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  1. TrinityCore branch master rev aa742c8752d35f3d1a216a4a8ac6a4987cc4da7e Compiles and runs fine in both debian amd windows 10. both x64. I am using arctium launcher thingy. when I log in, no matter what settings I put anywhere, I get a we can't log you in with what you just entered. BLZ51900003 I did bnetaccount create test@test test I have tried, when on windows for server and client, and with in all the places... auth.realmlist and in config file LoginREST.ExternalAddress= LoginREST.LocalAddress= it should allow me to connect, but it does not. also, in config.wtf I have: SET portal "" but I have tried ports 8085, 8092, 1119... and nothing. 8092 is what I put for LoginREST.Port though I have tried 8086 etc. if I put a wrong IP in config.wtf, such as it will time out and give me another error, so at least I know it is trying to connect to my server. Here is the connection log: 1/21 10:21:03.351 Connection Initialize 1/21 10:21:12.702 Glue Start Login 1/21 10:21:12.702 BattleNet Attempt Logon 1/21 10:21:12.802 BattleNet Front Disconnected 1/21 10:21:12.802 Glue Fatal Error: 3 1/21 10:21:12.810 BattleNet Defer Disconnect 1/21 10:21:17.145 Connection Destroy I have searched all over this site for 2 days, and all I found was 2 bits of info. first was to add the port in config.wtf and the second was nonsense, something about using 192.168.0.x instead of 192.168.1.x but that doesn't seem like it would be a problem. really don't want to redo my network to test that. I have a TC 335a realm running perfectly fine on my linux machine. I can connect. My friend in Canada can connect (I am in texas) so I know it isn't a firewall thing, especially since my windows firewall is disabled. I can give any information requested, except my passwords, of course
  2. I'm having the exact same issue. I am using Debian 10 (TrinityCore rev. f6094712de2b 2021-05-08) for my server and on Windows 10 I am using WoW 9.0.5 38134 client with the 9.0.5 Custom Server Connection Launcher and it just sits on "Logging in to server game". Under bnetserver.conf and worldserver.conf do you have these settings below? In addition, when you type winver in your Windows run command what version do you have? I am using version 20H2 . bnetserver.conf LoginREST.Port = 8081 LoginREST.ExternalAddress= LoginREST.LocalAddress= LoginREST.TicketDuration=3600 worldserver.conf WorldServerPort = 8085 InstanceServerPort = 8086 BindIP = ""
  3. Literally just solved it. I've changed LoginREST.ExternalAddress=88.xxx.xx.xx from localhost to my actual ip and it worked like a charm. although it was mentioned nowhere that i would need to do that. Might want to update the documentation
  4. Have you set LoginREST.ExternalAddress in bnetserver.conf?
  5. Try setting the LoginREST.LocalAddress to the same IP as you have for LoginREST.ExternalAddress.
  6. im on VPS Yes all is ok i think, i already have 2 server working 3.3.5 and 4.3.4 thats great. if i look all port are open tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN i use 8088 and 8089 because of my 2 other wow server. i tryed many combination with ip or domain name LoginREST.ExternalAddress=with external ip LoginREST.LocalAddress= with loopback or externa ip
  7. Fantastic work! Not sure what is going on - I tried just about everything I could think of. Client does not indicate Trinity - ever. Using - (with 8.2.0 it did indicate trinity, but never able to log in - endless loop). Client matches core. Compiling went great. DB up to date and matches client / core. Great instructions! LAN - client and server on same machine - (Win10). Firewall off. Not internet connected - don't ever plan to be. Get message BLZ...1016 disconnected. -------------------------------- MySQL - two mirror users / db (tried also with just one root user) Realmlist auth table: a.) Local Instance MySQL31, user: root, pass: *****, localhost:3306 '1', 'Trinity', '', '', '', '3306', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '33528', '1', '1' b.) Trinity, User: trinity, pass: trinity, '1', 'Trinity', '', '', '', '3306', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '33528', '1', '1' also tried for both in the auth table: '1', 'Trinity', '', '', '', '8085', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '33528', '1', '1' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Client config.wtf: SET portal "" SET realmList "" ------------------------------------------------------ BNetServer: LoginREST.Port = 8081 LoginREST.ExternalAddress= LoginREST.LocalAddress= LoginREST.TicketDuration=3600 MySQL LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth" (crashed when I tried 8081 or 8085) It looks like it's working: Using configuration file C:/Trinity/Build/bin/RelWithDebInfo/bnetserver.conf. Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1d 10 Sep 2019 (library: OpenSSL 1.1.1d 10 Sep 2019) Using Boost version: 1.66.0 Automatic database updates are disabled for all databases! Opening DatabasePool 'auth'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous connections: 1. MySQL client library: 5.6.47 MySQL server ver: 5.6.47-log Connected to MySQL database at MySQL client library: 5.6.47 MySQL server ver: 5.6.47-log Connected to MySQL database at DatabasePool 'auth' opened successfully. 2 total connections running. Started auth database connection pool. Loading IP Location Database... Login service bound to Added realm "Trinity" at ------------------------------------------------------------------ WorldServer: (I have tried all combinations of this with all of the root\admin and all the port numbers - doing this does crash it completely.) This works: LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth" WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;world" CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;characters" HotfixDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;hotfixes" WorldServerPort = 8085 InstanceServerPort = 8086 BindIP = "" World initialized in 2 minutes 21 seconds TC>TrinityCore rev. unknown 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (Archived branch) (Win64, RelWithDebInfo, Static) (worldserver-daemon) ready... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thoughts?
