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"unknown column" "missing table" "duplicate column" error / sql problems / SQLDriverLogFile < answer on 1st post of 1st page


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6 hours ago, skipperheartbeat said:

I had a similar one recently. I had previously added something like Monsterheight = 50000 into the worldserver.conf file due to info message in the start log. Removing it fixed it.


So try updating your worldserver.conf file to the latest

worldserver.conf file flags or settings wouldn't have anything to do with a broken database.

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  • 4 months later...

I HATE HATE HATE asking for help. But I'm at a loss. I've wiped the world database numerous times. Tried over and over again to run the auto updates by the book according to TrinityCore standards. But I'm at a loss here. Googling/DuckDuckGo'ing yields nothing.


**EDIT: Forgot system info**


Core-i7 4790

ESXi Hypervisor 6.5

VM: Ubuntu 16.04.3

Kernel: 4.4.0-112-generic #135-Ubuntu (I know LTS, I'll address that later)

gcc:  version 6.3.0 20170519 (Ubuntu/Linaro 6.3.0-18ubuntu2~16.04)



sysadmin@mate-shiva:~/server$ ./worldserver
TrinityCore rev. 4130647bf6bb+ 2018-01-27 16:20:41 +0100 (3.3.5 branch) (Unix, RelWithDebInfo, Static) (worldserver-daemon)
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

 ______                       __
/\__  _\       __          __/\ \__
\/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __
   \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
    \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
     \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
      \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
                                 C O R E  /\___/
http://TrinityCore.org \/__/

Using configuration file /usr/local/etc/worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016)
Using Boost version: 1.63.0
Updating Auth database...
>> The file '2016_10_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_09_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_10_25_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_10_28_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_12_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
Cleanup is disabled! There were  7 dirty files applied to your database, but they are now missing in your source directory!
>> Auth database is up-to-date! Containing 14 new and 26 archived updates.
Updating Character database...
>> The file '2016_10_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_09_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_10_25_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_10_28_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_12_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
Cleanup is disabled! There were  7 dirty files applied to your database, but they are now missing in your source directory!
>> Character database is up-to-date! Containing 14 new and 26 archived updates.
Updating World database...
>> World database is up-to-date! Containing 801 new and 2303 archived updates.
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 31, sql: "SELECT casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience FROM character_aura WHERE guid = ?"
Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 166, sql: "INSERT INTO character_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 425, sql: "INSERT INTO pet_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
Could not prepare statements of the Character database, see log for details.


Edited by Darknation242
Missed some information
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3 hours ago, Darknation242 said:

I HATE HATE HATE asking for help. But I'm at a loss. I've wiped the world database numerous times. Tried over and over again to run the auto updates by the book according to TrinityCore standards. But I'm at a loss here. Googling/DuckDuckGo'ing yields nothing.


**EDIT: Forgot system info**


Core-i7 4790

ESXi Hypervisor 6.5

VM: Ubuntu 16.04.3

Kernel: 4.4.0-112-generic #135-Ubuntu (I know LTS, I'll address that later)

gcc:  version 6.3.0 20170519 (Ubuntu/Linaro 6.3.0-18ubuntu2~16.04)



sysadmin@mate-shiva:~/server$ ./worldserver
TrinityCore rev. 4130647bf6bb+ 2018-01-27 16:20:41 +0100 (3.3.5 branch) (Unix, RelWithDebInfo, Static) (worldserver-daemon)
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

 ______                       __
/\__  _\       __          __/\ \__
\/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __
   \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
    \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
     \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
      \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
                                 C O R E  /\___/
http://TrinityCore.org \/__/

Using configuration file /usr/local/etc/worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016)
Using Boost version: 1.63.0
Updating Auth database...
>> The file '2016_10_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_09_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_10_25_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_10_28_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_12_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
Cleanup is disabled! There were  7 dirty files applied to your database, but they are now missing in your source directory!
>> Auth database is up-to-date! Containing 14 new and 26 archived updates.
Updating Character database...
>> The file '2016_10_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_09_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_10_25_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_10_28_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_12_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
Cleanup is disabled! There were  7 dirty files applied to your database, but they are now missing in your source directory!
>> Character database is up-to-date! Containing 14 new and 26 archived updates.
Updating World database...
>> World database is up-to-date! Containing 801 new and 2303 archived updates.
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 31, sql: "SELECT casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience FROM character_aura WHERE guid = ?"
Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 166, sql: "INSERT INTO character_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 425, sql: "INSERT INTO pet_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
Could not prepare statements of the Character database, see log for details.


