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Stuck at connected / infinite loop / login issues / battle.net


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Thanks, just updated game client and completely recompiled from latest source.

Repatched the exe's and copied over the cert bundle.

Issue persists unfortunately.

From server:

[0 ms] SQL(p): SELECT id, name, address, localAddress, localSubnetMask, port, icon, flag, timezone, allowedSecurityLevel, population, gamebuild, Region, Battlegroup FROM realmlist WHERE flag <> 3 ORDER BY name
Updating realm "Trinity" at
[0 ms] SQL(p): DELETE FROM ip_banned WHERE unbandate<>bandate AND unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
[0 ms] SQL(p): (SELECT unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR unbandate = bandate AS banned, NULL as country FROM ip_banned WHERE ip = '') UNION (SELECT NULL AS banned, country FROM ip2nation WHERE INET_NTOA(ip) = 134221996)
[] Client called server method ConnectionService.Connect(bgs.protocol.connection.v1.ConnectRequest{ use_bindless_rpc: true }) returned bgs.protocol.connection.v1.ConnectResponse{ server_id { label: 7940 epoch
: 1473046916 } server_time: 1473046916351 use_bindless_rpc: true } status 0.
[] Server called client method ChallengeListener.OnExternalChallenge(bgs.protocol.challenge.v1.ChallengeExternalRequest{ payload_type: "web_auth_url" payload: "" })
[] Client called server method AuthenticationService.Logon(bgs.protocol.authentication.v1.LogonRequest{ program: "WoW" platform: "Wn64" locale: "enUS" version: "Battle.net Game Service SDK v1.4.6 \"39015650a0
\"/22 (Sep  1 2016 14:04:17)" application_version: 22566 allow_logon_queue_notifications: true web_client_verification: true }) returned bgs.protocol.NoData{  } status 0.
[] Server called client method ConnectionService.ForceDisconnect(bgs.protocol.connection.v1.DisconnectNotification{ error_code: 0 })
[] Client called server method ConnectionService.RequestDisconnect(bgs.protocol.connection.v1.DisconnectRequest{ error_code: 0 }) status 0.
Updating Realm List...


9/5 13:41:48.219  [IBN_Login] Starting up | hasFrontInterface=false | hasBackInterface=false
9/5 13:41:55.968  [GlueLogin] Starting login | launcherPortal=nullopt | loginPortal=
9/5 13:41:55.968  [GlueLogin] Resetting
9/5 13:41:55.968  [IBN_Login] Initializing
9/5 13:41:55.968  [IBN_Login] Attempting logon | host= | port=1119
9/5 13:41:55.968  [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response.
9/5 13:41:56.240  [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response.
9/5 13:41:56.272  [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response.
9/5 13:41:56.392  [GlueLogin] Fatal error while logging in | result=( | code=ERROR_HTTP_FAILED (14003) | localizedMessage= | debugMessage=JSON error: ERROR_HTTP_FAILED (14003) token: 1)
9/5 13:41:56.419  [IBN_Login] Front disconnecting | connectionId=1
9/5 13:41:56.419  [GlueLogin] Disconnecting from authentication server.
9/5 13:41:56.458  [IBN_Login] Front disconnected | connectionId=1 | result=( | code=ERROR_OK (0) | localizedMessage= | debugMessage=)
9/5 13:41:56.458  [GlueLogin] Disconnected from authentication server.
9/5 13:41:56.458  [IBN_Login] Destroying | isInitialized=true
9/5 13:43:36.645  [IBN_Login] Destroying | isInitialized=false
9/5 13:43:37.333  [IBN_Login] Shutting down

Watching on tcpdump, it doesn't seem to try to send a payload to port 8081, I'm only seeing connections to port 1119.

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6 hours ago, Aokromes said:

I suggest you to update to there is no reason to stay on 22522.

I updated and I had the same error

My BattleNet.log:

9/5 10:58:59.573  [IBN_Login] Starting up | hasFrontInterface=false | hasBackInterface=false
9/5 10:59:41.784  [GlueLogin] Starting login | launcherPortal=nullopt | loginPortal=
9/5 10:59:41.784  [GlueLogin] Resetting
9/5 10:59:41.784  [IBN_Login] Initializing
9/5 10:59:41.863  [IBN_Login] Attempting logon | host= | port=1119
9/5 10:59:41.863  [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response.
9/5 10:59:43.308  [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response.
9/5 10:59:43.671  [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response.
9/5 11:00:04.869  [GlueLogin] Fatal error while logging in | result=( | code=ERROR_HTTP_COULDNT_CONNECT (14001) | localizedMessage= | debugMessage=JSON error: ERROR_HTTP_COULDNT_CONNECT (14001) token: 1)
9/5 11:00:04.946  [IBN_Login] Front disconnecting | connectionId=1
9/5 11:00:04.946  [GlueLogin] Disconnecting from authentication server.
9/5 11:00:05.129  [IBN_Login] Front disconnected | connectionId=1 | result=( | code=ERROR_OK (0) | localizedMessage= | debugMessage=)
9/5 11:00:05.129  [GlueLogin] Disconnected from authentication server.
9/5 11:00:05.129  [IBN_Login] Destroying | isInitialized=true
9/5 11:00:10.138  [IBN_Login] Destroying | isInitialized=false
9/5 11:00:33.320  [IBN_Login] Shutting down

