Template Accessories...
>> Loaded 100 Vehicle Template Accessories in 0 ms
Loading Vehicle Accessories...
>> Loaded 0 Vehicle Accessories in 0 ms
Loading SpellArea Data...
>> Loaded 367 spell area requirements in 47 ms
Loading AreaTrigger definitions...
>> Loaded 224 area trigger teleport definitions in 31 ms
Loading Access Requirements...
>> Loaded 121 access requirement definitions in 47 ms
Loading Quest Area Triggers...
>> Loaded 58 quest trigger points in 0 ms
Loading Tavern Area Triggers...
>> Loaded 113 tavern triggers in 0 ms
Loading AreaTrigger script names...
>> Loaded 71 areatrigger scripts in 0 ms
Loading LFG entrance positions...
>> Loaded 0 lfg entrance positions. DB table `lfg_entrances` is empty!
Loading Dungeon boss data...
>> Loaded 612 instance encounters in 47 ms
Loading LFG rewards...
>> Loaded 15 lfg dungeon rewards in 0 ms
Loading Graveyard-zone links...
>> Loaded 700 graveyard-zone links in 0 ms
Loading spell pet auras...
>> Loaded 47 spell pet auras in 0 ms
Loading Spell target coordinates...
>> Loaded 468 spell teleport coordinates in 16 ms
Loading enchant custom attributes...
>> Loaded 32 custom enchant attributes in 0 ms
Loading linked spells...
>> Loaded 308 linked spells in 0 ms
Loading Player Create Data...
>> Loaded 62 player create definitions in 15 ms
Loading Player Create Items Data...
>> Loaded 1 custom player create items in 0 ms
Loading Player Create Spell Data...
>> Loaded 2825 player create spells in 47 ms
Loading Player Create Action Data...
>> Loaded 325 player create actions in 0 ms
Loading Player Create Level HP/Mana Data...
>> Loaded 800 level health/mana definitions in 16 ms
Loading Player Create Level Stats Data...
>> Loaded 4960 level stats definitions in 47 ms
Loading Player Create XP Data...
>> Loaded 79 xp for level definitions in 0 ms
Loading Exploration BaseXP Data...
>> Loaded 80 BaseXP definitions in 0 ms
Loading Pet Name Parts...
>> Loaded 313 pet name parts in 0 ms
Loading the max pet number...
>> Loaded the max pet number: 0 in 0 ms
Loading pet level stats...
>> Loaded 2480 level pet stats definitions in 31 ms
Loading Player Corpses...
>> Loaded 0 corpses. DB table `corpse` is empty.
Loading Player level dependent mail rewards...
>> Loaded 24 level dependent mail rewards in 0 ms
Loading creature loot templates...
>> Loaded 336055 creature loot templates in 3437 ms
Loading fishing loot templates...
>> Loaded 237 fishing loot templates in 0 ms
Loading gameobject loot templates...
>> Loaded 18490 gameobject loot templates in 188 ms
Loading item loot templates...
>> Loaded 4972 item loot templates in 47 ms
Loading mail loot templates...
>> Loaded 81 mail loot templates in 0 ms
Loading milling loot templates...
>> Loaded 45 milling loot templates in 15 ms
Loading pickpocketing loot templates...
>> Loaded 11031 pickpocketing loot templates in 110 ms
Loading skinning loot templates...
>> Loaded 3403 skinning loot templates in 47 ms
Loading disenchanting loot templates...
>> Loaded 124 disenchanting loot templates in 15 ms
Loading prospecting loot templates...
>> Loaded 38 prospecting loot templates in 0 ms
Loading spell loot templates...
>> Loaded 161 spell loot templates in 16 ms
Loading reference loot templates...
Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 34379 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
>> Loaded refence loot templates in 125 ms
Loading Skill Discovery Table...
>> Loaded 348 skill discovery definitions in 0 ms
Loading Skill Extra Item Table...
>> Loaded 225 spell specialization definitions in 0 ms
Loading Skill Fishing base level requirements...
>> Loaded 88 areas for fishing base skill level in 0 ms
Loading Achievements...
>> Loaded 43 achievement references in 0 ms
Loading Achievement Criteria Lists...
>> Loaded 1105 achievement criteria in 0 ms
Loading Achievement Criteria Data...
>> Loaded 2545 additional achievement criteria data in 15 ms
Loading Achievement Rewards...
>> Loaded 101 achievement rewards in 0 ms
Loading Achievement Reward Locales...
>> Loaded 0 achievement reward locale strings.  DB table `locales_achievement_reward` is empty
Loading Completed Achievements...
>> Loaded 0 realm first completed achievements. DB table `character_achievement` is empty.
Deleting expired auctions...
>> No expired auctions to delete
Loading Item Auctions...
>> Loaded 0 auction items. DB table `auctionhouse` or `item_instance` is empty!
Loading Auctions...
>> Loaded 0 auctions. DB table `auctionhouse` is empty.
Loading guilds definitions...
>> Loaded 0 guild definitions. DB table `guild` is empty.
Loading ArenaTeams...
>> Loaded 0 arena teams. DB table `arena_team` is empty!
Loading Groups...
>> Loaded 0 group definitions. DB table `groups` is empty!
Loading ReservedNames...
>> Loaded 0 reserved player names. DB table `reserved_name` is empty!
Loading GameObjects for quests...
>> Loaded 1144 GameObjects for quests in 16 ms
Loading BattleMasters...
>> Loaded 136 battlemaster entries in 0 ms
Loading GameTeleports...
>> Loaded 1421 GameTeleports in 31 ms
Loading Gossip menu...
>> Loaded 4163 gossip_menu entries in 16 ms
Loading Gossip menu options...
>> Loaded 3251 gossip_menu_option entries in 47 ms
Loading Vendors...
>> Loaded 37381 Vendors in 187 ms
Loading Trainers...
>> Loaded 80019 Trainers in 734 ms
Loading Waypoints...
>> Loaded 74023 waypoints in 813 ms
Loading SmartAI Waypoints...
>> Loaded 95 SmartAI waypoint paths (total 1271 waypoints) in 0 ms
Loading Creature Formations...
>> Loaded 339 creatures in formations in 16 ms
Loading World States...
>> Loaded 4 world states in 0 ms
Loading Conditions...
[1054] Unknown column 'ErrorType' in 'field list'
Your database structure is not up to date. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/updates folders.