Delete the whole repository and clone it again AND don't delete any files on it.

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idk what are you doing, but you don't have proper files on repository.

DBUpdater: Given update include directory "/home/sysadmin/git/3.3.5/sql/updates/auth" does not exist, skipped!
DBUpdater: Given update include directory "/home/sysadmin/git/3.3.5/sql/custom/auth" does not exist, skipped!
DBUpdater: Given update include directory "/home/sysadmin/git/3.3.5/sql/old/3.3.5a/auth" does not exist, skipped!

DBUpdater: Given update include directory "/home/sysadmin/git/3.3.5/sql/updates/world" does not exist, skipped!
DBUpdater: Given update include directory "/home/sysadmin/git/3.3.5/sql/custom/world" does not exist, skipped!
DBUpdater: Given update include directory "/home/sysadmin/git/3.3.5/sql/old/3.3.5a/world" does not exist, skipped!

If it's 1st time install drop all your auth, world and characters database, clone repository again, and re-run compile work following wiki.

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Must be from when I deleted the repo. How embarrassing. This is the output now that I unfucked my mess.

Oh and it's not my first time install. I've been running TrinityCore for about 3 years now, this is just the first time I've gotten stuck and needed assistance.

 ______                       __
/\__  _\       __          __/\ \__
\/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __
   \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
    \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
     \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
      \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
                                 C O R E  /\___/
http://TrinityCore.org \/__/

Using configuration file /usr/local/etc/worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016)
Using Boost version: 1.63.0
Updating Auth database...
>> The file '2016_10_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_09_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_10_25_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_10_28_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_12_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
Cleanup is disabled! There were  7 dirty files applied to your database, but they are now missing in your source directory!
>> Auth database is up-to-date! Containing 14 new and 26 archived updates.
Updating Character database...
>> The file '2016_10_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_09_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_10_25_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_11_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_10_28_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2016_12_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
Cleanup is disabled! There were  7 dirty files applied to your database, but they are now missing in your source directory!
>> Character database is up-to-date! Containing 14 new and 26 archived updates.
Updating World database...
>> Applying update "2018_01_29_00_world.sql" 'E9E0AE0'...
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

>> Applying update "2018_01_29_01_world_335.sql" 'E0C6362'...
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

>> Applied 2 queries. Containing 801 new and 2303 archived updates.
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 31, sql: "SELECT casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience FROM character_aura WHERE guid = ?"
Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 166, sql: "INSERT INTO character_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 425, sql: "INSERT INTO pet_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
Could not prepare statements of the Character database, see log for details.


Edited by Darknation242
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7 hours ago, Darknation242 said:

Tried re compiling, same output as before.  This is an exsisting installation of TC3. It only started doing this recently.

Where are you running the binaries? Did you create a bin directory and place your mmaps, vmaps, etc... in said directory?

I'm just trying to see if you ran everything correctly but just running the binaries in the wrong directory. It can't find your updates directory.  "/home/sysadmin/git/3.3.5/sql/updates/world".


Bottom of doc: https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/10977309/Linux+Core+Installation


It will create the following structure:

<path>/bin/ - binaries will be placed here 
<path>/etc/ - config files will be placed here

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Awesome, thanks for all the help Aokromes and CDawg.

The binaries are located under /home/server the same place I've been running them from for the past two years. As for the configs they are located in the default location /usr/local/etc which as far as I know has been the default config directory for quite some time. Nothing has been moved or relocated. It's the same folder for the binaries and configs I've been using with success for years.

There is one thing I neglected to mention, and I'm sure this will cause follow-up questions but because I'm running all this under an ESXi Hypervisor environment the database is actually located on a seperate install of Ubuntu 16.04.3. All systems are up to date within reason to accomadate TrinityCore.

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I just flushed all the databases and let TrinityCore import everything. Same results.


>> Applying update "2018_01_29_01_world_335.sql" 'E0C6362'...
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

>> Applying update "2018_01_30_00_world.sql" '18F1231'...
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

>> Applying update "2018_01_30_01_world_335.sql" 'FE57CBD'...
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

>> Applied 804 queries. Containing 1 new and 2303 archived updates.
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 31, sql: "SELECT casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience FROM character_aura WHERE guid = ?"
Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 166, sql: "INSERT INTO character_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 425, sql: "INSERT INTO pet_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
Could not prepare statements of the Character database, see log for details.