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7 hours ago, DorekoNeko said:

If you can connect to the server but the server is kicking you out, then it should be because of uncompatible versions.

Can you check your "auth.realmlist" table and tell me what's in the "gamebuild" field?


gamebuild is 22566, same as my client.

address and localaddress are set to my server IP in auth.realmlist.

LoginREST IPs in bnetserver.conf are set to my server IP.

Config.wtf is set to my server IP.

There are no firewalls or proxies inbetween server or client.


However   ...I just finished recompiling the latest build (again) and it seems to be working, config unchanged. Beats me!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Guys,

i can not connect to the server. I'am not sure if i did this right, but these are the steps that i have taken.


Downloaded en compiled with no errors.

Uploaded the client exe (7.03) to the server that has compiled TrinityCore

Patched the *.exe with no errors.

Downloaded the exe and tc_bundle.txt en started the client.

Logged in

Choosed the world (in green). and then yhe client disconnect.

This must be a configuration fault, Who can give me some pointers in the right direction..


Thx in advance!

9/24 19:46:07.478  [GlueLogin] Logon complete.
9/24 19:46:07.478  [GlueLogin] Waiting for realm list.
9/24 19:46:07.478  [IBN_Login] Requesting realm list ticket
9/24 19:46:07.509  [IBN_Login] Received realm list ticket | code=ERROR_OK (0)
9/24 19:46:07.509  [GlueLogin] Waiting for realm list.
9/24 19:46:07.538  [IBN_Login] Received sub region list | code=ERROR_OK (0)
9/24 19:46:07.538  [IBN_Login] Requesting last played chars | numSubRegions=1
9/24 19:46:07.590  [GlueLogin] Realm list ready.
9/24 19:46:10.285  [IBN_Login] Joining realm | subRegion=2-1-0 | realmAddress=2-1-1
9/24 19:46:10.328  [IBN_Login] OnRealmJoin | code=ERROR_OK (0)
9/24 19:46:31.350  [GlueLogin] Disconnected from WoW | previouslyConnected=false
9/24 19:46:31.350  [IBN_Login] Front disconnecting | connectionId=7
9/24 19:46:31.350  [GlueLogin] Disconnecting from authentication server.
9/24 19:46:31.380  [IBN_Login] Front disconnected | connectionId=7 | result=( | code=ERROR_OK (0) | localizedMessage= | debugMessage=)
9/24 19:46:31.380  [GlueLogin] Disconnected from authentication server.
9/24 19:46:31.380  [IBN_Login] Destroying | isInitialized=true
9/24 19:59:22.836  [IBN_Login] Destroying | isInitialized=false
9/24 19:59:29.375  [IBN_Login] Shutting down

Edited by The Fox
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I build a 335 server, it has 1~2 seconds latency during the game. The net and io all work well. Mysql database access gets slow after I start wow,exe and login the game. I googled it and tried many ways, dont't know where the problem could be.

However maybe once in a week there is no latency at all, but I can't find any pattern. 

My os is win10.

And the latency seem to be worse when I connect to the Internet.

Edited by pegasus
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone.First of all I'd like to apologise if my topic is being repeated somewhere.Personally I couldn't find the same problem on the forums so I decided to post.

So yesterday I compiled freshly new core files,ran the extractors from my World of Warcraft 7.1.0 22908 folder(downloaded via battle.net) and everything ran smoothly.I started bnetserver.exe and worldserver.exe and there were no problems.I patched my wow.exe and wow-64.exe(for some reason the patcher said there's a problem with the 64bit version but I'll deal with this later.For now I'm gonna run my game from the 32 bit).I logged in the game with my user and password and that appeared: >> Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

Note that I've opened my SQLyog>auth>realmlist and I noticed that the build is 22810.I browsed a bit more and saw that some people have solved common issues by changing the build to the exact build of their World of Warcraft.So i changed it to 22908 and the this happened: >> Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4.Any kind of help would be appreciated,really!