Any ideas?

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Every time that I start worldserver.exe i get the error [1054] Unknown column 'ErrorType' in 'field list.


Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012)
Using ACE version: 6.1.4
TrinityCore rev. 2012-12-24 01:58:44 -0330 (cbae8433264c) (Win32, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

______                       __
/__  _       __          __/ __
/_/ / _ __ /_    ___ /_ , _  __  __
   /`'__/ /' _ `/ / / /
    / / / _ _
     _ _  _ _ _ _ __/`____
      /_//_/   /_//_//_//_//__/ `/___/>
                                 C O R E  /___/
http://TrinityCore.org                    /__/

Realm running as realm ID 1
Using World DB: TDB 335.11.48
Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
Using DataDir ./
VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1 PetLOS:1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Loading Trinity strings...
>> Loaded 947 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 0 ms
Initialize data stores...
>> Initialized 96 data stores in 10125 ms
Using enUS DBC Locale as default. All available DBC locales: esES deDE frFR enUS
Loading spell dbc data corrections...
>> Loaded spell dbc data corrections in 16 ms
Loading SpellInfo store...
>> Loaded spell custom attributes in 109 ms
Loading SkillLineAbilityMultiMap Data...
>> Loaded 10219 SkillLineAbility MultiMap Data in 47 ms
Loading spell custom attributes...
>> Loaded spell custom attributes in 31 ms
Loading GameObject models...
>> Loaded 2321 GameObject models in 47 ms
Loading Script Names...
>> Loaded 2013 Script Names in 4407 ms
Loading Instance Template...
>> Loaded 83 instance templates in 46 ms
Loading instances...
>> Loaded instances in 32 ms
Loading Localization strings...
>> Localization strings loaded in 15 ms
Loading Page Texts...
>> Loaded 1834 page texts in 31 ms
Loading Game Object Templates...
>> Loaded 19065 game object templates in 516 ms
Loading Spell Rank Data...
>> Loaded 5593 spell rank records in 15 ms
Loading Spell Required Data...
>> Loaded 41 spell required records in 0 ms
Loading Spell Group types...
>> Loaded 455 spell group definitions in 0 ms
Loading Spell Learn Skills...
>> Loaded 99 Spell Learn Skills from DBC in 16 ms
Loading Spell Learn Spells...
>> Loaded 8 spell learn spells + 572 found in DBC in 0 ms
Loading Spell Proc Event conditions...
>> Loaded 1087 extra and 62 custom spell proc event conditions in 16 ms
Loading Spell Proc conditions and data...
>> Loaded 0 spell proc conditions and data. DB table `spell_proc` is empty.
Loading Spell Bonus Data...
>> Loaded 329 extra spell bonus data in 0 ms
Loading Aggro Spells Definitions...
>> Loaded 106 SpellThreatEntries in 0 ms
Loading Spell Group Stack Rules...
>> Loaded 49 spell group stack rules in 0 ms
Loading NPC Texts...
>> Loaded 6045 npc texts in 328 ms
Loading Enchant Spells Proc datas...
>> Loaded 42 enchant proc data definitions in 0 ms
Loading Item Random Enchantments Table...
>> Loaded 28607 Item Enchantment definitions in 94 ms
Loading Disables
>> Loaded 823 disables in 0 ms
Loading Items...
>> Loaded 37293 item templates in 2812 ms
Loading Item set names...
>> Loaded 2481 item set names in 16 ms
Loading Creature Model Based Info Data...
>> Loaded 24142 creature model based info in 125 ms
Loading Equipment templates...
>> Loaded 2485 equipment templates in 0 ms
Loading Creature templates...
>> Loaded 29923 creature definitions in 1922 ms
Loading Creature template addons...
Creature (Entry: 28951) has wrong spell 0 defined in `auras` field in `creature_template_addon`.
Creature (Entry: 28951) has wrong spell 0 defined in `auras` field in `creature_template_addon`.
Creature (Entry: 31689) has wrong spell 0 defined in `auras` field in `creature_template_addon`.
>> Loaded 5682 creature template addons in 47 ms
Loading Reputation Reward Rates...
>> Loaded 14 reputation_reward_rate in 0 ms
Loading Creature Reputation OnKill Data...
>> Loaded 2002 creature award reputation definitions in 15 ms
Loading Reputation Spillover Data...
>> Loaded 26 reputation_spillover_template in 0 ms
Loading Points Of Interest Data...
>> Loaded 453 Points of Interest definitions in 16 ms
Loading Creature Base Stats...
>> Loaded 400 creature base stats in 0 ms
Loading Creature Data...
>> Loaded 138999 creatures in 3828 ms
Loading pet levelup spells...
>> Loaded 993 pet levelup and default spells for 39 families in 16 ms
Loading pet default spells additional to levelup spells...
>> Loaded addition spells for 111 pet spell data entries in 15 ms
Loading summonable creature templates...
>> Loaded 365 summonable creature templates in 16 ms
Loading Creature Addon Data...
>> Loaded 83901 creature addons in 750 ms
Loading Gameobject Data...
>> Loaded 81842 gameobjects in 2172 ms
Loading Creature Linked Respawn...
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151761
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151762
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151763
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151764
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151767
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151783
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151784