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On 2/3/2018 at 8:49 AM, Darknation242 said:

Got it. It caused a 6 month roll back on the characters database but it's fixed. I had to manually run the updates.Before anyone asks of course I was backing up the databases, but the most recent ones were corrupted by this issue and I just happened to have an older local copy I could work with.

Ah... It was corrupted.. Iv'e had that before. Fortunately for me, it was only about 5 weeks in a character table, but it took me a whole month to find the issue. I also know how you feel.. sometimes having backups of a DB that is already corrupt just makes things worse :(

Curious.. do you know where it was corrupted? Like a bad row in a table, or just garbage all over the place?

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, the table I'm having trouble with is the characters table. When I run the create script it claims the table already exists. Do I need to backup the data, drop the table, let the create script run then import the data back? I feel like I'm likely missing an update that ran between now and the last time I updated.


For the record this is my log.

"Updating Auth database...
>> Auth database is up-to-date! Containing 8 new and 19 archived updates.
Updating Character database...
>> Character database is up-to-date! Containing 1 new and 22 archived updates.
Updating World database...
>> World database is up-to-date! Containing 155 new and 2303 archived updates.
Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 31, sql: "SELECT casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience FROM character_aura WHERE guid = ?"
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 82, sql: "INSERT IGNORE INTO auctionbidders (id, bidderguid) VALUES (?, ?)"
Table 'characters.auctionbidders' doesn't exist
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 83, sql: "DELETE FROM auctionbidders WHERE id = ?"
Table 'characters.auctionbidders' doesn't exist
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 166, sql: "INSERT INTO character_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 425, sql: "INSERT INTO pet_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
Could not prepare statements of the Character database, see log for details."

Edited by Wronglebowski
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Hello I have done a clear install core and db yesterday. I added the base auth/characters db, TDB_full_735.00_2018_02_19 (world and hotfixes). Auth and characters got autoupdated when i ran the worldserver.exe but I'm getting this error with hotfixes db (log):

In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 46, sql: "SELECT ID, Flags, ClientPrefix, ClientFileString, Name, NameFemale, NameMale, FacialHairCustomization1, FacialHairCustomization2, HairCustomization, CreateScreenFileDataID, SelectScreenFileDataID, MaleCustomizeOffset1, MaleCustomizeOffset2, MaleCustomizeOffset3, FemaleCustomizeOffset1, FemaleCustomizeOffset2, FemaleCustomizeOffset3, LowResScreenFileDataID, FactionID, MaleDisplayID, FemaleDisplayID, ResSicknessSpellID, SplashSoundID, CinematicSequenceID, BaseLanguage, CreatureType, TeamID, RaceRelated, UnalteredVisualRaceID, CharComponentTextureLayoutID, DefaultClassID, NeutralRaceID, ItemAppearanceFrameRaceID, CharComponentTexLayoutHiResID, HighResMaleDisplayID, HighResFemaleDisplayID, Unk1, Unk2, Unk3 FROM chr_races ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'NameMale' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 47, sql: "SELECT ID, Name_lang, NameFemale_lang, NameMale_lang FROM chr_races_locale WHERE locale = ?"
Unknown column 'NameMale_lang' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 158, sql: "SELECT ID, Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, Key5, Key6, Key7, Key8, Key9, Key10, Key11, Key12, Key13, Key14, Key15, Key16, Key17, Key18, Key19, Key20, Key21, Key22, Key23, Key24, Key25, Key26, Key27, Key28, Key29, Key30, Key31, Key32 FROM key_chain ORDER BY ID DESC"
Table 'hotfixes.key_chain' doesn't exist
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 210, sql: "SELECT ID, Name, Script, PrevScriptId, NextScriptId FROM scene_script ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Name' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 214, sql: "SELECT ID, SpellID, RaceMask, SupercedesSpell, SkillLine, MinSkillLineRank, TrivialSkillLineRankHigh, TrivialSkillLineRankLow, UniqueBit, TradeSkillCategoryID, AcquireMethod, NumSkillUps, Unknown703, ClassMask FROM skill_line_ability ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Unknown703' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 216, sql: "SELECT Name, VolumeFloat, MinDistance, DistanceCutoff, VolumeVariationPlus, VolumeVariationMinus, PitchVariationPlus, PitchVariationMinus, PitchAdjust, Flags, SoundEntriesAdvancedID, BusOverwriteID, SoundType, EAXDef, DialogType, Unk700, ID FROM sound_kit ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Name' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 217, sql: "SELECT ID, Name_lang FROM sound_kit_locale WHERE locale = ?"
Table 'hotfixes.sound_kit_locale' doesn't exist
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 220, sql: "SELECT Name, NameSubtext, Description, AuraDescription, MiscID, ID, DescriptionVariablesID FROM spell ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'MiscID' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 233, sql: "SELECT ID, Coefficient, Variance, ResourceCoefficient, SpellEffectID FROM spell_effect_scaling ORDER BY ID DESC"
Table 'hotfixes.spell_effect_scaling' doesn't exist
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 281, sql: "SELECT ID, Flags, TurnSpeed, PitchSpeed, PitchMin, PitchMax, MouseLookOffsetPitch, CameraFadeDistScalarMin, CameraFadeDistScalarMax, CameraPitchOffset, FacingLimitRight, FacingLimitLeft, MsslTrgtTurnLingering, MsslTrgtPitchLingering, MsslTrgtMouseLingering, MsslTrgtEndOpacity, MsslTrgtArcSpeed, MsslTrgtArcRepeat, MsslTrgtArcWidth, MsslTrgtImpactRadius1, MsslTrgtImpactRadius2, MsslTrgtArcTexture, MsslTrgtImpactTexture, MsslTrgtImpactModel1, MsslTrgtImpactModel2, CameraYawOffset, MsslTrgtImpactTexRadius, SeatID1, SeatID2, SeatID3, SeatID4, SeatID5, SeatID6, SeatID7, SeatID8, VehicleUIIndicatorID, PowerDisplayID1, PowerDisplayID2, PowerDisplayID3, FlagsB, UILocomotionType FROM vehicle ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'MsslTrgtTurnLingering' in 'field list'


