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Everything posted by Nay

  1. The links are in the readme.
  2. @Kyle18uk Correct the MYSQL_LIBRARY and MYSQL_INCLUDE variables in CMake so that the point to your mysql installation
  3. --- Canned message start --- It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
  4. --- Canned message start --- This thread does not belong in this section in its current form, and should be reposted in the tracker. Please read this thread to make your future help requests more effective. Read This too Search on tracker before posting any bug report. --- Canned message end ---
  5. Because Player inherits Unit -> WorldObject -> WorldLocation -> Position http://trinitycore.github.io/data/symbol.html?root=../codebrowser/&ref=Player#graph Imo this should be composition but due to whatever (old) reasons it's inheritance.
  6. Current 6.x branch supports client 7.0.3 You might be able to have WoD support by checking out tag 6.2.4/21742
  7. No commands needed, it imports new .sql files (or creates the DB if it doesn't exist) automatically on startup if Update.EnableDatabases is set to 7 (https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/3.3.5/src/server/worldserver/worldserver.conf.dist#L1239)
  8. Exactly the way I said it: the full db + importing all the /sql/updates/world files. You can update manually but it's better if you let worldserver do the job.
  9. That is I was trying to explain, it's not feasible atm to sync them daily or immediately. The "absolutely" complete DB is the file you got from releases + all the .sqls in /sql/updates/world.
  10. Find something like Hamachi, Evolve, Tunngle or perhaps a VPN.
  11. Could you post the solution? So that others with the same problem can search in the forums.
  12. https://github.com/tekkub/wow-ui-source/tree/3.3.5 does this help?
  13. There's a lot more than loot in the world DB.
  14. Current world DB content is the last TDB file (TDB_world_full_....sql) file + all the .sql files in /sql/updates/world It's impratical to keep the world DB (and hotfix DB on 6.x) always updated due to its size (unlike character and auth DB base files which are always updated)
  15. It can be done in any language. It just needs to work and be useful
  16. https://github.com/TrinityCore/WowPacketParser (surprise! it's written in C#)
  17. You really need to read our install guide with attention. You don't need Wine, you can (and should) compile the server and tools for OS X. Start at https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/tc/Installation+Guide.
  18. --- Canned message start --- It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
  19. --- Canned message start --- It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
  20. Nobody has been banned in years due to that but, as in everything, use at your own risk.
  21. Very roughly: maps - positioning and height vmaps - line of sight calculations mmaps - movement, proper pathing for creatures dbc and gt - data needed for the server to work (you can browse those files and check yourself, gts are .txt files and you can use DBC Viewer to view dbcs and db2s) The client knows how to draw stuff, the server tells the client what to draw (including what to spawn where, SMSG_UPDATE_OBJECT packets in this case)
  22. --- Canned message start --- It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
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