P.S. I'm running a Windows 10 64 bit OS.Also I've changed the config in the wow dir to as it's shown in the installation guide.Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there!
So i wanna have 2 realms diff....

I am using one realm for 2.4.3 TBC  which is using ports

8085,3306,3724,7878,3443 i think that's all :D

But i am trying to setup my trinitycore 335.

So i added new ports like -> 8080,3726,7870,3444

But when i try to connect ( OFC TO I EDITED ALL .CONFIG FILES ) 

I really don't know what's wrong i tried a lot of solutions but it doesn't works ... 


TrinityCore rev. 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 (Archived) (Win32, Release) Archived TDB 335.49




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Hi Cyber,

Do you wish to share the same account data over the servers? If so, you have to edit the 'realmlist' table in the authserver's database to include a second line. Mine looks like this:


| id | name    | address        | localAddress | localSubnetMask | port | icon | flag | timezone | allowedSecurityLevel | population | gamebuild |
|  1 | [REALM1] | [EXTERNALIPHERE] |    |   | 8085 |    0 |    2 |        8 |                    0 |          0 |     12340 |
|  2 | [REALM2]  | [EXTERNALIPHERE] | [LOCALIPHERE]    |   | 8086 |    0 |    2 |        8 |                    0 |          0 |     12340 |


As you can see I have 2 realms, one is hosted on the same server that runs the authentication server, and it's reachable on port 8085. The other realm can also be hosted on the same server, but you can also host it on a different server in the network. Do note, it MUST always use a different port if you want to be able to reach it over the Internet. And do setup the firewall to make sure both servers can be reached on their respective ports.

Does this help you on your way?


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I think I know where your problem is.

You want to run multiple worldservers, however, you run (because of the difference in versions) multiple authservers as well, right?

NOTE: I'm not sure if the WoW client is capable of 'finding' the auth server if it's on a different port, but you could test that.

Your problem is as follows:

  • You have 2 authservers running:
  • You have 2 worldservers running:
    • Worldserver 1 is realmID 1 (it has to be, if that server is working) and is configured as such in the realmlist table in the auth DB
    • Worldserver 2 is realmID 2 (in the worldserver.conf), but is configured as realm 1 in the realmlist table in the auth DB for authserver 2

I'm not sure about the compatibility between the 2 versions of trinitycore, but the setup I made in my earlier post *could* still apply, like so:

  • worldserver1 is configured to be realmID 1, runs on port 8085 and these settings are in the reamlist table of authserver 1
  • worldserver2 is configured to be realmID 2, runs on port 8086 and these settings are ALSO put in the realmlist table of authserver1. Exactly like how I posted it earlier.

Nevertheless, always make sure that the following points are checked:

  • Realmlist table contains the SAME values as in the worldserver.conf for:
    • realmID, which would be 1 if you have 1 worldserver (and unique if you have multiple worldservers that share accounts)
    • IP:port, which has to be unique for each worldserver


Edited by Thulium
I made an assumption... Clarified that
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Well u know i tried 
in both auth's i added 

2 realms 

1 for 2.4.3 = builds - 8606

2. 335 = builds - 12340


and the same i did in auth335.. 

even in CONFIG FILES i followed like the 335  and 2.4.3 DB REALM IDS






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If I understand correctly, you can log in on the authserver, but you cannot connect to the worldserver?

Do you run the authserver on the same machine as the worldserver?

If so, you need to be able to do the following:

I make the following assumptions (to help you translate the config to what you need):

  • Authserver and worldservers are on the same machine
  • Server IP:
  • Authserver port: 3724
  • Worldserver3.3.5 port: 8085
  • Worldserver2.4.2 port: 8086
  1. Connect to the on ports: 3724, 8085 and 8086, you can test this with the telnet command (open it in cmd).
    telnet 3724
    telnet 8085
    telnet 8086

    If these commands do NOT result in 'Connection refused', it's working. (I don't know how Windows shows you this, I don't use it that often)
  2. Have the realmlist.wtf file set to that host
  3. In the realmlist table in the DB have the following:
    | id | name    | address        | localAddress | localSubnetMask | port | icon | flag | timezone | allowedSecurityLevel | population | gamebuild |
    |  1 | Worldserver3.3.5 | |    |   | 8085 |    0 |    2 |        8 |                    0 |          0 |     12340 |
    |  2 | Worldserver2.4.2 | |    |   | 8086 |    0 |    2 |        8 |                    0 |          0 |     8606 |
  4. Both realms should appear in your client, however, I do not know if the WoW client will show incompatible realms as online. But you should be able to log in on the compatible version.
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