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151785
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151786
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151787
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151788
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151789
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151790
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151791
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151792
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151793
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151794
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151795
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151796
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151797
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151798
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151799
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151800
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151801
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151802
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151803
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151804
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151805
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151806
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151807
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151808
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151809
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151810
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151811
Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151812
>> Loaded 5510 linked respawns in 31 ms
Loading Weather Data...
>> Loaded 35 weather definitions in 16 ms
Loading Quests...
>> Loaded 9464 quests definitions in 2109 ms
Checking Quest Disables
>> Checked 669 quest disables in 0 ms
Loading Quest POI
>> Loaded 18749 quest POI definitions in 500 ms
Loading Quests Relations...
Loading GO Start Quest Data...
>> Loaded 520 quest relations from gameobject_questrelation in 0 ms
Loading GO End Quest Data...
>> Loaded 450 quest relations from gameobject_involvedrelation in 0 ms
Loading Creature Start Quest Data...
>> Loaded 7491 quest relations from creature_questrelation in 31 ms
Loading Creature End Quest Data...
>> Loaded 7846 quest relations from creature_involvedrelation in 47 ms
Loading Objects Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 3023 objects pools in 0 ms
Loading Creatures Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 901 creatures in pools in 16 ms
Loading Gameobject Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 24071 gameobject in pools in 187 ms
Loading Mother Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 2290 pools in mother pools in 110 ms
Loading Quest Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 133 quests in pools in 15 ms
Starting objects pooling system...
Loading Game Event Data...
>> Loaded 64 game events in 16 ms
Loading Game Event Saves Data...
>> Loaded 0 game event saves in game events. DB table `game_event_save` is empty.
Loading Game Event Prerequisite Data...
>> Loaded 15 game event prerequisites in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Creature Data...
>> Loaded 4075 creatures in game events in 78 ms
Loading Game Event GO Data...
>> Loaded 18882 gameobjects in game events in 422 ms
Loading Game Event Model/Equipment Change Data...
>> Loaded 10 model/equipment changes in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Quest Data...
>> Loaded 210 quests additions in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event GO Quest Data...
>> Loaded 78 quests additions in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Quest Condition Data...
>> Loaded 11 quest event conditions in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Condition Data...
>> Loaded 15 conditions in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Condition Save Data...
>> Loaded 0 condition saves in game events. DB table `game_event_condition_save` is empty.
Loading Game Event NPCflag Data...
>> Loaded 6 npcflags in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Seasonal Quest Relations...
>> Loaded 614 quests additions in game events in 31 ms
Loading Game Event Vendor Additions Data...
>> Loaded 69 vendor additions in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Battleground Data...
>> Loaded 6 battleground holidays in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Pool Data...
>> Loaded 8 pools for game events in 0 ms
npc_spellclick_spells: Creature template 29598 has UNIT_NPC_FLAG_SPELLCLICK but no data in spellclick table! Removing flag
>> Loaded 254 spellclick definitions in 0 ms
Loading Vehicle Template Accessories...
>> Loaded 100 Vehicle Template Accessories in 0 ms
Loading Vehicle Accessories...
>> Loaded 0 Vehicle Accessories in 0 ms
Loading SpellArea Data...
>> Loaded 367 spell area requirements in 47 ms
Loading AreaTrigger definitions...
>> Loaded 224 area trigger teleport definitions in 31 ms
Loading Access Requirements...
>> Loaded 121 access requirement definitions in 47 ms
Loading Quest Area Triggers...
>> Loaded 58 quest trigger points in 0 ms
Loading Tavern Area Triggers...