  8. Hello Zebra,I already had this problem, you have to change all the IP of the table [Auth.realmlist.address and Auth.realmlist.localaddress] for the IP of your server and in [bnetserver.conf: LoginREST.ExternalAddress and LoginREST.LocalAddress] it's at line 77 and 78 +/- Hello A.Stranger You can still use the Arctium launcher [8.2.0.x - Custom Server Connection Launcher macOS.zip] with TrinityCore version 8.2.5 (Master). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonjour Zebra, J'ai eu déjà ce problème, Tu dois changer tout les IP de la table [Auth.realmlist.address et Auth.realmlist.localaddress] pour le IP de ton serveur et dans [bnetserver.conf : LoginREST.ExternalAddress et LoginREST.LocalAddress ] c'est aux ligne 77 et 78 +/- Bonjour A.Stranger,Tu peux toujours utiliser le launcher de Arctium [8.2.0.x - Custom Server Connection Launcher macOS.zip] avec la version 8.2.5(Master) de TrinityCore.
  9. I figured it out. I still had set in a couple of places. I had to change the IP address in the following locations: Database: auth.realmlist.address and auth.realmlist.localaddress to 10.x.y.z bnetserver.conf: LoginREST.ExternalAddress=10.x.y.z LoginREST.LocalAddress=10.x.y.z Client: World of Warcraft\ _retail_\WTF\Config.wtf SET portal "10.x.y.z"
  10. Try this: In your bnetserver.conf LoginREST.ExternalAddress=192.x.x.x LoginREST.LocalAddress=192.x.x.x In the database (realmlist) address 192.x.x.x localAddress And in the client files (WTF/Config.wtf) On your computer with server: SET portal "" Others LAN clients: SET portal "192.x.x.x" That's how I play Lan with my girlfriend
  11. I have found the issue. I needed to apply the same values I had in the realmlist table to the REST fields also. LoginREST.ExternalAddress and LoginREST.LocalAddress I knew it was pretty silly.
  12. Thank for reply ! > There is a sticky post already for this kind of issue I'm sorry. I typed the error code on this forum and didn't found a thread. > are you connecting to the server outside where the server is or inside on the same system where you have the server running? I'm connecting outside. My server is on a VPS. > There is really not much to go off with more information or logs Which log files do you need ? > I bet you are missing the LoginREST external address and local which are not set correctly in your bnetserver conf I already changed LoginREST.ExternalAddress to my VPS server on bnetserver.conf EDIT : I add the logs and config on pastebin. worldserver.conf bnetserver.conf BNet.log Server.log
  13. i'm using master branch and it is stuck in connecting, although its stuck only for 1 of my friends, i've already tested with two friends, and it seems to work with one of them. Client:7.2.5 Ports: 8081 8085 8086 1119 3724 bnetserver.conf: LoginREST.Port = 8081 LoginREST.ExternalAddress=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx LoginREST.LocalAddress=192.168.1.xxx auth.realmlist: address = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx localAddres = 192.168.1.xxx Any suggestion?
