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Everything posted by Shauren

  1. Generally only major patches get tagged with git tags (on their last commit, before update to the next one), minor hotfix builds do not - your best bet is to look at commit history
  2. Use TDB, not whatever empty db you have there
  3. There is no opcode dumper in https://github.com/Shauren/wow-tools
  4. Unfortunately, it's not. It uses socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); to create its world connection sockets, v4 only
  5. At this point I will say this: post full changes and the crash log to get any more help with this
  6. Yep, that looks correct Oh, how did you create the prepared statement? Did you write it by hand? If yes, then you should use https://github.com/Shauren/WowClientDB2MySQLTableGenerator instead to generate fully correct queries
  7. I said it doesnt use setBool, not prepared statement...
  8. If you are using Visual Studio then recent versions have some sort of bug not properly clearing/recompiling changed files, try fully deleting your build dir and start fresh from cmake None of DB2 code uses PreparedStatementBase::setBool which is why i think you are running into that bug
  9. You cannot have custom race/class combinations with just db edits, potential skill list is taken from playercreateinfo_skill and then filtered with SkillRaceClassInfo.dbc and SkillLineAbility.dbc And editing dbc files isnt something we support
  10. Standard retail client with arctium launcher
  11. bnetserver, just like authserver in the past, doesn't accept console input.
  12. visual studio 2019 did not exist back when 7.3.5 was current, its not compatible
  13. You are supposed to use libmysql.dll from the installation of mysql that cmake found and used to compile I'm using mysql 8 and openssl 1.1.0 just fine
  14. item, item_sparse, item_modified_appearance and hotfix_data tables in hotfix database
  15. No, you cannot. Master branch is on latest 8.3.0 version
  16. Just download the client from battle.net app, even a trial (or "starter" as they call it now) is enough
  17. This table exists only to send sniffed hotfixes for db2 files that are not loaded by TC. You should never try to manually insert data into it. If you really must know - blob is simply the entire db2 row written as binary
  18. No, I don't really care about mac clients, the current build being allowed for mac clients on TC is actually an exception, not a norm, it is the first one since 7.3.5
  19. If you don't have a launcher then no, you need to use windows client
  20. It sounds like you connect both worldservers into the same character database, you need to separate them and share only auth (and world if you dont want to customize anything for only one realm)
  21. You need to use folder name (case sensitive) and version from .toc, timestamp is for cache, just set it to current time
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