>> Loaded 113 tavern triggers in 0 ms
Loading AreaTrigger script names...
>> Loaded 71 areatrigger scripts in 0 ms
Loading LFG entrance positions...
>> Loaded 0 lfg entrance positions. DB table `lfg_entrances` is empty!
Loading Dungeon boss data...
>> Loaded 612 instance encounters in 47 ms
Loading LFG rewards...
>> Loaded 15 lfg dungeon rewards in 0 ms
Loading Graveyard-zone links...
>> Loaded 700 graveyard-zone links in 0 ms
Loading spell pet auras...
>> Loaded 47 spell pet auras in 0 ms
Loading Spell target coordinates...
>> Loaded 468 spell teleport coordinates in 16 ms
Loading enchant custom attributes...
>> Loaded 32 custom enchant attributes in 0 ms
Loading linked spells...
>> Loaded 308 linked spells in 0 ms
Loading Player Create Data...
>> Loaded 62 player create definitions in 15 ms
Loading Player Create Items Data...
>> Loaded 1 custom player create items in 0 ms
Loading Player Create Spell Data...
>> Loaded 2825 player create spells in 47 ms
Loading Player Create Action Data...
>> Loaded 325 player create actions in 0 ms
Loading Player Create Level HP/Mana Data...
>> Loaded 800 level health/mana definitions in 16 ms
Loading Player Create Level Stats Data...
>> Loaded 4960 level stats definitions in 47 ms
Loading Player Create XP Data...
>> Loaded 79 xp for level definitions in 0 ms
Loading Exploration BaseXP Data...
>> Loaded 80 BaseXP definitions in 0 ms
Loading Pet Name Parts...
>> Loaded 313 pet name parts in 0 ms
Loading the max pet number...
>> Loaded the max pet number: 0 in 0 ms
Loading pet level stats...
>> Loaded 2480 level pet stats definitions in 31 ms
Loading Player Corpses...
>> Loaded 0 corpses. DB table `corpse` is empty.
Loading Player level dependent mail rewards...
>> Loaded 24 level dependent mail rewards in 0 ms
Loading creature loot templates...
>> Loaded 336055 creature loot templates in 3437 ms
Loading fishing loot templates...
>> Loaded 237 fishing loot templates in 0 ms
Loading gameobject loot templates...
>> Loaded 18490 gameobject loot templates in 188 ms
Loading item loot templates...
>> Loaded 4972 item loot templates in 47 ms
Loading mail loot templates...
>> Loaded 81 mail loot templates in 0 ms
Loading milling loot templates...
>> Loaded 45 milling loot templates in 15 ms
Loading pickpocketing loot templates...
>> Loaded 11031 pickpocketing loot templates in 110 ms
Loading skinning loot templates...
>> Loaded 3403 skinning loot templates in 47 ms
Loading disenchanting loot templates...
>> Loaded 124 disenchanting loot templates in 15 ms
Loading prospecting loot templates...
>> Loaded 38 prospecting loot templates in 0 ms
Loading spell loot templates...
>> Loaded 161 spell loot templates in 16 ms
Loading reference loot templates...
Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 34379 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
>> Loaded refence loot templates in 125 ms
Loading Skill Discovery Table...
>> Loaded 348 skill discovery definitions in 0 ms
Loading Skill Extra Item Table...
>> Loaded 225 spell specialization definitions in 0 ms
Loading Skill Fishing base level requirements...
>> Loaded 88 areas for fishing base skill level in 0 ms
Loading Achievements...
>> Loaded 43 achievement references in 0 ms
Loading Achievement Criteria Lists...
>> Loaded 1105 achievement criteria in 0 ms
Loading Achievement Criteria Data...
>> Loaded 2545 additional achievement criteria data in 15 ms
Loading Achievement Rewards...
>> Loaded 101 achievement rewards in 0 ms
Loading Achievement Reward Locales...
>> Loaded 0 achievement reward locale strings.  DB table `locales_achievement_reward` is empty
Loading Completed Achievements...
>> Loaded 0 realm first completed achievements. DB table `character_achievement` is empty.
Deleting expired auctions...
>> No expired auctions to delete
Loading Item Auctions...
>> Loaded 0 auction items. DB table `auctionhouse` or `item_instance` is empty!
Loading Auctions...
>> Loaded 0 auctions. DB table `auctionhouse` is empty.
Loading guilds definitions...
>> Loaded 0 guild definitions. DB table `guild` is empty.
Loading ArenaTeams...
>> Loaded 0 arena teams. DB table `arena_team` is empty!
Loading Groups...
>> Loaded 0 group definitions. DB table `groups` is empty!
Loading ReservedNames...
>> Loaded 0 reserved player names. DB table `reserved_name` is empty!
Loading GameObjects for quests...
>> Loaded 1144 GameObjects for quests in 16 ms
Loading BattleMasters...
>> Loaded 136 battlemaster entries in 0 ms
Loading GameTeleports...
>> Loaded 1421 GameTeleports in 31 ms
Loading Gossip menu...
>> Loaded 4163 gossip_menu entries in 16 ms
Loading Gossip menu options...
>> Loaded 3251 gossip_menu_option entries in 47 ms
Loading Vendors...
>> Loaded 37381 Vendors in 187 ms
Loading Trainers...
>> Loaded 80019 Trainers in 734 ms
Loading Waypoints...
>> Loaded 74023 waypoints in 813 ms
Loading SmartAI Waypoints...
>> Loaded 95 SmartAI waypoint paths (total 1271 waypoints) in 0 ms
Loading Creature Formations...
>> Loaded 339 creatures in formations in 16 ms
Loading World States...
>> Loaded 4 world states in 0 ms
Loading Conditions...
[1054] Unknown column 'ErrorType' in 'field list'
Your database structure is not up to date. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/updates folders.