Dunno if I have missed any update or I did something wrong but I guess that its a issue with the last patch in folder old\7\hotfixes\01_2018_02_19 ,where patch  2018_02_18_00_hotfixes.sql drop "namemale" field and others need and maybe it happens with db world too with the same patch in world.

Any idea? Thanks you.

PS: If the issue is that patch, the TDB_full_735.00_2018_02_19 include that patch too so It would need to revert it too there.

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1 hour ago, Daniel25 said:

Hello I have done a clear install core and db yesterday. I added the base auth/characters db, TDB_full_735.00_2018_02_19 (world and hotfixes). Auth and characters got autoupdated when i ran the worldserver.exe but I'm getting this error with hotfixes db (log):

Dunno if I have missed any update or I did something wrong but I guess that its a issue with the last patch in folder old\7\hotfixes\01_2018_02_19 ,where patch  2018_02_18_00_hotfixes.sql drop "namemale" field and others need and maybe it happens with db world too with the same patch in world.

Any idea? Thanks you.

PS: If the issue is that patch, the TDB_full_735.00_2018_02_19 include that patch too so It would need to revert it too there.

Don't manually import sql files, leave core to do the job.

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3 hours ago, Wronglebowski said:

So, the table I'm having trouble with is the characters table. When I run the create script it claims the table already exists. Do I need to backup the data, drop the table, let the create script run then import the data back? I feel like I'm likely missing an update that ran between now and the last time I updated.

Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list'
Could not prepare statements of the Character database, see log for details."

Don't manually import sql files, leave core to do the job.

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4 hours ago, Aokromes said:

Don't manually import sql files, leave core to do the job.

That's exactly what I did :(

When I "Update" my Trinity core I download the precompiled branch, extract it, deposit in the Trinity Core folder I have. I overwrite all existing files so the new files take precidence. Then I launch core. 

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On 25/2/2018 at 12:02 PM, Aokromes said:

Don't manually import sql files, leave core to do the job.

First time i only added manually base auth/characters and tdb_full hotfixes and world (I have done this several times before, I follow your job since long time ago and I have installed the most of your server versions and everything was ok always this way). Nevermind...

I followed your instructions (dropped every db) and I allowed worldserver.exe to create dbs and update it...same log error... and I didnt import manually any sql file this time....