  14. LoginREST.ExternalAddress=VPS-IP LoginREST.LocalAddress= <= (is that could be that one who is wrong?) and I open 1119 and 8081, but I put 8087 and 8088 because I already use to make a wotlk sometimes
  15. Any idea for my part? I do LoginREST.ExternalAddress=VPS-IP LoginREST.LocalAddress= but I still get the problem
  16. You need to set the IP in the config file bnetserver.conf this is the reason for the disconnects when using the master branch because of new settings for LoginRest not to mention the new port for master branch port 1119. The ports to be open are 8085, 8086, 1119, 8081. The things to change in the config file are, because I take it you are trying to connect outside where the server is, which even if you are not this should be set to the correct IP's. When you open the ports that I mention you will ensure that the ports are now open for 3.3.5 and for 7.2.0 this way you can connect to either one. LoginREST.ExternalAddress=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx LoginREST.LocalAddress=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  17. Hello, I'm having trouble making the server public. I managed to do it on Windows 7 about 2 years ago (MOP core) but ever since I went Windows 10 I wasn't able to make it work without using services like Hamachi. Now I'm not sure if it's actually Windows 10 that's causing the problem or if I'm just seriously missing something. I'm currently running Legion core 7.1. I am able to connect, but no one else can. When using websites such as canyouseeme.org, port 8085 is visible but 3724 is not. Ports forwarded: TCP & UDP 8085, 3724, 3306, 7878, 3443, 8081 Ports and programs enabled in Firewall, disabling Firewall entirely does not work either. Auth.realmlist: address: neprahines.no-ip.biz localAddress = bnetserver.conf: LoginREST.Port = 8081 LoginREST.ExternalAddress=neprahines.no-ip.biz LoginREST.LocalAddress= Screenshot of bnetserver: Bnetserver.conf:
  18. People are able to connect to the server via the internet without problems. I can not connect to the server via the LAN. In the realmlist i have the following: Address localaddress 96.241.x.x & bnetserver LoginREST.ExternalAddress=96.241.x.x LoginREST.LocalAddress= I'm missing anything here? Issued Solved
  19. Hope to get some help with my login issues... I will give all the details of my installation to see if someone can help me. ////CLIENT//// 7.1.22950 ///COMMIT/// https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/fcbb4397ea5c803b5b46bda770606ae7a79e565f /// COMPILATION STATUS/// Successfully compiled (No error.. bnetserver and worldserver.exe runs fine as intended) /// ACCOUNT/// Account created with .bnetaacount create [email protected] pass /// PATCHING THE CLIENT/// Source compiled with TOOLS and Wow.exe Successfully patched from inside of game directory.. it also generate a tc_bundle.txt file and a Wow_Patched.exe(the one i use to run my client) ///bnetserver.conf/// Defaults values are used LoginREST.Port = 8081 LoginREST.ExternalAddress= LoginREST.LocalAddress= ///Config.WTF/// SET portal "" SET realmlist "" //realmlist table Auth DB/// address and local addres both set to (Running client and server from my own pc) /// CLIENT LOGS// BattleNet.log 11/11 09:42:48.922 [IBN_Login] Starting up | hasFrontInterface=false | hasBackInterface=false 11/11 09:43:06.926 [GlueLogin] Starting login | launcherPortal=nullopt | loginPortal= 11/11 09:43:06.926 [GlueLogin] Resetting 11/11 09:43:06.926 [IBN_Login] Initializing 11/11 09:43:06.926 [IBN_Login] Attempting logon | host= | port=1119 11/11 09:43:06.926 [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response. 11/11 09:43:07.030 [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response. 11/11 09:43:07.039 [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response. 11/11 09:43:07.161 [GlueLogin] Fatal error while logging in | result=( | code=ERROR_HTTP_FAILED (14003) | localizedMessage= | debugMessage=JSON error: ERROR_HTTP_FAILED (14003) token: 1) 11/11 09:43:07.216 [IBN_Login] Front disconnecting | connectionId=1 11/11 09:43:07.216 [GlueLogin] Disconnecting from authentication server. 11/11 09:43:07.216 [IBN_Login] Front disconnected | connectionId=1 | result=( | code=ERROR_OK (0) | localizedMessage= | debugMessage=) 11/11 09:43:07.216 [GlueLogin] Disconnected from authentication server. 11/11 09:43:07.216 [IBN_Login] Destroying | isInitialized=true 11/11 09:43:10.594 [IBN_Login] Destroying | isInitialized=false 11/11 09:43:12.064 [IBN_Login] Shutting down That all the information i think is usefull to solve my problem. When i try to login i get insta desconect with error message... You have been disconnected. (BLZ51914003) Thanks in advance any help will be apreciated.
  20. I'm stuck at "connecting", even if I restart the bnetserver (sometimes i get "you have been disconnected! BLZ51914001") I'm using Linux Ubuntu as server and Mac OS X as client (using wine + wow_patched.exe). Same problem with WoW_Patched.app Same problem with Windows 10 client. Commit: https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/e29494b01dbacda3e28766d41f6f267e4adafe29 server ip: (home server ip) / reignofchaos.ddns.net (external ip) AuthDB -> realmlist (table) -> column "address" == "reignofchaos.ddns.net" AuthDB -> realmlist (table) -> column "localAddress" == "" Is tc_bundle.txt also correct for OS X? http://pastebin.com/FWxQ291M bnetserver.conf has: LoginREST.Port = 8081 LoginREST.ExternalAddress=reignofchaos.ddns.net LoginREST.LocalAddress=
  21. in your debian with root access, you will type ifconfig, so for the sake of this and for testin purpose let's say it's in your bnetserver.conf LoginREST.Port = 8081 LoginREST.ExternalAddress= LoginREST.LocalAddress= In your worldserver.conf make sure BindIP = "" with a software like heidisql, log into the database of your debian box in the Auth database you will find realmlist change the data Localadress to and give me some feedback ! Everything should work. If not show me your Server.log
  22. In your worldserver.conf have you modified the bindaddress ? # # BindIP # Description: Bind world server to IP/hostname. # Default: "" - (Bind to all IPs on the system) and in your bnetserver.conf # # LoginREST.Port # Description: TCP port to reach the REST login method. # Default: 8081 # # LoginREST.ExternalAddress # Description: IP address sent to clients connecting from outside the network where bnetserver runs # Set it to your external IP address # # LoginREST.LocalAddress # Description: IP address sent to clients connecting from inside the network where bnetserver runs # Set it to your local IP address (common 192.168.x.x network) # or leave it at default value if connecting directly to the internet without a router # should be your lan address As stated in the wiki.