Any ideas?

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Getting a similar error, also. Just followed that wonderfully written WIKI How To:WIN, this is what I get:




Realm running as realm ID 1
Using World DB: TDB 335.49
Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
Using DataDir ./
VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1 PetLOS:1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Loading Trinity strings...
>> Loaded 947 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 22 ms
Initialize data stores...
>> Initialized 96 data stores in 3262 ms
Using enUS DBC Locale as default. All available DBC locales: enUS 
Loading spell dbc data corrections...
>> Loaded spell dbc data corrections in 3 ms
Loading SpellInfo store...
>> Loaded spell custom attributes in 113 ms
Loading SkillLineAbilityMultiMap Data...
>> Loaded 10219 SkillLineAbility MultiMap Data in 3 ms
Loading spell custom attributes...
>> Loaded spell custom attributes in 42 ms
Loading GameObject models...
>> Loaded 2321 GameObject models in 74 ms
Loading Script Names...
>> Loaded 2010 Script Names in 6404 ms
Loading Instance Template...
>> Loaded 83 instance templates in 14 ms
Loading instances...
>> Loaded instances in 141 ms
Loading Localization strings...
[1054] Unknown column 'Id' in 'field list'
Your database structure is not up to date. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/updates folders.
This is a fresh install on a fresh Windows 7 Ultimate VM (made copies for easier fixes if I screwed up lol). I used MySQL 5.1.51 (full dev), but when compiling I unchecked the use of included libraries, so it would look for and use the ones I already had (that was my understanding, anyway, per the wiki instructions).
If I'm understanding it correctly, it looks like what we're doing (assuming wiki instructions followed correctly) is:
-Git'ing the source for the server, which also comes with SQL updates for those who are updating their server (not me, i'm all freshness)
-Compiling it and all that magic stuff
-"Installing" a fresh TDB_Full, which should be current up to and including above mentioned updates.
Once done, I'm actually able to authenticate from a remote WoW client (it tells me bad password, of course.....but I think that means it's at least connecting and looking?).
Almost forgot- I also tried to go ahead and load those updates, but got many errors. Which is what lead me to believe what I stated above (we're already up to date). After getting the errors, I started over with another copy of my VM at the "configuring the conf" section of the guide. Still stuck, of course. Wish I knew more about this, but thanks for any help anyone!
BTW, OP, if you figure it out, PLEASE post what you did!! I found another topic w/ exact same error i have, and the OP came on and said "fixed it, nevermind". DANG IT!!! lol
I'm just guessing here, but...
-OP's log shows that his 'localization strings' loaded some number of things
-There are SQL entries (tables?) in the World DB called 'locales_x'
-When selected (using HeidiSQL), the data shows as empty in every one of them.
Should there be something there?
etc...all empty



Hooray! OK, so I guess the DB_Full DOES need to be updated?




