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Everything posted by Nay

  1. It's not possible with TC. The versions that are supported are listed in https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/tc/Installation+Guide#InstallationGuide-DevelopmentState
  2. Did you set AIName to 'SmartAI' in creature_template?
  3. This is not a support company. There is no "contact us" or "do X for us". If you have a specific problem, ask in these forums and someone might help.
  4. Ahm... why don't you simply use Git? Updating is a simple `git pull` command...
  5. Commit hash that you compiled and client version?
  6. Hi, welcome. What you want to do is not easy. Basically, you need to import all the SQL updates to the auth database since 4.3.4 up to the latest 6.x branch. Aokromes suggested starting with https://gitlab.com/trinitycore/TrinityCore_434/blob/4.3.4/sql/base/auth_database_conversor_335a_to_434.sql All the passwords need to be reset/recalculated, since their hash is no longer the same.
  7. Your MYSQL_LIBRARY variable in CMake must point to the correct libmysql.lib (32 bits vs 64 bits)
  8. No, empty BOOST_DIR is NOT a problem.
  9. In CMake, make sure that the variable ZMQ_INCLUDE points to C:\Program Files\ZeroMQ 4.0.4\include or similar (place where zmq.h exists).
  10. "Null" where? Because if you are talking about being null in the core I don't know what it means. If you are talking about it being null when inserting to the creature table, then yes, the database gets a new guid for your creature (the guid field has AUTO_INCREMENT). Either way, be careful when you refer to guid because it doesn't mean the same everywhere. Since two or three months ago, I guess, database guids (sometimes "low guid") are quite different from the guids the creatures or gameobjects get when they are spawned and they are no longer linked. A spawn of a creature in two different realms will likely get different "full" guids (just like it happens on official).
  11. VerifiedBuild is not used by the core, at all. Its purpose is to annotate the build where the data was introduced to our DBs (except for custom stuff, all the data in the hotfix DB is from sniffs). I'll let someone else answer the questions regarding the hotfix DB.
  12. Would be great if you could upload the crashlog file. You should be able to find it in the Crashes folder.
  13. Nay


  14. @alfal: see if any of these conditions apply: I can't compile Trinitycore under Linux i get internal compiler error: This can be because multiple reasons: 1) Selinux stronged kernels, workaround change to one standard kernel or compile with clang instead gcc or compile without pch. 2) Low ram/swap memory, increase ram/swap amount. From https://community.trinitycore.org/topic/1518-trouble-with-your-trinity-install-readme-1st-faqs/?do=findComment&comment=47670
  15. Your SQL updater seems fine. Current TDB is 335.60. Don't forget to `git pull origin master` to get recent updates from the repo.
  16. Use 64 bits whenever possible. 32 bits architecture is old and in the process of being deprecated.
  17. http://www.viva64.com/en/k/0002/ What advantages do 64-bit processors have over 32-bit ones?
  18. What happens if you start the executables from the command line console?
  19. @Brlott1: What full DB file are you importing to the DB? @Callmephil: You can change the Zm value for MSVC in https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/3.3.5/cmake/compiler/msvc/settings.cmake#L81 but I doubt it will make any difference.
  20. Anyway, I can't confirm this on 6.x. It never happened to me.
  21. IANAL The license that you pick doesn't really matter. I guess that your plugin falls in the category of fair use, just like a lot of other projects, fan sites and so on.
  22. That's not how you add something to the PATH... GitExtensions is NOT Git. Somewhere (probably C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin) there is a git.exe binary. You need to add that path to the PATH environment variable, after all the others directories that are there already.
  23. Add the folder that has git.exe to your PATH and restart CMake.
  24. I have been using IRCCloud (desktop/Android/iOS) and it's quite great.
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