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    • By Rochet2
      A lot of people have asked how to debug so I made this short guide on how to set up debugging.
      This guide only tells you how to actually set up debugging in TrinityCore on Windows and Linux.
      This will not explain the basics of debugging. You can google those or play around with the debugger to learn.
      Here are a few videos that explain how to actually debug after setting debugging up on visual studio: https://youtu.be/0ebzPwixrJA and linux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCtY--xRUyI

      This guide contains multiple guides. Each list of bullet points is it's own guide.
      Make sure you can run the server normally before trying to debug.

      On Windows before anything you should check these
      - Before debugging or making crashlogs etc. with Visual Studio you must compile the core in "Debug" instead of "Release". You can select this in "Build>Configuration Manager" or at the top of Visual Studio window http://i.imgur.com/5oHd59j.png
      - You also need to move the new pdb files generate by compiling in debug mode on Visual Studio from the compile output folder (bin) to your server folder - these files contain information needed for debugging.
      - It is assumed that Solution Explorer is open. Open it by selecting "View>Solution Explorer" in Visual Studio http://i.imgur.com/hkW6Gk0.png
      -- You may want to click on the Home icon to reset the view on Solution Explorer http://i.imgur.com/N8UPwDh.png
      - You can place breakpoints in Visual Studio editor by right clicking a line of code and selecting "Breakpoint>Insert Breakpoint" http://i.imgur.com/L2TxBVG.png
      - At the top of the window you should see controls for stepping and continuing when you have started to debug.
      - Here is a video showing the basic Visual Studio functionality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijdk4z8-2OI
      Fastest way to debug on windows. This is the easiest way to start up debugging a script.
      - Start the authserver and worldserver normally
      - Open TrinityCore.sln in Visual Studio. This is what you usually open when you want to compile the core
      - In Visual Studio at the top select "Debug>Attach to process...>worldserver.exe" and click "Attach" http://i.imgur.com/jDEI2Hq.png
      - You are now debugging
      The second slower way of debugging on windows. This is useful for debugging something that occurs in the startup of the server.
      - Open TrinityCore.sln in Visual Studio. This is what you usually open when you want to compile the core
      - In solution explorer right click on worldserver and select "Set as StartUp Project" http://i.imgur.com/wvMzeRA.png
      - In solution explorer right click on worldserver and select "Properties" http://i.imgur.com/rTNEF9O.png
      -- In Properties you should go to "Configuration Properties>Debugging" and edit "Working Directory" to point to the server folder. For me this is the default compile folder so I use "$(OutDir)" http://i.imgur.com/aRI29fB.png
      - Start the authserver normally
      - Start the worldserver by selecting "Debug>Start Debugging". The server will start with debugging attached from the beginning http://i.imgur.com/cg1KJNw.png
      - You are now debugging
      Crashlogs on windows. Once you have a way to reproduce a crash you can get a crashlog that can help you resolve it.
      - After compiling the core in "Debug" instead of "Release" start up the worldserver and authserver
      - Reproduce the crash you have
      - In the server folder there is now a folder called Crashes that contains txt and dmp files. http://i.imgur.com/9eQIdql.png
      - You can open the txt files in text editors http://i.imgur.com/EH6R17E.png
      -- At the top of a txt file there is some information about your system and below it there is the Call Stack and below that there are Variables of each part of the call stack
      -- The Call Stack will tell you at the top what was the last function call before crashing and what function calls led to that function call.
      -- Next to the function names there is the file that the function is defined in and the line number the code was executing in that function.
      -- In the Variables section you can inspect variables that were present at each function call.
      -- Based on this information you are often able to see what crashed or get a better view of what you need to inspect more in your code.
      - The dmp file can be opened in Visual Studio
      -- Open TrinityCore.sln in Visual Studio. This is what you usually open when you want to compile the core
      -- Drag and drop the dmp file to Visual Studio
      -- In the window that opens click to "Debug with Native Only" http://i.imgur.com/OgyU2kM.png
      -- In the window popup click "Break" http://i.imgur.com/4jDzqRn.png
      -- You are now in a state like you would have hit a break point in the code or a crash while debugging. You can inspect the call stack and the variables.
      Edit and continue on windows. When debugging this allows you to change the code and without restarting the server apply those changes so they actually work ingame.
      - Open TrinityCore.sln in Visual Studio. This is what you usually open when you want to compile the core
      - In solution explorer right click on worldserver and select "Properties" http://i.imgur.com/rTNEF9O.png
      -- In Properties select "Configuration Properties>Linker>General" and set "Enable Incremental Linking" to "Yes". http://i.imgur.com/caQqwN5.png
      -- In Properties select "Configuration Properties>Linker>Advanced" and set "Image Has Safe Exception Handlers" to "No". http://i.imgur.com/FYzN8Ks.png
      -- In Properties select "Configuration Properties>C/C++>General" and set "Debug Information Format" to "Program Database for Edit And Continue". http://i.imgur.com/pxQ6I8N.png
      - At the top of the window select "Tools>Options". In the Options select "Debugging>General" and in there select "Enable Edit and Continue", "Enable Native Edit and Continue" and "Require source files to exactly match the original version".
      - Compile the server for the changes to take effect.
      - Set up "The second slower way of debugging" (I did not test edit and continue on other configurations)
      - Start the authserver normally
      - Start the worldserver by selecting "Debug>Start Debugging".
      - Try edit a cpp file a little and save it.
      - At top of Visual Studio window select "Debug>Apply Code Changes" and wait until the changes are applied. Warning: it can take considerable amount of time for the changes to be applied. http://i.imgur.com/77pb58E.png
      - If you have issues, be sure to check the error messages in Output. You can view it by selecting "View>Output" http://i.imgur.com/4cIznW9.png
      - This guide was written based on https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/esaeyddf.aspx and https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2015/07/22/c-edit-and-continue-in-visual-studio-2015/
      First we need to compile the server in debug mode.
      - Compile the server with the cmake flag -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