Since my log gave me the error right after trying to "Loading Localization strings..", I went into the updates folder and looked specifically for any updates containing the text 'loc' in their name, based on a guess that "Loading Localization strings.." was referring to "Locales" tables in the DB. Sure as shit, it changed the names of some columns when I executed the SQL updates, and my World Server moved right on past "Loading Localization strings.."


OP, there's a table in the DB called "Conditions", look for it's update :)


Despite the errors, I'm guessing we should try to run all those updates, just skipping the ones that throw out errors?


If a dev-genius (no sarcasm, you guys are friggin awesome) would come on and say yea or nay to skipping the error-throwing updates, I'd be tickled pink!

Edited by akira6968
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UPDATE: Here's what I have learned!


The TDB_Full is dated for 09/16/2012


The SQL Update folder within the git'd Trinity folder is chock full of SQL, each file name beginning with a date. The oldest of them is....yep, 09/16/2012. So they DO all need to be applied.


As for why I was getting errors:


The first time I tried to load all them many SQL queries, i highlighted all of them and opened them, then started 'running' them in no particular order, not realizing exactly what that does. I remember reading about applying updates in order from  oldest to newest, and now I believe it to be the cause of the errors! Especially since, in HeidiSQL, the 'query tabs' that you use to run the sql will order from oldest to newest, bottom to top. Something like that. I'm still not positive as to what rhyme or reason Heidi has for sorting the query tabs.


I'm gonna guess this problem is solved, and hopefully I've answered in a noob-friendly enough way to help others lol. We can't even figure out what a SQL is....you devs are gods/goddesses among men lol


FINAL UPDATE!! That sh*t worked!

Edited by akira6968
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Congratz on fixing it.

A few notes: indeed, all the sql files in update folder are meant to be imported on top of the last full TDB, by file name (alphanumeric order, the default one)

there are tools/scripts like http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/43-windowslinux-combine-sql-updates/ to do that easily

all this is fairly well explained (imo) in the wiki

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I went and dropped my world database and re install from the trinitycore /download the latest TDB then I went and got update/world merged them all and applied them. This issue is still here and not sure how to fix it. 

Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012)
Using ACE version: 6.1.4
TrinityCore rev. 2012-12-22 06:32:45 +0200 (aabfa3afae12) (Win32, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

 ______                       __
/__  _       __          __/ __
/_/ / _ __ /_    ___ /_ , _  __  __
     /`'__/  /' _ `/   / / / 
        /   / /     _  _ 
      _ _   _ _ _ _ __/`____ 
      /_//_/   /_//_//_//_//__/ `/___/> 
                                 C O R E  /___/
http://TrinityCore.org                    /__/

Realm running as realm ID 1
Using World DB: TDB 335.49
Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
Using DataDir ./
VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1 PetLOS:1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Loading Trinity strings...
>> Loaded 961 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 0 ms
Initialize data stores...
>> Initialized 96 data stores in 1061 ms
Using enUS DBC Locale as default. All available DBC locales: enUS 
Loading spell dbc data corrections...
>> Loaded spell dbc data corrections in 0 ms
Loading SpellInfo store...
>> Loaded spell custom attributes in 47 ms
Loading SkillLineAbilityMultiMap Data...
>> Loaded 10219 SkillLineAbility MultiMap Data in 0 ms
Loading spell custom attributes...
>> Loaded spell custom attributes in 31 ms
Loading GameObject models...
>> Loaded 2321 GameObject models in 0 ms
Loading Script Names...
>> Loaded 2075 Script Names in 250 ms
Loading Instance Template...
>> Loaded 83 instance templates in 0 ms
Loading instances...
>> Loaded instances in 16 ms
Loading Localization strings...
[1054] Unknown column 'entry' in 'field list'
Your database structure is not up to date. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/updates folders.


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I think you miss understood what I said.


To make it very simple I followed the guide had my world server running, went to make a change and missed up and needed to drop the database.