  23. Hey guys, I compiled and setup a trinitycore 6.x server a few days ago. The server is running on Archlinux and everything comes up fine. I then downloaded and complied trinitycore 6.x on my window laptop and compile it. I made a copy of my wow directory and update the WTF/Config.wtf file with the portal entry to my server (this is all internal networking, at least atm) and ran the connection_patcher.exe into the wow directory and I can connect fine to my server. The issue comes in when I try and patch the wow version on my desktop. I made a copy of my wow directory there, copied over the connection_patcher.exe and put it in the wow directory. Then did the same steps, updated WTF/Config.wtf with same portal entry. Ran the connection_patcher on wow-64.exe. But this time when I run the wow-64_patched.exe and try to connect I get the "You've been disconnected (BLZ51914003) error. I installed the same VS that I did on my laptop for the dll dependency for the connection patcher. BattleNet.log show: 5/3 09:20:37.875 [IBN_Login] Starting up | hasFrontInterface=false | hasBackInterface=false 5/3 09:20:45.501 [GlueLogin] Starting login | launcherPortal=nullopt | loginPortal= 5/3 09:20:45.501 [GlueLogin] Resetting 5/3 09:20:45.501 [IBN_Login] Initializing 5/3 09:20:45.501 [IBN_Login] Attempting logon | host= | port=1119 5/3 09:20:45.501 [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response. 5/3 09:20:45.595 [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response. 5/3 09:20:45.605 [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response. 5/3 09:20:45.716 [GlueLogin] Fatal error while logging in | result=( | code=ERROR_HTTP_FAILED (14003) | localizedMessage= | debugMessage=JSON error: ERROR_HTTP_FAILED (14003) token: 1) 5/3 09:20:45.716 [IBN_Login] Front disconnecting | connectionId=1 5/3 09:20:45.716 [GlueLogin] Disconnecting from authentication server. 5/3 09:20:45.716 [IBN_Login] Front disconnected | connectionId=1 | result=( | code=ERROR_OK (0) | localizedMessage= | debugMessage=) 5/3 09:20:45.716 [GlueLogin] Disconnected from authentication server. 5/3 09:20:45.716 [IBN_Login] Destroying | isInitialized=true 5/3 09:20:49.956 [IBN_Login] Destroying | isInitialized=false 5/3 09:20:50.476 [IBN_Login] Shutting down bnetserver.conf is set correctly or my laptop wouldn't be able to connect LoginREST.Port = 8081 LoginREST.ExternalAddress= LoginREST.LocalAddress= BindIP = "" And the realmlist is setup correctly mysql> select id,name,address,localAddress,localSubnetMask,port from realmlist; +----+---------+--------------+--------------+-----------------+------+ | id | name | address | localAddress | localSubnetMask | port | +----+---------+--------------+--------------+-----------------+------+ | 1 | Trinity | | | | 8085 | +----+---------+--------------+--------------+-----------------+------+ I'm stumped at this point... I even tried just copying over the wow directory to my desktop but I get the same results. Like I said earlier it's all internal networking so there isn't any DNS or NATing to worry about... Any ideas of where less to look or try? Thanks!
  24. realmlist table: ('1', 'Trinity', '', '', '', '8085', '0', '2', '1', '0', '0', '21355', '2', '1'); bnetserver.conf LoginREST.Port = 8081 LoginREST.ExternalAddress= LoginREST.LocalAddress= config.wtf SET portal "" works for me (TM)
  25. hey guys, got a little problem, can anyone help me? i can join on my own server but my friends cant. They can choose the realm but if they choose them, they get the error WOW51900328. how can i solve this problem? i use hamachi to use tc my ip: my ivp6: DB: address: local address: localsubnetmask: bnet config: LoginREST.Port = 8081 LoginREST.ExternalAddress= LoginREST.LocalAddress=
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