      Debugging on linux. You can debug on linux by using GDB.
      - Here is a good video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCtY--xRUyI
      - Basically you
      -- Start the authserver
      -- Start the worldserver by using "gdb ./worldserver"
      -- Enter breakpoints by using break command on gdb
      -- Use the run command on gdb to start the server
      -- You are now debugging
      - You may also be interested in using VScode or some other more visual debuggers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0xTgyCwsAo
      Crashlogs on linux. Once you have a way to reproduce a crash you can get a crashlog that can help you resolve it.
      - Take crashreport.gdb from /contrib/debugger from source folder and place it to your server folder
      - Start the authserver
      - Start the worldserver by using "gdb -x crashreport.gdb ./worldserver"
      - Reproduce your crash
      - There should be a backtrace.log in your server folder that contains information about the crash like the callstack and variables in each function call in the call stack
      - This guide was written based on https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/master/contrib/debugger/README
      Running valgrind on linux. This helps you find memory errors like invalid reads and writes and memory leaks.
      - Here is a good video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvTsFjDuag8
      - Basically you
      -- Start the authserver
      -- Start the worldserver by using "valgrind ./worldserver"
      -- Run your code that you want to analyze and close the server
      -- The console or an output log should contain the valgrind log
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      `Error loading World\Maps\Expansion01\Expansion01_42_6.adt`

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      Thanks for your help

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      Connected to MySQL database at
      DatabasePool 'auth' opened successfully. 2 total connections running.
      Started auth database connection pool.
      Listening on connections from worldservers on port 1118...
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      Calculate next monthly quest reset time...
      Calculate random battleground reset time...
      Calculate guild limitation(s) reset time...
      Calculate next currency reset time...
      World initialized in 0 minutes 13 seconds
      TrinityCore rev. d0c7bbab40bc 2020-05-06 00:01:21 +0200 (master branch) (Win64, RelWithDebInfo, Static) (worldserver-daemon) ready...
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      3.3.5a also have this line as last line in authserver - but 4.3.4 is not giving me this one.
      Realmlist table is accurate with right information.
      Anyone know why bnetserver is not starting me realm?
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      I just updated from the latest Git 
      Trinity Core REV. ac6baa547376 + 2020-02-21  3.3.5 Branch.
      I'm getting this error after crash.
      Problem signature:
        Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
        Application Name:    worldserver.exe
        Application Version:
        Application Timestamp:    5e50a462
        Fault Module Name:    StackHash_f12f
        Fault Module Version:    6.3.9600.19629
        Fault Module Timestamp:    5e2fdc0d
        Exception Code:    c0000374
        Exception Offset:    PCH_9E_FROM_ntdll+0x0000000000090D0A
        OS Version:    6.3.9600.
        Locale ID:    1033
        Additional Information 1:    f12f
        Additional Information 2:    f12f0934d3e965f73c68e60f20f2cd40
        Additional Information 3:    7595
        Additional Information 4:    7595e4d8d703db9dcd3d2f6ea540e357
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