I dropped the world database and followed the steps in how to win to re install and got the follow error

Edited by Swizzle
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      I've compiled everything on my own computer, and then transferred everything to a host computer so the server can stay live. The server was running fine for a month or so and then suddenly it just crashes when it hits "Loading C++ scripts", exiting saying "caught signal 22"
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      3d7e3a40e2b3+_worldserver.exe_[1-4_15-19-45].dmp 3d7e3a40e2b3+_worldserver.exe_[1-4_15-19-45].txt
    • By Rochet2
      A lot of people have asked how to debug so I made this short guide on how to set up debugging.
      This guide only tells you how to actually set up debugging in TrinityCore on Windows and Linux.
      This will not explain the basics of debugging. You can google those or play around with the debugger to learn.
      Here are a few videos that explain how to actually debug after setting debugging up on visual studio: https://youtu.be/0ebzPwixrJA and linux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCtY--xRUyI

      This guide contains multiple guides. Each list of bullet points is it's own guide.
      Make sure you can run the server normally before trying to debug.

      On Windows before anything you should check these
      - Before debugging or making crashlogs etc. with Visual Studio you must compile the core in "Debug" instead of "Release". You can select this in "Build>Configuration Manager" or at the top of Visual Studio window http://i.imgur.com/5oHd59j.png
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      - It is assumed that Solution Explorer is open. Open it by selecting "View>Solution Explorer" in Visual Studio http://i.imgur.com/hkW6Gk0.png
      -- You may want to click on the Home icon to reset the view on Solution Explorer http://i.imgur.com/N8UPwDh.png
      - You can place breakpoints in Visual Studio editor by right clicking a line of code and selecting "Breakpoint>Insert Breakpoint" http://i.imgur.com/L2TxBVG.png
      - At the top of the window you should see controls for stepping and continuing when you have started to debug.
      - Here is a video showing the basic Visual Studio functionality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijdk4z8-2OI
      Fastest way to debug on windows. This is the easiest way to start up debugging a script.
      - Start the authserver and worldserver normally
      - Open TrinityCore.sln in Visual Studio. This is what you usually open when you want to compile the core
      - In Visual Studio at the top select "Debug>Attach to process...>worldserver.exe" and click "Attach" http://i.imgur.com/jDEI2Hq.png
      - You are now debugging
      The second slower way of debugging on windows. This is useful for debugging something that occurs in the startup of the server.
      - Open TrinityCore.sln in Visual Studio. This is what you usually open when you want to compile the core
      - In solution explorer right click on worldserver and select "Set as StartUp Project" http://i.imgur.com/wvMzeRA.png
      - In solution explorer right click on worldserver and select "Properties" http://i.imgur.com/rTNEF9O.png
      -- In Properties you should go to "Configuration Properties>Debugging" and edit "Working Directory" to point to the server folder. For me this is the default compile folder so I use "$(OutDir)" http://i.imgur.com/aRI29fB.png
      - Start the authserver normally
      - Start the worldserver by selecting "Debug>Start Debugging". The server will start with debugging attached from the beginning http://i.imgur.com/cg1KJNw.png
      - You are now debugging
      Crashlogs on windows. Once you have a way to reproduce a crash you can get a crashlog that can help you resolve it.
      - After compiling the core in "Debug" instead of "Release" start up the worldserver and authserver
      - Reproduce the crash you have
      - In the server folder there is now a folder called Crashes that contains txt and dmp files. http://i.imgur.com/9eQIdql.png
      - You can open the txt files in text editors http://i.imgur.com/EH6R17E.png
      -- At the top of a txt file there is some information about your system and below it there is the Call Stack and below that there are Variables of each part of the call stack
      -- The Call Stack will tell you at the top what was the last function call before crashing and what function calls led to that function call.
      -- Next to the function names there is the file that the function is defined in and the line number the code was executing in that function.
      -- In the Variables section you can inspect variables that were present at each function call.
      -- Based on this information you are often able to see what crashed or get a better view of what you need to inspect more in your code.
      - The dmp file can be opened in Visual Studio
      -- Open TrinityCore.sln in Visual Studio. This is what you usually open when you want to compile the core
      -- Drag and drop the dmp file to Visual Studio
      -- In the window that opens click to "Debug with Native Only" http://i.imgur.com/OgyU2kM.png
      -- In the window popup click "Break" http://i.imgur.com/4jDzqRn.png
      -- You are now in a state like you would have hit a break point in the code or a crash while debugging. You can inspect the call stack and the variables.
      Edit and continue on windows. When debugging this allows you to change the code and without restarting the server apply those changes so they actually work ingame.
      - Open TrinityCore.sln in Visual Studio. This is what you usually open when you want to compile the core
      - In solution explorer right click on worldserver and select "Properties" http://i.imgur.com/rTNEF9O.png
      -- In Properties select "Configuration Properties>Linker>General" and set "Enable Incremental Linking" to "Yes". http://i.imgur.com/caQqwN5.png
      -- In Properties select "Configuration Properties>Linker>Advanced" and set "Image Has Safe Exception Handlers" to "No". http://i.imgur.com/FYzN8Ks.png
      -- In Properties select "Configuration Properties>C/C++>General" and set "Debug Information Format" to "Program Database for Edit And Continue". http://i.imgur.com/pxQ6I8N.png
      - At the top of the window select "Tools>Options". In the Options select "Debugging>General" and in there select "Enable Edit and Continue", "Enable Native Edit and Continue" and "Require source files to exactly match the original version".
      - Compile the server for the changes to take effect.
      - Set up "The second slower way of debugging" (I did not test edit and continue on other configurations)
      - Start the authserver normally
      - Start the worldserver by selecting "Debug>Start Debugging".
      - Try edit a cpp file a little and save it.
      - At top of Visual Studio window select "Debug>Apply Code Changes" and wait until the changes are applied. Warning: it can take considerable amount of time for the changes to be applied. http://i.imgur.com/77pb58E.png
      - If you have issues, be sure to check the error messages in Output. You can view it by selecting "View>Output" http://i.imgur.com/4cIznW9.png
      - This guide was written based on https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/esaeyddf.aspx and https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2015/07/22/c-edit-and-continue-in-visual-studio-2015/
      First we need to compile the server in debug mode.
      - Compile the server with the cmake flag -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

      Debugging on linux. You can debug on linux by using GDB.
      - Here is a good video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCtY--xRUyI
      - Basically you
      -- Start the authserver
      -- Start the worldserver by using "gdb ./worldserver"
      -- Enter breakpoints by using break command on gdb
      -- Use the run command on gdb to start the server
      -- You are now debugging
      - You may also be interested in using VScode or some other more visual debuggers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0xTgyCwsAo
      Crashlogs on linux. Once you have a way to reproduce a crash you can get a crashlog that can help you resolve it.
      - Take crashreport.gdb from /contrib/debugger from source folder and place it to your server folder
      - Start the authserver
      - Start the worldserver by using "gdb -x crashreport.gdb ./worldserver"
      - Reproduce your crash
      - There should be a backtrace.log in your server folder that contains information about the crash like the callstack and variables in each function call in the call stack
      - This guide was written based on https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/master/contrib/debugger/README
      Running valgrind on linux. This helps you find memory errors like invalid reads and writes and memory leaks.
      - Here is a good video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvTsFjDuag8
      - Basically you
      -- Start the authserver
      -- Start the worldserver by using "valgrind ./worldserver"
      -- Run your code that you want to analyze and close the server
      -- The console or an output log should contain the valgrind log
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      I've followed a few threads here about map extraction, and am still having issues. Originally, I was having the issue described here.
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      `Error loading World\Maps\Expansion01\Expansion01_42_6.adt`

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      I'm not sure where else to go from here.

      Thanks for your help

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      Connected to MySQL database at
      DatabasePool 'auth' opened successfully. 2 total connections running.
      Started auth database connection pool.
      Listening on connections from worldservers on port 1118...
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      Calculate next monthly quest reset time...
      Calculate random battleground reset time...
      Calculate guild limitation(s) reset time...
      Calculate next currency reset time...
      World initialized in 0 minutes 13 seconds
      TrinityCore rev. d0c7bbab40bc 2020-05-06 00:01:21 +0200 (master branch) (Win64, RelWithDebInfo, Static) (worldserver-daemon) ready...
      There are no db errors in logs.
      Config.wtf contain portal, realmlist as remote server and patchlist as localhost.
      When I try to connecting using "user@local" and password I get immediately disconnected.
      What I did noticed different is that the bnetserver doesnt add "Added realm "Battle for Azeroth" at" (From my Master log) 
      3.3.5a also have this line as last line in authserver - but 4.3.4 is not giving me this one.
      Realmlist table is accurate with right information.
      Anyone know why bnetserver is not starting me realm?
    • By Deer_Hunter
      Hello all,
      I just updated from the latest Git 
      Trinity Core REV. ac6baa547376 + 2020-02-21  3.3.5 Branch.
      I'm getting this error after crash.
      Problem signature:
        Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
        Application Name:    worldserver.exe
        Application Version:
        Application Timestamp:    5e50a462
        Fault Module Name:    StackHash_f12f
        Fault Module Version:    6.3.9600.19629
        Fault Module Timestamp:    5e2fdc0d
        Exception Code:    c0000374
        Exception Offset:    PCH_9E_FROM_ntdll+0x0000000000090D0A
        OS Version:    6.3.9600.
        Locale ID:    1033
        Additional Information 1:    f12f
        Additional Information 2:    f12f0934d3e965f73c68e60f20f2cd40
        Additional Information 3:    7595
        Additional Information 4:    7595e4d8d703db9dcd3d2f6ea540e357
      the exception code says its a Heap error,  I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this.
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